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Everything posted by becks

  1. I'm not sure if she was ashamed of her new haircut or just shielding her eyes from the lights in the room so she could have a snooze. The bath seems to have made her coat a lot more reflective then normal!
  2. You've just copied the wrong code - that one's the share one and you want the direct link People can browse through all your photos with that one. Very cute dog! It's the only code that would copy. After several attempts at trying the normal code and something previous being pasted instead, I gave up and went with the one that worked!
  3. Thanks! Would you wear those as a suit or break up with a different colour jacket?
  4. They do grow out of it. Best to have people follow the rule of coming into the house with the weeks shopping with the eggs balanced on top! ie so give the dog a couple of minutes of ignoring and then when the dog is calm and doing theire own thing, take her outside for a quick hello play. One of mine used to do this and now she has the strongest bladder of the lot and can hold on all day if it's raining and she won't go out!
  5. What are you feeding her now?
  6. Looking for a few suggestions on what colours I could wear this year. I will be showing a couple of black and silver dogs (see avatar to give you the idea!) I've been wearing darker colours while showing my pepper/salt dog who will still be shown as well. So what would go? I don't wear bright colours (not in the UK show rings!) and have reddish/blonde hair - so no pink!! MM are you around for suggestions?
  7. It was to cold, wet and windy to go out to take a pic today, so going with the schnauzer theme! This young lady likes to steal my seat at the computer http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y4/snazy2...nt=DSCF0127.jpg Sorry to add it as a link, for some reason it won't let me copy and paste the normal code!!
  8. becks

    Hates His Food

    How old is the pup? How long have you had him? I would for now, leave off with the training/treats for a week and concentrate on getting the pup to eat proper meals, then go back to training.
  9. Is it just a normal lump where the whisker hairs grow out?
  10. OK here are my entries for today (or is that yesterday to you?) The historical way to go shrimping. sadly a car got into shot and it was a bit busy to avoid getting one in somewhere. Looking for a break!
  11. the cleaning bill for my computer is on it's way!! I thought this thread would be safe to look at while having some soup!
  12. I didn't have time to get the camera out today, so just did a quick snap of the road when i got home in the rain again! Road by night
  13. Can't help you with the snow, it doesn't do that often with being on the coast. All I can do is wet and miserable instead!!
  14. The gold statue thing is a water feature/fountain. I will try to go another day when the water is on!!
  15. The last photo is a new 'victorian' (as in the queen not an area of Oz ) water fountain that is a feature of the local park. Typical, being in the week, the water wasn't on!
  16. becks

    Playing Fetch

    As Persphone said, that is just rewarding him for biting your leg! An easy way to play fetch it to have 2 identical toys, so when pup brings back the first toy, you are already busy playing with the spare toy - this makes your toy the best one to have and he will drop the one he has. Then you throw the one you have and do the exchange while he is chasing your toy. In time you can encorage him to give you the first toy instead of just dropping it. Tug is a great game, in moderation. I don't let the dog get to excited while playing it and always end it with a few 'drop it' and 'take it'. Ending the game while the pup is still keen for it to continue. Be careful not to pull to much as you don't want to damage the growing jaw or misalign the teeth. BTW. cockers are great dogs. Mine was a black and white bitch whose favourite game was to drop a tennis ball infront of the lawn mower as she knew we would have to throw the ball out of the way to continue mowing.
  17. Depends how bad the problem is. You can have good results with the 1% shampoo, but better and quicker results with the 3%. With a cairn with the correct texture coat, I wouldn't use a conditioner.
  18. Just a thought, have a think about what brush you are using. A brush that is a bit rough on the skin or if you brush onto the skin to much can dry out the skin and cause flakes.
  19. Do you mind a late entry into the thread? I thought I would add 3 photos as a way of catch up. Weather For Ducks The Observatory Love It or Loathe It?
  20. I'm inclined occasionally to take a contract out on a schnauzer owner for stuffing up the beard or eyebrows! Ideally, go and do some work experience at a salon (offer to bath on a saturday) and see for yourself the downsides to the job..... back breaking work, dogs who are difficult to work with, the mess from hair - is that something you would want in your house??? You then should learn from someone who knows how to groom and go along to shows to see what the show dogs of that breed look like, so you can appreciate how the breed should look and what to aim for with a pet trim version
  21. One of my giants has spondylosis, her x-ray showed she has bone growth from just behind her withers to the end of her tail (thankfully that was docked as a pup, as it is now fused into a fixed position, high enough to still allow her to toilet). The main thing with this condition is to stop any impacts, like jumping of high surfaces. don't try to get the dog to twist or bend as this is something they become unable to do as the joints become fused. High vitamin A diets can cause this (lots of liver for eg) or it can be genetic, it is seen a lot in Boxers. My dog is not in any pain with it, so has no need for any supplements.
  22. Some pups seem to go through a phase of this, however bathing with Groomers Evening Primrose Oil shampoo does really help as it puts moisture into the skin.
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