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Herr Rottweiler

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Everything posted by Herr Rottweiler

  1. My most important point is Results and natural ability. That's what I look for when I have my say on who should be part of ADT.
  2. All you girls will get a good smacked bum if you give me a hard time
  3. I think it's a little cheaper than other courses :wink:
  4. Hey if I get a few more payers I could afford a better hat
  5. Hi Anne, There's allready been a lot of good feedback from the guys in here so i'm going to be short and sweet in my response. The NDTF course will be the best thing that you have ever done in relation to learning to become a professional trainer. If you get half way through the course and aren't overwhelmed by how much involment there really is in dog training I will eat my hat. Trust me, you'l have a ball.
  6. I have a Springer at home which I've used a lot a few years ago. They are good bet you still have to learn how to ride with them.
  7. When I first joined ADT, (1992) the course I had chosen to undertake then cost me in excess of $1000. At first I thought it was expensive and unaffordable and i was better off going back to the non profit school I trained my German Shepherd at. I'm glad I didn't and IMHO, it was the BEST $1000+ I have ever invested. Boyd Hooper who is my current Boss and very good friend is arguably one of the best in his field, especially in canine pshychology. When I look back at the cruddy little, one eyed schools I went to before I joined ADT I have a good laugh. I believe I learned more in a year with ADT than I did in 5 years of some of the "other" schools. Naturally, I was so impressed with ADT that I did the NDTF course and bacame an instructor. At the end of 1993 I was working full time for ADT and over the many years I have worked for them I have signed 1000's of new members. I and my fellow instructors aren't paid commision by joining members, we do it because we believe in the system and we know it works. As many others have said in this thread, "You get what you pay for" If it's budget training you want, please don't consider ADT. We have a list of some finest dog trainers in Australia and some fantastic new talent emerging. This is ADT's 20th year of Professional Dog Training in Australia. We'll be around for quite some time and our doors are always open to any dog with any issue. Good thread guys :D
  8. :D Keep up the good work Anne. It's great to hear how passionate you are about your dog and his training. A lot of people go to training because they feel they have to rather than wanting to be there.
  9. True but this Dobe has been more destructive and a bigger pain in the bum than all the Rotties I have owned put together. He is perfect when I'm about but the moment i'm gone WHAMO! :rolleyes: Rotties and pugs are such great dogs
  10. My OH has a Dobe! He wreaks anything he can get his mouth on. People told me i was mad getting a pug because they are stubbon and difficult to train. I would own 10 pugs any day versus 1 Doberman. I looked into getting a dobe about 16 years ago until i spent some time with one. Get a border collie
  11. So .... all the things I say about you HR have been a waste of time? (sorry, couldn't help myself) What like..."Oh Herr, you're simply the best! May I grovel at your feet?" Nah, that's not a waste. You may grovel
  12. Hey YB, glad I could help I believe that if I let all the things people said about me really get at me then i'd be in a pshyc ward now "Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be" George Sheehan
  13. Gamin who is now 11 years old and is only a small Rotty female was reveared in her dayas a Security dog. Some of the hard core trainers used to laugh at me and her when I'd bring her onto the field because she is only 35 kilo. ;) Funniy thing was after they saw her stopping power on one poor decoy there were a few red faces and not many volunteers to go next. She was an awsome little bitch in her day and even at 11 she has fire in her belly but she's a very loveable, generous little bitch that I've been proud to have her in my life.
  14. Haven, it's been my experience that that word "club" stands for, gathering of nutters. I'm yet to be a member of a club that isn't ruined by politics
  15. Use what works Annie. Keep her favourite toy in your pocket in the event that she changes her mind. A trainingcentre is full of stimuli for a lot of the newer dogs so it might be very distracting for her at the moment. Also try some diffesnt styles of foods, such as Don skinless franks etc.
  16. Hi Kitty! It was nice to meet you and Minx the other day at training. Hope you had a nice day as it was a sensational day to train
  17. Good post Erny. I have PM'd back and forth with Axel which will hopefully assist her with her ALPHA issue. Zia, I probably should appolgise. I'm having a frustarting couple of days and work and I re read my post which appeared a little arrogant This is a public forum and everyone is entitled to their say
  18. Fair enough. I'm just surprised that someone who claims to know would offer that as an explanation.
  19. Not in the mood! What does that have to do with it? A dog must do what it's owner commands in any situation. If the dog is clearly disobeying known commands then there are serious issues to follow, especially with a 22 month old entire German Shepherd Male. This is not a healthy relationship for any domestic dog and owner to be in. With my dogs, I say jump and well, you know the rest. That doesn't mean that they are terrified of me, they love every moment we are together. My position in the pack is clear in their mind. I'm the Alpha and I call the shots. This is where Axel's problems are stemming from. The position for Alpha is not clear so she is being challenged by her dog at present.
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