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Everything posted by shellbyville

  1. Just had a look at your puppies on facebook GN, they are gorgeous. Your girl does look so much like my girl Daisy! She looks very content, if not a little tired in the photos.
  2. So sorry for the loss of your little ones 'Got Nuthin." It sounds like it was a huge ordeal for you, mum and pups. Glad the rest are doing fine. All over 500g is a lot for a dog to carry and so sorry to hear it is her first and last litter. My girl is getting huge and is very uncomfortable although can still jump on to the bed I have set up in the whelping room for when I sleep in there, which will be in a night or 2 as she is due on Saturday. Temp is still normal, no drop, although by the size of her I expect she will go on time or even a bit earlier. She had a bit of creamy very pale yellow/green discharge (only a smear) last night, I have never noticed this before in my other girls, should I be worried? I am ringing the vet this morning when they open, otherwise she is normal, happy, eating, just waddling around.
  3. Congratulations choc_bordercollie. So glad everything went well after such a bad start! It seems my girl is getting bigger everytime I look at her. I have started to take her temperature, she is due next Saturday. She loves the whelping box now, after quite a long time of looking at it funny, but I have put some nice soft bedding in there and she thinks she is the queen! It has been 16 months since my last litter, so I am getting excited and a tad nervous, even though I have helped my girls whelp 5 litters I am still nervous. This is Daisy's first litter so hoping all goes well.
  4. So sorry to hear about the loss of your puppies. My girl is due on the 16th and I know I would be devastated if this happened. So glad the mum is fine and hope you can both recover quickly.
  5. I have a litter of labrador retrievers due on the 16th April...9 days and counting down. She is huge and waddling around now!
  6. Congratulations on 10! Wow, great effort by your girl!
  7. My girl is now in week 7. She is getting very large and quite uncomfortable. She crawled under the car the other day and got stuck we had to jack the car up so she could get out!!!! She hasn't done that again, thank goodness. Here is her belly shot:
  8. I post my puppy packs in boxes. It does work out a bit more expensive, but I like to send everything the new owner will need to get them started, like food, a blanket that has the litters smell on it, toys, collar & lead, bowl and the puppy folder! Last time I had to post 5, it did cost me quite a bit, but I know how appreciative the new owners were. Also most had children and the kids were so excited to get a parcel in the mail for their new puppy, which would follow in about 2 weeks time.
  9. I have a litter of lab puppies due in a few weeks and I have had preferences for sex and colour. This time most who have inquired want yellow girls, one wants a black girl and I finally have one inquiry for a black boy! Last litter over a year ago, I had the majority of inquires for yellow boys! You just can't seem to pick it with labs!
  10. I think Bernese babies are the cutest...here is my girl, followed very closely by lab puppies.
  11. I have a litter of labrador puppies due around the 18th April. Confirmed by ultrasound yesterday.
  12. Very sensible approach, and exactly how I would expect a responsible, ethical and sensible breeder to reply to such an email!
  13. My vet usually injects on the side rib area as well.
  14. unpardonable sin wages of sin mortal sin sin cos tan (if your a mathematician) original sin sinless fulla sin salvation from sin sin no more sinful sinchronised (synchronised) sinergy (synergy) sinopsis (synopsis) Just saw some of these have already been suggested.
  15. This is only slightly off the topic, but I just came home from the vets with one of my labs. There was a girl in there with a little lab puppy (I asked her was it a lab, as it was quite small and a bit snipey nosed, so wasn't sure if it was purebred or not.) She assured me it was a purebred lab. I asked was it registered, she didn't actually know what that meant, but no it isn't. I asked her if she would mind telling me how much she paid for the little guy. $600 and then she went on to tell me she bought him to mate with her other black lab she has at home!!! I am a registered breeder of labs and I sell my puppies for not much more than what she paid for her little guy! I health test my labs, hips/elbows, eyes, DNA test for PRA etc and sell them with a comprehensive puppy pack (food, bowl, collar, lead, toys, Pedigree certificate, Vacc/microchipped, Copies of all health testing, a lifelong interest in the pup and more!) This is what I have a problem with...people cashing in on indiscrimate breeding of my beloved breed. I live in a small town and there are about 5 people that I know of who breed labs (unregistered) one of them lives not far from me. I don't really agree with the lab/poodle cross but I would prefer someone buy a labradoodle from a reputable breeder that cares about the health of their dogs and pups, doing health testing, than these indiscrimate so called breeders.
  16. Here you go. 9/10 people ask if she is a labradoodle, the rest ask if she's an Irish Water Spaniel. Maybe only 1 or 2 people have gotten it right, but those have always been other poodle owners as a scruffy puppy shaved, and still mistaken for a doodle in-between Being asked doesn't bother me, people are polite about it and I just tell them she's a standard poodle I agree poodlemum, so just reminding everyone of how gorgeous the original standard poodle is - Absolutely adorable, and because I can I have added a photo of one of my gorgeous labs, along with lovemesideways beautiful black lab! I also don't understand why you would want to muck around with either of these gorgeous breeds! Just my opinion!
  17. Recognised by whom? (or who?) Also, I don't think that is the sole or only criteria otherwise the Mini Foxy and others I mentioned in an earlier post would be recognised by now if 'recognised' means by the ANKC. The Mini Foxie is recognised.....they're now called TT's. When most of the MF clubs were wanting ANKC recognition they were told 'not under the name of MF so change it'......which is what they did. They also had to keep their own registry ...and breeders had to breed 5?7? generations true to type before they could be reciognised. They did this and now the breed is recognised. Those, clubs and fanciers who chose to stay with the name MF ........are not recognised. It such a shame the whole lot didn't come on board under the name TT.......as there are some lovely MF bloodlines that are now lost to the gene pool of TT's. As to labradoodles...they're cross breeds made purely to make money. Now you and I both know that this is a point of contention amongst the TT breeders and the MF breeders. I don't plan on entering into the debate in that regard, however, they are recognised by both groups as separate breeds and they have separate registries accordingly. As for your other flippant statement, that's all it is. Flippant and factless. I meant not recognised by the ANKC, I was only stating what I heard from someone, as far as not being recognised by the ANKC because they have not been bred for a certain number of generations 'true to type.' Not an expert and not claiming to be one on this subject. Just adding my 2 cents worth...not entering into the debate on TT's & MF's as I know nothing at all on that topic. Also edited to add I am not against the development of new breeds if done correctly and ethically, but just think that if you are going to breed something it has to be true to type. If someone wants a non-shedding dog they need to know that it won't shed, whereas I don't think all labradoodles are non-shedding, and that is just one issue with this cross breed in particular!
  18. I was under the impression that for a breed to be 'recognised' it must produce True to type for a certain number of generations, I thought 5, but could be wrong, just going by what I was told by someone, somewhere! With the 'labradoodle' this has not happened, there are just too many variations in conformation, coat and temperament from litter to litter and variations within the same litter apparently.
  19. It sounds like the puppy preschool is just very badly run and I would be looking for another or like others have said find a good obedience club and some nice calm dogs to socialise with. I take my puppies to a very well run puppy preschool run at a vets, run by a vet nurse. We let dogs of similar size or personality off to play with each other usually only 2 or 3 at a time, while the other pups are kept on lead and in control. Sometimes a big pup will be let off with a little one if it is a gentle or timid pup, it works well and by the end of the 4 weeks all puppies are usually very social with each other and the shy, timid ones come out of their shell as it is a safe environment and controlled! Our PP also gives us samples of lots of things...food (yes it is Hills, but is not pushed on to us at all!) We do get a small bag of it though to sample if we like! We also get a wormer, heartwormer, flea control spot on etc, plus lots of other goodies!!! I find it good value and a lot of fun for people and pups alike. We are off to Graduation this Wednesday night...fun!! Just wanted to share as a lot of people have a negative take on Vet run Puppy preschools, but just want to let you know there are some really good ones.
  20. I can understand your disappointment in the reaction of the parents. However I have a daughter who is now 24, but has always had a fear of cats and small dogs. She has never, ever had a bad experience with either and has had this fear for as long as i can remember. She is OK with dogs & cats that she knows, but has an unreasonable fear of cats & especially small dogs that she doesn't know. She has tried to manage it and does to an extent, but it is a genuine fear. So I can kind of understand the kids reaction if they have that same fear. My daughter would not have got in a lift with a cat or small dog, even in someone's arms. Unreasonable, I know, but nevertheless a genuine fear! As her parent though I would have just said she has a phobia of small dogs...not stared at you as though you were the enemy...although I love dogs! I sometimes get frustrated with people when I take my young dogs out for socialisation, which is to meet as many different types of people as possible and find that people either take a wide birth or just walk past totally disinterested. I find it hard to understand because I cannot resist approaching someone and asking if I can pat their dog, especially a puppy. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy and have been taking her into town for socialisation as we live out of town on property. She is absolutely adorable and I think irresistible, and some people definitely approach and want to meet her, but others could not care less and even look a little disgusted as they walk past. We are all different and not everyone loves dogs as much as we do!!! I think just forget the experience, and enjoy your puppy and hang out with people who also like dogs. Which is why I now show my dogs, just to be amongst likeminded people.
  21. Such a cute puppy. I have just gone through the same with my Bernese puppy. She was terrible at biting and mouthing, especially when grooming her. I just kept lots of toys on hand and kept sticking them in her mouth..along with saying 'uh uh'. When she got to about 12 weeks though, she was doing much better and now at 16 weeks, hardly mouths at all and will stand and be groomed really well.
  22. I have a Bernese puppy and the breeder gave me a comprehensive diet guide, so the breeder of your friends puppy would be best to ask, and hopefully they would have already given a diet sheet when they sold the puppy. However if they don't have the support of the breeder of her puppy, I can tell you what I feed mine, who is 16 weeks old. I feed a premium quality dry food formulated especially for a large breed puppy, along with the dry food I feed her a chicken wing each day, & once or twice a week sardines in oil or Raw meaty bones. I also add to her dry food a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of natural yoghurt each day.
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