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Alternatives To Rescue Remedy


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just wondering if anyone can recommend any alternatives to Rescue Remedy for fear based aggression.I have used it previously and didn't really notice any difference so just checking what else is worth trying.

I thought i saw some time ago there was a tablet from the health food shop you could use but can't remember the name and when i asked today they just said rescue remedy was the only thing to use

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I use the canine tranquil formula from time to time. Like maya said, it takes the edge off.

I don't give it everyday like it suggests on the package - I'm a little wary as the active ingredient has safety concerns in humans when used in large amounts on a daily basis.

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Maybe try Canine Tranquil Formula by Vetalogica (link here: www.vetalogica.com.au/Products/CanineTranquil)

I don't know about aggression, but I use it to help with anxiety issues, namely thunderstorms with Lulu. I read about it on DOL and bought it from a chemist.

It just seems to take that nervous edge off :thumbsup:

I've used that before, takes a little while to 'kick in'. But it's not strong enough for aggression issues.

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Maybe a full programme of re-training ? sounds like more than rescue remedy will address.

one of my girls was traumatised at a show as a pup, and became fearfull & agressive when we tried to show her again. I tried several times with the same results.

We kept her out of the ring for a year, then began training with a local trainer. things were still not going well, and I was considering the worst case option :-(

I decided to try light sedation, so with my vet's support & the trainer's, I very lightly tranquilised her with ACP & took her to some training sessions. next, we did the same with her as a spectator at a few shows, & trips to town & controlled situations meeting people.

End result......she was shown that when in a state of mind (lightly tranquilised) she could experience positive social interaction, being relaxed - she was able to interact & not feel as threatened as previously. We ended up getting her back in the ring - & taking class in show awards ! This girl has what I would describe as an edgy personality anyway, and was traumatised in a situation that other dogs may not have been worried about.

I do stress though, this was done with a vet & trainer's full support.


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Thanks for the suggestions.I have had her to a behavourlist and done a lot of work with her and she's improved so much.I just noticed yesterday taking her to obedience training for the 1st time since all our work she was quite nervous and actually shaking so just hoping to find something to calm her.

I must say i was really amazed at her progress and at one stage we were actually only abot 40cm from a little poodle and she didn't react so i was pretty happy with her progress.

She did tend to be a little focused on other dogs during training but she's come a hell of a way.

I have also found a product called de-stress for pets which contains rescue remedy as well as some other ingredients to help calm a dog,i may give it a go

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I looked into the Vetalogica products when I saw them at the chemist and asked my friend about them (she is a vet) but they are not registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority when apparently they should be? That means they are being sold without being tested for safety or effectiveness.

Personally I dont trust products like these and I am not going to try them, maybe go for one of the other calming products that have been tested like Behave or Tranquil Paste (both contain tryptophan and are great when used in horses). Like what Chelseas Mum said there are safety concerns with tryptophan which is why you are better getting a product that has been approved for its safety.

Edited by nellybly10
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I looked into the Vetalogica products when I saw them at the chemist and asked my friend about them (she is a vet) but they are not registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority when apparently they should be? That means they are being sold without being tested for safety or effectiveness.

Personally I dont trust products like these and I am not going to try them, maybe go for one of the other calming products that have been tested like Behave or Tranquil Paste (both contain tryptophan and are great when used in horses). Like what Chelseas Mum said there are safety concerns with tryptophan which is why you are better getting a product that has been approved for its safety.

thankyou for that information,i did actually go and have a look at this product this morning but it's $30 so have gone with this product and will see how it goes first http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...N:IT&ih=007

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