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4 Paws

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Everything posted by 4 Paws

  1. Airdogs do similar things.I've brought a couple of things from them http://airdogs.com.au/xcart/home.php?cat=2...on=0&page=2
  2. I don't buy the pre made patties because I heard they contain grains and I don't feed grains to my dogs. I spoke with Dr Billinghurst many years ago when I first started feeding BARF and took his advice re supplements. Have also added a few of my own. I bought the pre made patties (when I could - they are banned in Tas) and they definitely don't contain grains. They are as per the Dr B books - ground bone, offal, veg, fruit & supplements. Wow,whats in them to get them banned??
  3. anti-histimines can help(polaramine etc)ring your vet for recommended dosage
  4. man,i'd be needing my gps for finding my way around there!!Congratulations
  5. when i used to feed barf i've used supplements from here,can get seperate ones or they make up a mixed vit supplement http://www.callicoma.com.au/supplem1.htm
  6. Spitting treats from your mouth is a great way to get your dog focused on your face,not your hands. Just make sure you use fresh treats,i like cabanossi and agree with BC,cheese does get a bit claggy.You don't need to fill your mouth with treats at the start,just pop them in when the dogs not looking
  7. Product details here ,Australian made http://www.pawzazzpetz.com.au/gpage2.html
  8. just depends on your location as obviously there's postage involved so you need to be located within the state of the online shop to get reasonable delivery costs Maybe if you could post where you're located and brand of food you're interested in
  9. I use a variety of things; Roast chicken Cooked chicken breast Sausages Steak Cheese Devon - or variations of Smackos Liver treats The first four items are basically leftovers from human meals - no meat product in our house goes to waste. Bear. I do much the same,i also just cut it up and freeze it and when i'm going to do some training just get it out of freezer and in half and hour its defrosted,usually breaks up easily too oh and cabanossi is great if you're going to be spitting treats from your mouth :rolleyes:
  10. Morgan-did you get the sample from a supplier/shop?
  11. I would be interested in the RRP. IF my dogs would eat it? Periau,have you tried a sample of the Nutro yet??
  12. Haven't tried it but have seen a brochure about it.Just comes in a puppy,adult ,light and allergy sensitive varieties How much is the RRP for a bag??
  13. I had a very fussy gsd who was underweight and i used to hand feed sometimes to get her to eat until i got her onto Nutro Lamb & Rice.Now i'm going to have to cut her back a bit as shes put on a bit too much weight
  14. I recently brought a hydrobaths australia auto fill model. Well it actually turned out to be a 2 year old model when i brought it from Petbarn,so nothing to do with Hydrobaths Aust ,it was a petbarn problem for letting stock sit around.Anyway,Jose from Hydrobaths Aust was shocked that it was still sitting on the floor at Petbarn and gave me my warrantly from the date i actually brought it,he was very good to deal with. I don't have the thing to stop the heater burning out but after this morning i wish i had.I have mine outside under a pergola and usually leave water in the sealed unit but for some reason i let it out last time i used it.This morning i hook power up,turn heater on and for some reason after about a minute i took the cover off to see it was going and discovered no water in there and flames starting to come out of it.Luckliy i was able to put water in there straight away and it still works fine so i'd say that the extra would probably be worth it Will you be using it just for home use or business?
  15. Take a look at K9 Force Pinned topic at the top of the training section-Triangle of Temptation I had a german shepherd who gave very little eye contact but after doing Steves suggestions i now get great eye contact,it will also help in your overall leadership with your dog looking more to you for guidance Good Luck
  16. The regular ones have a buckle and a slide.The buckle is really just for putting it on and than you use the slide for getting correct neck adjustment. The leather ones just have the buckle with various holes for getting correct fit which i like more especially if you're putting on and removing collars a fair bit
  17. as t-time suggested,the combs that have the rotating teeth are great.They kind of roll through the matt rather than trying to rip through it.I've sold heaps to clients through my dog grooming business when they see them in action
  18. The leather ones i sell just have a buckle for adjustment with some holes,no slider
  19. When i first looked into these collars they said they use very similar chains to herm sprengers
  20. Ever tried a Dremel?? Maybe he would let you use it on his nails
  21. They said the new design webbing one has a lot more adjustment in it so the smaller one will fit sm-md and than the next size does md-xlg sizes
  22. Here's there regular leather Vasquez one i sell And the one they can custom make for those who prefer the triangle chain It's really just personal preference but i'm selling more traingle chain than the regular one at the moment. They sell an awfull lot of the webbing ones to training clubs
  23. I've actually been selling there leather one for the last few months on my website and use them on my gsd's with no problems.Just like a check chain you need to make sure they are put on the right way otherwise they don't release properly They also custom make me the ones with the traditional traingle chains for those who prefer it i seem to sell quite a few of those ones as people are more used to them Reddog21,is it the new fabric you're talking about with no buckle,had a look at it this morning,i much prefer the new fabric over the other one they've been using,however my preference is the leather and thats what i push as i love having the buckle for adjustment rather than a slide especially for hairy dogs
  24. Are they an A5 Blade? Definately give Colin a email,he'll be able to point you in the right direction if he can't help you
  25. One of my gsd's had a very similar problem.Scratching used to drive me crazy,went on for around 18months.Off to vets and put her on Macrolone which controlled it but never stopped it.Wanted to get off the drugs and did try antihistimanes for a while. Scratching has completely stopped now and i have put it down to going onto Nutro Lamb and Rice.She also no longer smells.She used to smell with a day of having a bath but now thats stopped as well Good Luck Julie
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