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Everything posted by Bushriver

  1. Does anyone know what causes this bent ear?
  2. Just lost 10 eggs to a toddler with 4 Labradors!!
  3. I have four children and I think each one as a toddler has had a pup around. As you are always nearby when they are together, I would let them interact naturally but step in and correct puppy as soon as you see any sign of jumping or mouthing. I do this in the form of a two fingered tap on the nose as strong as is required to get the pup to stop. I don't seperate the two, but try to explain what's happening to the toddler, remain with them until both are calm then move away again. Repeat as many times as necessary. I find this way the two learn to be together and pup learns how and how not to play with children. I also correct any bumping into or pushing I front of little people. Of course rewarding good behaviour as well.
  4. Eeeepppp. So excited. New baby in a few weeks. Then off showing we go (hopefully).
  5. Dr Richardson in Perth. She was very good and emailed results the same day she received X-rays.
  6. Just thought I'd update. I had the scores redone and there was a significant difference. Makes me wonder how accurate these tests are?
  7. I feed my dogs and pups raw eggs, shell and all about once a week or when we have plenty of excess from the chooks. They may sneak the occasional one or two from my toddler when she decides to check for eggs. It's very funny. They all know to follow only her when she heads to the chook pen as she prefers to feed them to the dogs rather than bring them back to the house!
  8. I am lucky that we are on a big farm and all dog walking is within our property. Would your other dogs not bring home anything they had picked up anyway? I think that if mum has vaccinated and is healthy and pups are healthy they should be covered for most things from the immunity they get from her?
  9. This is what worked for me; Find the "type" and line that you like. Research that further for health problems etc. Find breeders with those lines. Contact and start communication with all that interest you. Some will reply, others won't. If you are open and honest you will find someone willing to help and mentor you. Be prepared to wait and pay for what you want. I find breeders respond best when you provide more detail about yourself, your interests and dog experience.
  10. How did you know??!!???? I've hear Rawlingson is good but he number I have for him is not working. Does anyone have his contact details?
  11. Is there a process to get a second opinion on hip scores? I sent X-rays away to be scored, the results came back ok but then they sent another revised copy with slightly changed scores. I feel like I would like a second opinion as that doesn't seem right to me?
  12. Thanks everyone. I changed her kibble (complete raw feeding is not possible for us) and also added in a few of the suggested snacks. She is looking really well now and I'm happy with her condition. She also seems to have settled a lot within herself and is much calmer which is also helping with her not burning nervous energy.
  13. Don't forget there are many "purebred" breeders that are not doing the right thing. Just because their dogs have papers doesn't mean they were raised well. I'm all for purebreds, but if registered breeders can't be monitored there is very little chance of cross bred breeders being regulated. We can only hope that puppy buyers are encouraged to do more research and look into where their pup is coming from, whatever the breed or cross breed they decide on.
  14. I'm looking a beginning showing my pup next year, but am a complete beginner. Can anyone recommend a good Labrador show to go to to have a look and see how things work? I'm in WA and live a couple of hours from Perth so I won't get to too many but would love to give it a try.
  15. We have dam water but not sandy soil, where I'd put them is a bit gravelly though? The ones I've seen come with stuff to add to them so I don't know how much $ that adds up to over time.
  16. Does anyone use or has anyone tried a dog septic system where a plastic container is buried and waste is put in and supposed to compost into the ground. Sounds good in theory, but wondering if they actual work?
  17. I have a friend in WA who shows her bitch and with the help of her breeder friends is having her first litter soon. I don't know all the details but If you want to PM me I could pass on your details?
  18. What would you think of a hip score of 2:12? He assures me the high score was due to injury. None of the others in the line have high scores including her parents, grandparents or her previous pups that have been tested.
  19. Just to clear things up, I don't think he meant that genetics weren't important at all. At one point he did state that the parents could be nut cases and your pup would still turn out alright if raised properly. Then did go on to describe the parents temperaments a little and they sounded lovely. I don't wish to bash this breeder either, I was just looking for opinions on the genetics behind temperament. I'm sure if I was to question further I would get more information from him as he was happy to chat.
  20. I don't think he was trying to hide anything but I got the impression he just didn't think it was important. He was so confident in his lines that it was a non issue perhaps? Temperament however is every bit as important to me as looks.
  21. I was speaking to a breeder today about one of his upcoming litters. As far as I know he is a well respected breeder with dogs with impressive pedigrees. When I came to ask about he temperament of the parents, his comment was that it didn't matter at all as a pup will only grow up depending on how it is raised in its human home. While I agree that the raising and training of the pup is very important, I also feel temperament and trainability are at least somewhat inherited?? Thoughts??
  22. Just wondering if they are good quality? They are the cheapest I have found so far for the type I'm looking for. I would be making a 3hr trip to Perth to pick them up so it would be nice to know they are as they appear on their website.
  23. Have been looking at Spot on pet panels. Has anyone had any experience with them?
  24. Just had a beautiful litter of yellow labs born early this morning at Bushriver.
  25. I'm in the process of designing our outdoor dog runs. What would you recommend? Looking at the welded panels vs the chain link mesh. Pens would be 3x3m joining onto a large 9x5m run. Any feedback appreciated.
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