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Pixie - Pyo Update And Other Stuff I Need Advice On


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Pixie is still very poorly.

She develovoped Pyo and had to have emergency surgery. This is going on 4 weeks now. She's been on antibiotics fpr what seems for ever. She's had a super dooper course of "stuff" prescribed by the vet that deals with worms and other intestine parasites including single cell nasties. She;s still very poorly. Her jabs are all up to date including parvo.

We go see the vet - she gets a jab and she seems to perk up. Next day she is eating her scambled egg and is fine. We get to rice and chook dinner time and she's went down hill again. She vomits and has diahorea. She gets to the stage that she is throwing up bile and the other end is mucus slimey stuff. I've had a good look through the other end stuff and there is nothing I can see to indicate a nasty worm type thing. (nothing obvious). As it is we are at the vet every two or three days.

I've been following the vets advice with her diet (bland- rice, scambled egg. chook etc) and feeding her little and often and away from the other dogs. I'm so worried about her. I';ve took samples of her vomit and faceas to the vet - at one point I thought she had parvo but it tested clear.

I have had dogs most of my life but I did have 5 years waiting time from Cleo passing on till Merlin and Pixie coming to me. I need advice. I know she;s not a puppy now, she just had her 1st birthday.

She wont eat, she wont drink. I'm trying everything with her and she;'s getting so tiny.

I'm also knackered with doing the night shift with her.

Merlin is fine and so is Archie (almost official addition to our Tribe/Pack). They actually step away from their grub if she gets in the scullery at feeding time.

Does anyone have any suggestions what I can tempt her to eat that is sorta bland but tasty to her and what I can do to get her to drink?

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Oh, poor Pixie - and poor you.

A couple of questions. Has the vet talked about using something like Peptosyl (that's what it's called here) - pink liquid that calms down the irritated gut lining? Has Pixie been put on Flagyl/metronidazole?

I'm not a vet, but just thinking aloud based on mine and friends' experiences.

Have you tried some yoghurt - non-fat plain cultured yoghurt? Mine have some every day - but I would particularly use it with a dog that's been on antibiotics.

Some people find using boiled/mashed pumpkin with other bland food can be helpful. I usually go the plain steamed chicken/boiled white rice route for my guys - very small amounts offered regularly, rather than as meals as such.

I do hope things start to look up for Pixie - poor girl.

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Oh, and I forgot to say - about the drinking. Do you have something in UK like an energy drink for dogs? There are different formulations, but most have a flavour which encourages dogs to drink when they otherwise wouldn't/

Here's a link to an Australian one Dogade, and an American one K9quench. Friends and I have used the Australian one successfully.

Maybe watered down milk might be useful to get her to drink - if she's not allergic.

And maybe some really bland baby food?

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Tassie - I will certainly try yogurt with her, I know what antibiotics can do to me. I have been offering her little and often with her food but at the moment she just wont eat or drink. I have HUGE tablets for her that work the same as imodium(sp?) does with us for tummy upsets. I think that is something similar to the Peptisumit you mentioned

ImaShepHead - I am googling Nutrigel as I type.

Thank you both.


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ImaShepHead - I had wondered if there was a doggy equivilent for energy drinks or the sort of "complan" total meal drinks you can or could get for us. I was prescribed similar a few years ago when I was very poorly. I am also googling those.

Thank you again


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For drinking - I've used hot water poared over raw mince, allowed to draw the blood, juice and then strained and the liquid served warm. If the mince is too strong, perhaps using chicken mince may be better. Haven't had a dog knock this back yet. Could be worth a try!

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I would scrape the rice & use pumpkin which is way better for the runs .I would go to the health food shop & buy acidopholous(ican never spell it ) tablets way better than yoghurt.

Here you can buy lectade for replacing lost fluids via illness & im amazed the vet hasnt sold you it.

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I really hope your girl gets better - she sounds very sick, poor love. I think the Peptosyl works the same as Mylanta or Rennie works on us - kind of a milk of magnesium sort of thing, not like Immodium. Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

I think keeping her hydrated is your main problem so ask your vet about soluble electrolytes.

Is this all as a result of Pyo or as an 'add-on' because her system was so down?

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I don't have anything helpful to add, sorry, although I agree that mashed pumpkin and acidopholous/probiotics are good if she can keep them down. Hadn't heard of it before, but the dogade sounds like a great idea, too.

I really just wanted to say how sorry I am that Pixie is so unwell. :D It's just awful when they are so ill, and you don't know why, or what to do. Fingers and paws crossed that she improves very soon.

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I really hope your girl gets better - she sounds very sick, poor love. I think the Peptosyl works the same as Mylanta or Rennie works on us - kind of a milk of magnesium sort of thing, not like Immodium. Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

I think keeping her hydrated is your main problem so ask your vet about soluble electrolytes.

Is this all as a result of Pyo or as an 'add-on' because her system was so down?

It seems to be a result of her being so run down after the Pyo. She has been so much better today.

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For drinking - I've used hot water poared over raw mince, allowed to draw the blood, juice and then strained and the liquid served warm. If the mince is too strong, perhaps using chicken mince may be better. Haven't had a dog knock this back yet. Could be worth a try!

I'll certainly give that a try Pebbles. I did have a similar thing suggested to me today when I was out with Merlin and Archie. An elderly gentleman we normally see on our walks asked me where my wee lassie was as he hadn;t seen her for a long time. When I told him she was poorly(with all the details as he wanted to know) he suggested I mince/chop liver and let it steep in milk then drain and squeeze all the fluid from the mush, whip a raw egg in and offer her that.

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Monster Pup and Show Dog - I was given pumpkin today from the same elderly man I seen on a walk with Merlin and Archie. He has an allotment and my goodness - the wonderful fresh organic produce he has put my way - including wonderful hens eggs and duck eggs. I can assure you the Pumpkin is for the Pixie ONLY. I would never have thought of trying her with pumpkin. She is sick to the back teeth or as my wee Mummy would say SCUNNERED with rice.

Edited 'cos I put Pixie and not Archie. Pixie is on very gentle walks only with no Partner in Crime (Merlin) or her minion (Archie)

Edited for a second time as I can't spell PUMPKIN

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Emmark - I am as usual worrying she isn't drinking enough. I have applied the same thought process to her as I did to my children when they were tiny and ill. Who cares what she drinks so long as she drinks something. At the moment she isn't dehydrated. She has been lapping Barrs Irn Bru (full of girders and loads of suger) and my tea. Green tea with jasmine from my special cup. She is only drinking from my special cup - hell I've managed to train a fussy drinker ! :D

Oakway - I have confidence in my vets practice, and I will continue to consult them. It;s a big practice for where I stay in the UK(area wise) but the original vet I seen with Pixie as an emergency case has been available to me outwith surgery hours and she has continued to see her when things get rough even if she hasn't been on call. She's a really caring Austrailian lady and the vet nurse who usualy works with her is a Kiwi.

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I think I'm tempting fate. Pixie is wonderful now. We went from the vets and then on a train for a 3 hour journey then a 1 hour trip. She was minted

She was a perfect corgi and such a diplomat. She worked her public. Many many people on the train all want a corgi now. She posed for pix like a pro. The ladies and gents from Japan - please find this site and please show everyone how practically perfect Pixie is. I didn't know how BIG corgis were in Japan.

I#m spouting tosh now I know but I'm so happy she seems to be on the mend now. I am still keeping a close eye on her.

We arrived and Pixie got her DAW... that was it.

My Uncle Daw had his special tripe and blood mix ready for her - he knew she had been very poorly. We got there and Pixie ignored me.

You had to see it to believe it.

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