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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. You won't annoy my Maeby :) They are so similiar aren't they! It will be lovely to have one from the same lines
  2. Haha yes Brooke, luckily I'm used to how DOL can be and have a very thick skin. Given the discussions I have had I think the chances f something not working out would hinge upon the bitch not falling pregnant, etc. Having seen the results of previous half sibling litters from the dog and bitch to be bred and the results of the pair in question as well the breeder has high hopes for this pairing and I have no reason to doubt his feelings that there should be some very good show potential pups to be had.
  3. haha, the pitfalls of owning a relatively uncommon breed I guess. I had two people ask me yesterday if Josie was a 'sausage dog'(meaning dachshund) X beagle
  4. Yes that's what it comes down to. We've decided on the lines we want and we'll wait if necessary. I find things have a way of working themselves out in the end.
  5. Like I said, we've already been waiting quite a few years and we are prepared to continue to wait. We've already declined a pup offered from this breeder despite desperately wanting it because we knew the timing wasn't quite right. We've been offered one from this planned litter but in truth the timing is a little early for us even later this year/early next year but we would have made it work. So if she misses it won't matter, we won't be disappointed, we'll just wait a little longer and things will just fall in to place when they do :) (I'm very hard to disappoint LOL)
  6. Oh they are gorgeous babies! This is baby Josephine. It was only when looking back at her baby photos not long ago that I realised how black she was as a pup, the regular tris do tend to fade out a lot as they grow. If you look at her in my sig you wouldn't know it was the same dog Plus they are funny, she used to trip over her ears about every third step LOL
  7. Naw, she sounds gorgeous LG! I used to have a lab/mastiff mix so I love a boofer puppy and brindle ones are pretty cute
  8. No worries, I hadn't come across them much but the girl we were hoping to take on a while back(things didn't work out so i do know it goes that way sometimes!) was a black blanket so i became aware of them then. Wasn't a huge fan to start with but they've really grown on me now.
  9. Yes :) Infact that first one looks very similiar to one of the girls out of the bitch to be breds previous litter. The first one would be called a black blanket tricolour, referring to a tricolour with a large proportion of black across the back
  10. Haha, yes that's it, the last one he offered us was over well 12 months ago, I could have had my puppy by now but decided to responsible
  11. What's your problem WIW? If you don't like the thread just don't read it. I thought others might share similiar things regarding puppies they are planning for or maybe people might just, shock horror, SMILE. But we wouldn't want anyone smiling on DOL would we?
  12. In his words, "There could be some very promising puppies in this litter, especially if you like tricolours" I know who the parents are to be and they are both stunning tris :)
  13. Could be sooner, could be longer. He'll breed her on her next heat, which actually may even be in 4 months or so.
  14. Gosh, when you say it like that, 8 or 9 months. It's like being pregnant LOL (I remember how long that dragged on for!)
  15. Nothing is set in stone of course but we were offered one from the last litter and declined as the timing wasn't right and once again we have been contacted to see if we would be keen for one from this planned litter. :) So as long as everything goes well with the litter we should be OK :) And as he knows we are be very patient so if something happens and she doesn't fall or whatever then he knows we will wait for the next litter how ever long that may be :)
  16. It is hoped it will be show potential but I'm actually not that interested in showing, will campaign the dog as I think that's what the breeder would like but I'm more interested in training for trailing so if he's no good as a show dog in the end it doesn't matter :)
  17. My next puppy isn't even conceived yet, nor will it be most likely for at least another 6 months or so. but every day, usually more than once I spend much time contemplating my new pup, what's s/he'll look like, how I'll train and whether we will get the boy we are hoping for. I feel like I'm clucky for a new baby :laugh: Figure this is the only place I can really share my irrational need for my new puppy that doesn't exist yet without sounding like a total weirdo LOL. Most people I know in real life would just tell me to look in the paper and buy one but i keep explaining to them why I won't do that!
  18. Sorry guys I'm feeling a bit raw after dealing with a wildlife on roads situation yesterday that could have been better dealt with by the person that caused it. I thought she had pulled off th road, not stopped in the lane
  19. What an odd situation. I suppose that when someone else had a crash as a result of trying to swerve to avoid the ducklings they would have had to charge the ducklings with negligence too?
  20. It's simple really, Australians are a bunch of lazy slang talkers so it stands to reason that we would call the breed that was named for our country the shortest version we could get away with. No one want to mess with Germany though!
  21. Hopefully now that she is convicted the dog can be found a nice home
  22. I don't think anyone was saying they weren't grateful for the work the Leema does. I think they were feeling a little slighted by the implication that the large proportion of breeders that will assist in whatever way they can are being lumped in to the same group as the unhelpful ones that leema has experienced.
  23. They're pretty. Lovely country too, are you out near Bulla somewhere?
  24. When every pet shop and BYB breeder is also required to take back every dog they breed/sell then I will expect the same of every registered breeder. If I bred a litter of a breed that lived for 15 years and ten years later moved overseas how could i possibly be expected to take back a dog from that litter if the need arose? Life's not always simple. I do know that recently when there was one of my breed in the pound up here I was talking to 5 or 6 breeders to work out options for him. Thankfully he was adopted from the pound but he had plenty of options available to him from those 'good for nothing' breeders if he needed help!
  25. If it's infrequent maybe something outside unsettling him, wind or something like that
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