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Vaccination Costs


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Thanks Cavandra :laugh:

Do you know what the cost is? is it more than having the vaccinations?

It is more expensive than the Vaccination (approx $120), but the people who choose to do Titers dont worry about the cost as they are doing it for their peace of mind that the dog is covered and will not require a potentially harmful shot for no reason....They are also issued with proof their dog is covered for those places like Boarding kennels & Training Clubs that still insist on seeing a Vaccination card!

If you would like to read up on the dangers of Vaccines & what damage unneccessary annual vaccines do to our animals you can read alot on my site www.geocities.com/cavgold just go to "Vaccines" I have many articles from various people /experts in the field :o

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Thanks Cavandra, I shall certainly go and have a read :laugh:

Re the costs, I just can't justify spending $200 per dog (I have three) to do the test and then find out that they needed to have their vaccination......

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i think it all depends on what you are getting for your money...what is included in the health screen? the GP vet i currently work for charges 87$, but that's for a c7, includes at least a half hour check and chat, and will do a urine screen at no charge as well! another good friend vet charges 55$ for a c3-c5, does a really throrough check up too, at least half an hour of chat and exam.

alot depends on the type of vaccine you need & want, but if you are getting quality one on one time with a good vet, and you know your pet is being looked after thoroughly, who cares what it costs?

as for the kennel cough vacc, i personally don't opt for it, but that's because my dogs don't board. you do have the right to say yay or nay to what levels of vaccination you want for your dog. titres are becoming more popular in australia, but the cost is usually more than a vaccine....you have to weigh your pro's and con's.

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Extremely exorbitant prices quoted here for something that is is completely unnecessary :laugh:

Why would anyone want to vaccinate a dog that's already vaccinated is beyond me.

When dog are vaccinated yearly it does not enhance the immune system it actually depresses it.

I dont actually want too, but as i go to a dog club which requires dogs to be vaccinated i have too.

The 3 yearly one isnt exactly 'proper' in some peoples eyes so i would have had trouble with that if i didnt go to someone who agrees with me.

For dog clubs in Victoria to be affiliated with Dogs Victoria, it is a requirement that dogs be C5 vaccinated. I am unsure of how to actually change this to include titre testing.

I agree though with whoever said it, Australia is very behind in regards to vaccinations and the damage they do.

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Gee this has been an eye opener. I had absolutely no idea yearly vaccs were not needed. We do just because I didn't know better and got the yearly reminder from our vet. Far out!

Off the topic, sort of, but do you think my horses wouldn't need their yearly vaccs too? Just a thought!

:cry: BTW, yearly is $66.20 where I am, just checked the invoices.

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but that's for a c7, is total over kill unless you live in a high risk area.

agree though with whoever said it, Australia is very behind in regards to vaccinations and the damage they do.

Yes but very few people will titre test so the reulst is people who either dont vaccinate at all or have no idea there dog isnt covered & then it doesnt take long for the diseases to rear again.

Tetanus was rampant in a country town last year why,because no one vacc.

We do yearly & in over 20 plus years have never had issues,whelping,pregnancy etc etcNever ever had a dog react,some pups we sold did but they went against our advice & had C7 plus the yearly heartworm

The people who seem to have major issues are the ones who also now use the heartworm & often get it done on the same day or vets who use C7 in areas that dont need it.

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but that's for a c7, is total over kill unless you live in a high risk area.

agree though with whoever said it, Australia is very behind in regards to vaccinations and the damage they do.

Yes but very few people will titre test so the reulst is people who either dont vaccinate at all or have no idea there dog isnt covered & then it doesnt take long for the diseases to rear again.

Tetanus was rampant in a country town last year why,because no one vacc.

We do yearly & in over 20 plus years have never had issues,whelping,pregnancy etc etcNever ever had a dog react,some pups we sold did but they went against our advice & had C7 plus the yearly heartworm

The people who seem to have major issues are the ones who also now use the heartworm & often get it done on the same day or vets who use C7 in areas that dont need it.

You are so lucky to not have your dogs suffer all the degenerative diseases caused by yearly vaccinations. Things like Arthritis, Cancers, skin diseases/allergies, seizures, auto immune disorders, aggression, early aging etc..........Most dogs I see always start to detrioriate early from about 5y/o when they have been hit yearly, it is only dogs that are not vaccinated much that I find are adequetly healthy & living long lives without a drama.

What I would like to know is what would happen to a human if they were injected annually with Tetnus or some other vaccine that lasts a minimum of 8-10 years in the system??? I dont spose anybody has volunteered their lives to be used as a guinea pig LOL.............We all know that poerfectly normal babies have become "autistic" after havign their compulsory immunizations!!!!!

It is each to their own of course, but I personally get quite worried about associating with over vaccinated dogs, as they are the ones that contract the very diseases they are over vaccinated for, due to their immune system being so inundated. It is always the over vaccinated & the dogs that have never ever had a vaccination past the age of 12 months that will get the diseases.

The only dogs I have seen with Kennel Cough are dogs that were annually vaccinated with C5's LOL....Unless their has been an outbreak reported in the last couple of years there had not been any reported cases in Australia of Distemper for 30 years prior.

The annual Heartworm shot is a horror, there is a letter from Wyeth who manufactures this Proheart 12 drug on my website. It clearly states that Proheart 12 is NOT to be given routinely, it was only ever designed for extreme cases where the owner could not administer any other form of heartworm to their dog.........Proheart 6 was removed from use in various Countries many years ago, that was only a 6 month shot used in USA etc, and the manufacturer clearly states in the letter that Proheart 12 which is used in Australia is actually THREE times the doseage of the banned product Proheart 6.............HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!......................

Things will change soon in Australia after Dr Jean Dodds has lectured here next year, anyone who is anyone should attend & get up to speed on Vaccinations, as they most certainly are not just a benign thing to routinely adminsiter any old time.........Trouble is of course Vets will have to put up their prices for everything else to compensate for such a loss of income, but then our dogs will be so healthy they will hardly need to go to a Vet LOL..........Processed diets & vaccines are the problem in probably 90% of our dogs.........



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It really pays to conduct some independent research IMO. I have no problem with vaccinating my dogs. I have one recently diagnosed with epilepsy and from all the research I've done, I don't believe it was caused by her being vaccinated. I have another dog with skin allergies that she's had since we adopted her aged 6 mths and again, I don't believe that vaccination has caused that problem. I have a dog with a slipped disc in her neck, and surely that is also not caused by vaccination but please cavandra, if you believe I'm wrong, I'd love to see that independent research. :mad

BTW - allergies are treated with herbals from Robert McDowell; neck is treated ATM with fish oil and glucosamine; epi is treated with phenobarbitone b/c I'm not stuffing around with seizures. :mad

BTW - our new vet here in Darwin advocates C3 given on a three-yearly basis. He says only to give the two KC IF a kennel or club insists upon it. And he doesn't advocate the Lepto vax at all despite us being in a lepto-prone area unless the dog/s are routinely exercised in swamps or are hunting dogs that are in the bush without the handler close by.

BTW - I don't believe in 'over-medicating' either myself or my dogs, and I equally don't believe in taking unecessary risks with THEIR health as they rely on me to keep them safe, well and happy. :mad

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The only dogs I have seen with Kennel Cough are dogs that were annually vaccinated with C5's LOL....Unless their has been an outbreak reported in the last couple of years there had not been any reported cases in Australia of Distemper for 30 years prior.

There was a Distemper outbreak here in the Greyhound fraternity in country Vic just last year. :mad We got a memo.

Things will change soon in Australia after Dr Jean Dodds has lectured here next year, anyone who is anyone should attend & get up to speed on Vaccinations, as they most certainly are not just a benign thing to routinely adminsiter any old time.........Trouble is of course Vets will have to put up their prices for everything else to compensate for such a loss of income, but then our dogs will be so healthy they will hardly need to go to a Vet LOL..........Processed diets & vaccines are the problem in probably 90% of our dogs.........



Do you have the details for this? Rego forms and such, or can you let us know when you have the details by putting up a thread in health?


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YES I most certainly will post the details of Jean Dodds visit and lectures, but I do know it will be originally in SA......I am hoping that there will be other lectures in otehr States nthough, or else her trip is really wasted, as ALL Vets need to go & learn

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It really pays to conduct some independent research IMO. I have no problem with vaccinating my dogs. I have one recently diagnosed with epilepsy and from all the research I've done, I don't believe it was caused by her being vaccinated. I have another dog with skin allergies that she's had since we adopted her aged 6 mths and again, I don't believe that vaccination has caused that problem. I have a dog with a slipped disc in her neck, and surely that is also not caused by vaccination but please cavandra, if you believe I'm wrong, I'd love to see that independent research. :mad

BTW - allergies are treated with herbals from Robert McDowell; neck is treated ATM with fish oil and glucosamine; epi is treated with phenobarbitone b/c I'm not stuffing around with seizures. :mad

BTW - our new vet here in Darwin advocates C3 given on a three-yearly basis. He says only to give the two KC IF a kennel or club insists upon it. And he doesn't advocate the Lepto vax at all despite us being in a lepto-prone area unless the dog/s are routinely exercised in swamps or are hunting dogs that are in the bush without the handler close by.

BTW - I don't believe in 'over-medicating' either myself or my dogs, and I equally don't believe in taking unecessary risks with THEIR health as they rely on me to keep them safe, well and happy. :(

Please do not waste my time, I am not interested in your dogs slipped disc, it is probably from poor breeding/construction :mad , I only mean to inform those who are Vet brain washed & actually care about their animals, to search for themselves & understand what they are doing, if you feel your own dogs health is not compromised, then knock yourself out just keep jabbing them............BTW the vaccination that is given 3 yearly is no revelation, it is the "compromise" vaccine from the Drug company to shut everyone up from sueing them for false advertising from all these years of insisting of uneccessary Yearly vaccinating, the 3 yearly vaccine is EXACTLY what you have always given your dogs annually!!!!!!!! There is no rocket science in what your new Vet has told you...........Do some reading, it is all there for you, your Vet is no expert in immunology they are a sheep following what drug companies tell them they must do for insurance reasons..........

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I have vaccinated yearly with all my dogs,my dog that passed last was 16 and never suffered from anything, my current dog who is 8yrs old is also extremely healthy also vaccinated yearly,I do care about my animals, I read one of the articles it says vaccinating can make your dog aggresive for a week or itchy,I run a rescue group and have probably had 200 dogs go through so far never had either happen we must be lucky :mad

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I have vaccinated yearly with all my dogs,my dog that passed last was 16 and never suffered from anything, my current dog who is 8yrs old is also extremely healthy also vaccinated yearly,I do care about my animals, I read one of the articles it says vaccinating can make your dog aggresive for a week or itchy,I run a rescue group and have probably had 200 dogs go through so far never had either happen we must be lucky :mad

I am wondering what the life expectancy was for your 16 year old dog? If we are talking about Chihuahua's then they used to live past 20y/o.........Many of the old Tibetan breeds also used to live up to 30 y/o.........I knew someone who had a 27y/o Tibetan Spaniel :mad But even these breeds rarely make those ages anymore..........Why are our long lived Breeds life expectancy reducing? Human life expectancies have risen with technology & Medicine, why are our dogs going down???

I am not sure about turning a dog aggressive for a week, I dont think I have noticed that , only that reactions can occur in the 3 months after having been vaccinated, and aggression is one of them, but it becomes a long term change, due to vaccinations causing brain problems like encephalitis.

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No she was a dobermann so their goes that theory she lived past her life expectancy,I will continue and shorten my dogs lives........One of our adopters also has a very healthy 16 yr old G shep also vaccinated yearly, I can name many more so why didnt these dogs die early or have diseases or aggression issues if this is the case, that we are poisoning them???

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I'm with you Cavandra.

I'm on another forum - nznaturaldogs - Jean Dodds visited NZ last year and opened a lot of peoples eyes and minds (including vets) with regards to thyroid issues and vaccinations.

That is great news ;)

A friend of mine was in touch with Jean Dodds recently, not knowing whether she would recieve a reply or not, but she did get a very polite & prompt reply to her questions :party: Something she is now also suggesting from research results is that Heartworm only needs to be given every 45 days using the normal 'monthly' drugs that are meant only for heartworm, not things like Intercepta that do multiple things...........

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It really pays to conduct some independent research IMO. I have no problem with vaccinating my dogs. I have one recently diagnosed with epilepsy and from all the research I've done, I don't believe it was caused by her being vaccinated. I have another dog with skin allergies that she's had since we adopted her aged 6 mths and again, I don't believe that vaccination has caused that problem. I have a dog with a slipped disc in her neck, and surely that is also not caused by vaccination but please cavandra, if you believe I'm wrong, I'd love to see that independent research. :laugh:

BTW - allergies are treated with herbals from Robert McDowell; neck is treated ATM with fish oil and glucosamine; epi is treated with phenobarbitone b/c I'm not stuffing around with seizures. :rofl:

BTW - our new vet here in Darwin advocates C3 given on a three-yearly basis. He says only to give the two KC IF a kennel or club insists upon it. And he doesn't advocate the Lepto vax at all despite us being in a lepto-prone area unless the dog/s are routinely exercised in swamps or are hunting dogs that are in the bush without the handler close by.

BTW - I don't believe in 'over-medicating' either myself or my dogs, and I equally don't believe in taking unecessary risks with THEIR health as they rely on me to keep them safe, well and happy. :rofl:

Please do not waste my time, I am not interested in your dogs slipped disc, it is probably from poor breeding/construction :p , I only mean to inform those who are Vet brain washed & actually care about their animals, to search for themselves & understand what they are doing, if you feel your own dogs health is not compromised, then knock yourself out just keep jabbing them............BTW the vaccination that is given 3 yearly is no revelation, it is the "compromise" vaccine from the Drug company to shut everyone up from sueing them for false advertising from all these years of insisting of uneccessary Yearly vaccinating, the 3 yearly vaccine is EXACTLY what you have always given your dogs annually!!!!!!!! There is no rocket science in what your new Vet has told you...........Do some reading, it is all there for you, your Vet is no expert in immunology they are a sheep following what drug companies tell them they must do for insurance reasons..........

I agree with cavandra. I assure all reading this thread, that was has been told is true.

I am quite happy for you all to spend your hard earned money at the vets on vacinations

but I do feel for your pets. I know many of you like me have been brought up on the traditional yearly vacination, but it is not necessary. I think it is time we drew breath and gave this more thought. Remember........we thought the earth was flat once.

sorry for the spelling but spell check just died.

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I would truley love to not have to vaccinate my dog yearly, but unfortunately we are members of a dog club that require a yearly vaccination.

To the best of my knowledge they wouldn't accept titre testing. They are affiliated with the VCA.

Do I have any options at this point?

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I would truley love to not have to vaccinate my dog yearly, but unfortunately we are members of a dog club that require a yearly vaccination.

To the best of my knowledge they wouldn't accept titre testing. They are affiliated with the VCA.

Do I have any options at this point?

I feel for you Roxys mum, as it is so frustrating to be cornered!

The thing is that there are probably quite a number of dogs at training that have always had yearly vaccinations that actually have NO immunity. There are quite a number of dogs that can never get immunity from vaccinations, they simply dont work on the dog whatsoever..........Of course without Titers we dont know just how many dogs there are that fall into that category, they therefore are high risk at getting the diseases.........Titer results in other words mean much more than a Vaccination card, as it is PROOF the dog is covered :p

Basically having a vaccination means nothing, especially if it has been given at the wrong time initially, which is virtually every pup in Australia, as they are routinely given their first shot at 6 weeks, this has been proven by titer that these do not work at that age, so most puppies that have had their full set of puppy shots at dog training classes, are actually high risk dogs to get diseases as they have no immunity ...........A Vet in Sydney who does Titers says that all pups should be Titered after their shots to see if they have immunity, as otherwise it is a pointless excercise ever doing it :laugh:

If it were me at the dog club I would be actively getting people to vote for Titers as a compromise situation , there are Clubs in Sydney who accept Titers instead of vaccination cards and they are affliliated with DNSW. Alternatively you could have the "new" vaccination they say is the "3 yearly " one, which is the same as what you always had, but will have a card saying the dog is "covered" for 3 years,not ideal , but better than annual....................


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