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Is It Shedding Season?

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I'm still trying to get used to all the new things to us... London to Sydney is a huge change!

Is this the season when dogs shed over here?

Gomez was stripped 2 months ago and now he's shedding his downy undercoat like crazy - I have been using an undercoat rake every other day, and each time I get handfuls and handfuls of undercoat...

He also still has these little flakes after 2 courses of antibiotics - the little bumps seem to have gone, but he is flaky, poor guy... Also his top coat is not lustrous as he used to be, he has never been shiny b/c of the rough coat, but he was never this dull...

He is eating DVP Natural Balance now and sardines or tuna once a week and the occasional bone.

So, is it the season? Adjusting to a new environment? Or does it sound like I need to go back to the vet?

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Well, we did the big trip 6 months ago, and the antibiotics were prescribed for folliculitis/dermatitis, but the vet seemed to think they should have cleared it up -

I gave him a bath in Malasab this morning, which was laso suggested by the vet - it seems to keep the little flakes down - but the fur, there is so much fur!!

At least it's good to know he's not the only one shedding now...

Thanks Tapferhund!

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A force dryer at the groomers would help blow off that extra coat for you. If not an option, even a "blow dry" on cool setting, toether with brushing might help.

This is stating the obvious, but are you careful to really thoroughly rinse all shampoo off him? Do you brush right down to the skin? Coarse comb afterwards to check for tangles/ dead fur left behind? I know no-one told me to do this initially and it makes such a difference.

Sounds like the undercoat rake is doing a good job, but what else do you use? Slicker brushes help with excess fur, dead skin and are gentle provided you get the "extra soft" quality brand ones. Not sure about Norfolks :thumbsup:.

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As Gomez is a Norfolk he will require stripping all the time to keep him neat and tidy.

Unless you want a small shaggy dog with lots of coat. To help his coat add a teaspoon of

Linseed or (Flax seed same thing) oil to his meal. It may be purchased from the supermarket

or a health food shop.

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PW - thanks for all the tips - he does get rinsed super well, I fill the tub and he swims around first, then I get the shower head hose and go for a good 5 mins, all over... the undercoat rake I hace does go all the way down, I think he likes that tickly bit! I'll go find a coarse comb also - he rarely gets mats as we're usually very careful about that. The breeder told us that slicker brushes did nothing for the thick outer coat, so have not tried one yet, but I might borrow one to see how it goes - his coat is very similar to that of a Cairn Terrier, if you know that coat, very wiry, waterproof, top coat and downy and soft undercoat, that stays wet for a while if I dont use a dryer...

oakways, Up until now Gomez has been stripped every 6 months, but maybe here it will have to be more often, especially when I have to search for ticks, I think I better learn how to do it myself!

Is the linseed/flax oil given one teaspoon per meal? per day? per week?


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Certainly is shedding season - I have gotten heaps of hair off Diesel and there are still GSD hair tumbleweeds everywhere! :rofl:

Do you have some pics of Gomez? I haven't seen many Norfolks and was looking at the DOL pics just recently as I like to think about what small dog I might get in the future. What are their temps like?

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Here he is as a hairy beast


And here he is after stripping


And here he is swimming at Kepala


Norfolks are very rare in general, but more so here in Australia, there are maybe 3 breeders around, and very few imports - Gomez came with us when we moved form the UK - their litters are small usually only 2 puppies - they were bred to be ratters, and generally like to dig, except Gomez has never had that urge, once he pawed at the sand on the becah, but that was it - he is very even tempered, likes to sleep a lot, and gets along with almost every dog he's ever met, same with kids or adults -

I highly reccomend them if you can find one!

There are lots more pictures of him in the Kepala threads also...

eta: I just noticed you are in Sydney also, if you would like to meet him....

Edited by Gomez the Norfolk
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yeah completely off topic too but he is gorgeous! i always thought terriers were hyperactive terrors.. but thats just a terrible misconception no one bothered to correct :banghead:

my keeshond had skin problems to when she came to use (adopted at 6 yo) and we were advised to use aloveen to soothe the skin. she didn't have flaky skin, btu she had lots of lumps whichc became scabs after...

but even i didn't realise its shedding season, no wonder evern after her daily brush when she cuddles, my black pants are covered with hair!!!

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I'm still trying to get used to all the new things to us... London to Sydney is a huge change!

Is this the season when dogs shed over here?

Gomez was stripped 2 months ago and now he's shedding his downy undercoat like crazy - I have been using an undercoat rake every other day, and each time I get handfuls and handfuls of undercoat...

He also still has these little flakes after 2 courses of antibiotics - the little bumps seem to have gone, but he is flaky, poor guy... Also his top coat is not lustrous as he used to be, he has never been shiny b/c of the rough coat, but he was never this dull...

He is eating DVP Natural Balance now and sardines or tuna once a week and the occasional bone.

So, is it the season? Adjusting to a new environment? Or does it sound like I need to go back to the vet?

Yes :banghead:

We have husky hair EVERYWHERE!!

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Right, next time he goes in the bath I'll take pictures! I lather him up and then fill the tub, then he paddles around and gets a lot of the shampoo off - then the big rinse off! I think his favourite part is the zoomies after toweling off...

Lynlovesdogs - some terriers are terrors, but Gomez has a great temperament and while he goes mad running outside, when he's inside, he prefers relaxing and looking out the windows -

Did your girl's bumps and scabs clear up with the Aloveen?

Kavik, I will PM you, I might "lend" him to you the whole day of the 15th....!

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yes yes please post photos!

my girl hates it... she gives us dirty looks throughout the whole bath time.. but is extra happy at the end of it..

well, the vet actually told us to shower her everyday when we first got her.. cos her itchyness was sooo bad we shaved her to give her coat a "fresh start" cos it was all smelly and matted. but we figured it was too often...

so we started off with once a week.. see aloveen has conditioner so it has like soothing effects I think you can get a generic brand with oatmeal that's cheaper and just as good. but the trick is not to put too much conditioner. Also, we had to make sure her hair was thoroughly rinsed cos her double coat is probably harder to handel than Gomez's.

We also put some aloe vera on her skin, it cooled her belly and helped with the scabs.. but there was one night when we were out, we resorted to calamine lotion...

But i think the main thing was the aloveen, and the change of diet. Nutrience Derma really helped and aloveen too so i'd recommend it..

some said that malaseb was too strong for her

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PW - thanks for all the tips - he does get rinsed super well, I fill the tub and he swims around first, then I get the shower head hose and go for a good 5 mins, all over... the undercoat rake I hace does go all the way down, I think he likes that tickly bit! I'll go find a coarse comb also - he rarely gets mats as we're usually very careful about that. The breeder told us that slicker brushes did nothing for the thick outer coat, so have not tried one yet, but I might borrow one to see how it goes - his coat is very similar to that of a Cairn Terrier, if you know that coat, very wiry, waterproof, top coat and downy and soft undercoat, that stays wet for a while if I dont use a dryer...

oakways, Up until now Gomez has been stripped every 6 months, but maybe here it will have to be more often, especially when I have to search for ticks, I think I better learn how to do it myself!

Is the linseed/flax oil given one teaspoon per meal? per day? per week?


Sorry, should have worded that better. A day. Then you can adjust it if you think it's not enough or vice versa

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Was he stripped back bold?/There seems to be alot of undercoat still there .

In the after photos he has alot of undercoat still there.Depending on how he has been stripped in the past generally you strip in sections as the head & kneck grow faster than the back.It isnt that hard to do it yourself & depending on what undercoat rake you are using the tool may not be suitable for his coat or to keep rolling it

What you need to remember is Gomez coat may still be going through the climate change winter here /summer there but our winters arent as cold so it blows the coat quickly.

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lynlovesdogs, shaving is not really an option for Gomez, any kind of clipping or shaving will ruin his outer coat and make it soft and wavy, so unless it's a dire emergency, striping will have to be the way to go - he doesn't seem to be too itchy, especially after the malasab or aloveen baths, I have both and alternate them, Aloveen smells so good!!!

oakways, thanks for the dosage info, will give it a try

showdog, I'mnot sure how he was stripped last time, he did seem to be a bit downier than usual though, I'll take a picture of him today later, his "mane" has really come in while his rump is still quite neat.

In London we used to have him stripped by a lady who always had between 6-8 Norfolks, all champions and all active showdogs, so she was quite an expert, but I haven't been able to find anyone here that a) will do hand stripping or b) knows how to do a Norfolk properly... the search continues...

The rake I'm using now is a black plastic imlpement with "pegs" so to speak spaced apart by a few centimeters, (I'll take a picture of it later)

I think you're right and I will have to take some stripping lessons somewhere so I can do the rolling strip and keep him neat - plus I think also that the seasonal change is also affecting his coat - we'll see how he deals with hs first summer here, he's never been in such heat before! Good thing we have aircon!!

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Did your girl's bumps and scabs clear up with the Aloveen?

The Aloveen Leave In COnditioner is great to use in conjuction with the Malaseb which can be a bit drying. Make sure the Malaseb stays on for ten minutes, it doesn't act until about 7 minutes. The Aloveen Shampoo is a fab general maintenance shampoo especially for dogs prone to the itchies. The only problem with the Aloveen Conditioner it will make your dogs coat very soft - so if you prefer the coarser terrier feel....... smells divine too!

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