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Are Roo Tail Bones Too Hard?


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short answer?


Our dogs get rootails from when they are weaned- (koolies)

leave it in large sections so it has to be thoroughly chewed :eek:

The cats LOOOVE their roo tails, too!! Chew on them for hours to get their meal :eek:

Thank you so much! Sometimes I hear the crunching noises when I give them the roo tails so it got me worried :rolleyes:

(never heard any noises when I give them other bones like lamb necks or chicken frames).

I will try to give it to my cat (although she loves her chicken and turkey necks the most :o

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And how much bone is left behind? My two like chewing them, but they don't totally demolish them like they do other bones.

My Labbies eat them whole, inside of 10 minutes. The pups take longer, and sometimes the big dogs take over and finish what the pups don't eat.

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And how much bone is left behind? My two like chewing them, but they don't totally demolish them like they do other bones.

My Labbies eat them whole, inside of 10 minutes. The pups take longer, and sometimes the big dogs take over and finish what the pups don't eat.

Mine eat them whole as well (that's why I was a little worried).

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I haven't fed them for a while as I will only buy them when they are in bits, probably the length of of my hand. As a whole roo bone would be much to big a meal for a pug. I did attempt to hacksaw my way through a full length one once but it took forever and the hacksaw and also me was covering in fat and meat afterwards.

Mine will eat the whole thing, which is what the need to do for a ratio balance of bone to meat. They don't swallow the bone whole they chew off bits of it.

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I stoped mine eating roo tails, they would eat the bones and then vomit up the white goo, I figured it was to soft for them

Mmm strange. I wouldn't think that they were to soft for them as soft bones from non weight bearing areas are the recommended ones to feed as dogs can actually chew off bits of the bone and eat it. It's the hard bones, weightbearing, ones that aren't that good as they wear down dogs teeth to much and the dog can only really eat the meat off them and not the bone which doesn't make for a good ratio of bone to meat.

Do they do this with any other bone?

Could be that your dogs are sensitive to kangaroo meat as it is very rich. Some dogs are.

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Yes dogs are ment to eat the bone as well as the meat off it.

You can get them from pet produce stores (ones that don't sell puppies and kittens). I can't recall exaclty but a bit less then $2 a tail.

that cheap huh definatly gunna have a ok into it!!

reckon the butcher would stock them?

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