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Everything posted by aliwake

  1. Thanks TWTG - good to know that it really isn't anything to worry about (other than extremely poor timing!)
  2. Thanks TSD - psyllium husks were one ingredient I discovered was in his puppy food, but not his adult food, so I suspect that it would help quite a bit. I've been meaning to to try it, so might need to get some asap.
  3. Thanks Pers, he's on our bed as more of an exception, than a rule and usually just for a cuddle/nap - never overnight. If my doona comes up ok after the wash then I'll be able to laugh about it and move on! I suspect he will not be invited up again anytime soon though :) Maybe a waterproof picnic rug might be a good failsafe though next time we relent... either that or he'll get booted as soon as he starts licking anything!!
  4. Thanks for that suggestion, I'll check it out! He does get bones every 2 or 3 days, but maybe I need to make it an every day thing.
  5. I'm glad I gave you a giggle anyway :) That's really interesting about food allergies causing trouble for your girl, thank you! We're still searching for an adult food I'm really happy with, and I'm just about to switch to a new grain free one (hopefully in the next day or so if it gets delivered soon!). The vet actually said something similar when I was there last time about the anal glands (suggested a mild food intolerance), but to be honest he didn't sound like he was that convinced given my boy is a slightly overweight very healthy looking lab. Will just keep an eye on it I guess. And I think he's lost bed privileges for quite some time!!
  6. Well, the short story is, Nixon is allowed on our bed occasionally - usually the day I'm planning on changing the sheets anyway, because I'm actually allergic to him and can't handle having dog hair everywhere where I'm trying to sleep. Anyway, we were all having a nice afternoon nap yesterday (on our bed). When he woke up, he went to town licking and grooming (as he does) - I kept telling him to knock it off, cos it was annoying but he just kept on licking and licking and licking his butt. I got up to turn on the oven and by the time I got back there was a big wet patch and it was pretty clear from the smell it was anal gland fluid - gross! It was all over my down quilt which isn't meant to be washed, but guess what - it went straight in the washing machine!! :) Anyway, apart from the hilarious anecdote, is that a normal sort of thing to happen? Does he need to see the vet, or should he just be all fine and dandy now he's relieved things for himself? I wrote in another thread a little while ago that he'd been scooting, so I took him to the vet to get his anal glands checked. The vet said they weren't unusually large at the time, in fact he couldn't even find one of them, and only expressed the other one a little bit.
  7. Have you looked at the listings with registered breeders here on DOL? There are a couple ready to go now, including one priced at $1200 - all from registered breeders... Even with the cost of transportation it will be a big saving for a much better dog! http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/puppies/pomeranian.asp
  8. OMG how scary! You must be feeling very rattled. Thank goodness there were some lovely people there to help you, and that Bunter is doing ok. Hope he's home with you again soon.
  9. do you have a link anniek? I'm on the look-out for a new underwater camera too :)
  10. For anyone that's interested, Earthborn now have a large breed grain free food available. It does have chicken though... I'm keen to give it a try when we finish our current bag of food. I think there is also a new Earthborn weight management variety too.
  11. Sounds like a wonderful outcome - I'm so pleased for you!
  12. Have you looked at mature dogs listed here? http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/mature/labrador-retriever.asp I hope you find something that suits soon. I've been reading and sympathising from afar - I can't imagine losing my 18month old boy
  13. Interesting article. Hopefully they also do more than just survey people who admit they're being abused. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/like-pet-like-partner-links-between-animal-abuse-and-domestic-violence-20140817-10546p.html#ixzz3AhnJwXER
  14. Wow - some great pics there! Love the digging one, and the staffy with sand on his nose the most :)
  15. I'm pretty sure I've seen some on ebay in the past
  16. Well, there was no bum scooting (that i've seen) since our visit to the vet a week and a half ago, but this morning there was scooting I haven't changed diet at all - might try adding some psyllium husks to his yoghurt until I finish this bag of food. Can't hurt surely.
  17. Oh, they're having so much fun! I'm so jealous! Must find a way to get Nix to the snow one day. Gus looks like he didn't stop smiling :)
  18. It says the dog trailer was being towed by a car, so I think it's more likely the man in the car was transporting his own dogs? I would think a transport company would use trucks, not cars and trailers? Hopefully that may mean your dogs are safe lillypilly. Sounds like it was a terrible accident
  19. Most of the tapewormers are pretty generic I think. I've used Popantel tapeworm and Virbac. they both have the same active ingredient though. I usually get it from the vet so I can just buy the exact dosage for his weight every 3 months.
  20. I think the worming ingredient is the same, but the flea treatment is different. The Panoramis is definitely effective. My dog just hates the taste of it, and for a large dog the size of it is huge. I have to mash it up and give him smaller pieces in peanut butter. He can sniff it out in yoghurt and eats around it...
  21. I'm using Panoramis, and was thinking of switching to Sentinel, so I wouldn't have to treat for tapeworm separately, but my vet said the same thing about fleas so I think I'll be sticking with Panoramis. Just need to find a way to get it down his throat more reliably.
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