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Everything posted by jbbb

  1. What a clever girl that Divani is! And so pretty, too!
  2. Damnit I thought this was coming up much later in the year! When are you guys arriving? It would be great to catch up!
  3. The Gold Coast is a pretty large area, but if it's the south end there is a puppy kinder run by Righteous Pups at PetStock in Tweed Heads. 112-140 Minjungbal Drive Tweed Heads South Phone: 07 5524 1355 I'm the trainer! ETA: I love bull breeds!!
  4. I taught my girl to scratch on the door. Works well, but I have no flyscreen left on my door! Have been thinking about changing her over to a bell for quite a while, but havent actually found a bell to buy yet! Maybe I should install a door bell at paw height!
  5. I want to get an ET with Flame. She was entered last year and I came down with a really nasty flu, so we didnt go. Now I'm way up north, though, I'll have to check out when Qld does theirs.... EFS
  6. jbbb


    Kaffy, I am so so sorry. Unfortunately accidents happen. RIP little man. Hugs to you.
  7. Rainy - Bark Busters is a franchise, just like Donut King. You dont need to know anything about dogs to buy the franchise. I'm not saying they're all bad - I have no practical experience with them, but I think you should be aware that you dont even have to like dogs to be a Bark Busters trainer....
  8. Check chains are not supposed to choke a dog! A quick 'pop' on the chain and the dog stops pulling and walks nicely beside you. I would much prefer to use a check chain on a dog that pulls and teach it not to pull, than have a dog that chokes itself constantly on a flat collar. Like most training tools, check chains can be great if they are used correctly on the right dog.
  9. Woo hoo! You dont half look happy in that first photo!! Well done and what a way to start! Now you just have to keep up the good work! :wink:
  10. Flame is allergic to Advantix - she came up in hives and was lethargic and unwell for a few days afterwards. So now I spray her with Permoxin - no ticks so far!
  11. Oh no, Sammy. I am so so sorry to hear your news. Run free little man.
  12. I just saw this Puggles. I am really sorry to hear about Miss Mollie. Big hugs to you and also hugs to her new owners who lost the newest member of their family. Run free Miss Mollie.
  13. Animals do what makes survival easier. If they find a way to do something that is simpler or easier, they will do it that way. In regards to training, if they discover that doing something a particular way means they get food or attention (both necessary for dogs in packs) then they will continue to do it that way. They may try to do it another way to see if they get a better result, but if they dont get a better result they will do it the way they know. But animals learn in the wild without punishment from humans.... IMO punishment is a human concept - animals think in consequences.
  14. Oh no! So sorry to hear of your loss CC. Chopper will be missed by us. He was a beautiful boy. RIP Chopper. Steph says she is really sorry as well. She is speechless. We are both in shock. Hugs to you and your family.
  15. Today Steph noticed that Bam's lip had changed colour. It is usually all browny colour, but on his left side his lip seems to be pink. The pink area seems to have increased in size and the colour has become a bit darker. Any ideas on what it could be? Change in diet? (food and/or water?). Alergy to a plant? Allergy to Flame? Allergy to me???? Could he have grazed it? It doesnt seem to be causing him any discomfort, and is quite happy to let Steph poke him in the lip, as long as he's not half asleep! Is Steph being a worry-wart?
  16. jbbb

    Cutting Nails

    One thing I found really helpful was to cut them every couple of days and follow with their favorite treat (the only time they get the treat). They soon learn that enduring the nail cutting means good stuff, and they dont mind it. I cut Flame's nails this morning - I pulled out the clippers and she jumped up on the lounge, lay down and stuck her paws out at me - cant get much better than that!! :rolleyes:
  17. I grew up with cocker spaniels and they were fantastic dogs for me as a kid. They did what I wanted, didnt mind being dressed up (in bikie gear!! ), and pretty much allowed you to do anything with them. One in particular was my best friend growing up. Congratulations on researching before you buy. And whatever you choose, make sure you check the tempraments of the parents/grandparents etc. Good luck in your search!
  18. Flame came up in hives all over her body the day after I put Advantix on her. I contacted Bayer and they sent me a trial pack of Advance and I've been using that since (it doesnt cover ticks though). Apparently some dogs are allergic to different things (just like humans). If you contact Bayer, I'm sure they'll give you some more info.
  19. jbbb


    Horus, I just got back from Melbourne (we missed you!) and found this thread. I am so, so sorry to hear what has happened. I hope that Ellie is making a speedy recovery. Hugs to you Ellie and Toby.
  20. Peachie, we had a bit of an emergency and ended up at Asquith Vets for stitching. They were extremely good with Flame and seemed to know their dobermans and their specific issues with vWD etc. Although I only went there once I would definitely go back again if I was in that area.
  21. I hope Flash recovers from surgery too (and that you recover from the shock!). I hope Flash beats the cancer lives a long, healthy and happy life. Hugs to you all.
  22. One of Rubeedoo's dogs was let out of her yard by someone and was hit by a car. Ruby had one of her front legs amputated. She is now a happy 3-legged dog. Her only problem is that she had to learn how to take corners! But she quickly mastered that, and does not seem to miss the leg. Man, she's a great dog! ETA: They tried corrective surgery on Ruby's leg, but when they started the op they found that the bone was basically pulverised - there was no other option for Ruby.
  23. Hi All, would love to join you, but unfortunately I dont think it's going to be possible.... Have fun!
  24. Well, yesterday Flame was barking at a fly on a window, so I grabbed my clicker and treats and decided to try and teach her to speak. Flame: bark Me: click and treat Flame: puzzled look on face Flame: distracted by fly buzzing bark Me: click and treat After 3 repititions she started experimenting with barking and totally forgot about the fly! So then I added the word speak and the handmovement of opening and closing my hand before she barked. I walked out of the bedroom (where the fly was). Flame followed, and we ended up near the camera, so I flicked it on and here is Flame learning to 'speak'. This is probably about the 10th repitition: So then she started barking without me giving the command and I totally ignored her. A few moments later I gave the command and clicked and treated when she barked. A couple of turns of this and she knows she wont get a treat if I havent commanded her to speak. All in all, it took maybe 5 or 10 minutes, and she has learnt a new trick! Man, I love Flame! She is so damn intelligent!
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