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Dog With Parvo Given Vaccination


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A friend of mine has a 6 month old pup that unfortunately was not vaccinated. He has contracted parvo. He tested positive at one vet's, (was away from home camping), was put on a drip and my friend drove home. Once there, he went to his normal vet who gave him several shots, one of them was a parvo vaccination.

At this stage, he was vomitting but had not passed blood. He was sent home that night on another drip bag, but this morning started passing blood and more vomitting.

I was always told not to vaccinate an unwell dog and this little guy is very ill.

Has anyone ever heard of a dog with parvo being given a vaccination and what effects this may have had?

He is currently at vet's on a drip, but is not looking good.

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Firstly, i can't imagine why they would have sent the dog home. Secondly, i am not a vet, but i can't see any use in vaccinating the dog once it has it. The idea of a vaccination is to give a dose of the virus in order for the immune system to build up an immunity to it. The dog already has the virus so the vaccination has no purpose. And no, you should never vaccinate a sick dog. I might be wrong, there could be a reason for it, but i just don't see it???

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I agree Alison. The dog should have stayed at the clinic and I really don't think vaccinating him now could do any good. In the 12 hours after the vaccination was given, he has got considerably worse. He may have been going to get worse anyway, but I am sure the extra stress on his immune system has not helped.

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I have heard from my vet once a dog has had and recovered from parvo it is immuned to the virus. So why would you vacc the dog and when he is sick, and to send him home un well hmmm

Poor baby hope he gets better.

Not true.Over 20 years we had it badly in our area(lived elsewhere) .Our dog got it twice & she wasnt the only one

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i thought that with the vaccination yes the dog receves a small amount of the virous but also antybodies for the body to copy and fight the virous???? i might be wrong but i rember seeing that some whear.

por puppy i hop he recovers,

Edited by petmezz
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why would they send a puppy shedding parvo HOME? so he can infect the house? WTF if the dog is on a drip and passing blood it needs veterinary attention NOW and stay there. How could any vet send a parvo puppy home is beyond me - are vets getting dumber?

(not directed at OP but rant towards the clinic)

It should not have been vaccinated, they do not get antibodies unless they are directly injecting the puppy with plasma from a donor dog NOT giving a vaccine. Then this helps mop up the virus and helps the dogs body while it creates its own antibodies to finish the job (if it manages)

and no once a dog has had parvo does not guarentee immunity for life.

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If that was my puppy I would not have let the vet give it a shot. I thought it was common knowledge that you shouldn't vaccinate a sick dog?? Why the first vets let it leave is beyond me, with parvo it really depends on how quickly you get the pup supportive treatment, this little guy would have been so dehydrated between vets. I for one would not be going near the vet that vaccinated him again. I hope he continues to improve the poor little tyke. Fingers crossed

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Thanks for your responses.

The pup was definitely given a vaccination when he was already ill. Several shots were given, the owner then asked when he should bring the pup in for vaccination (ie after he recovered), the vet replied "I just gave it to him". So he was definitely given the vacc when already suffering from parvo.

The little boy passed away about an hour ago.

I am totally disgusted in the treatment this little bloke received. Yes, he should have been vaccinated earlier, but he wasn't. He contracted parvo when he was away on holidays and was put in hospital overnight on the first night. The first clinic put him on a drip overnight and he was much brighter the next day. He was allowed to leave on the drip with strict instructions, (there were extenuating circumstances here) and my friend drove 12 hours straight back to his local vet. It was this local vet that saw the dog, gave him a vacc (and some drugs to stop the vomitting) and sent him home on another drip. Overnight he became much sicker and was taken back to the local vet first thing in the morning.

RIP little Jimmy.

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poor poor little Jimmy :) sorry little tyke that you left us so soon

I would report this vets behavior to the Veterinary Practitioners Board and AVA if he is a member immediately. Kick up a stink this idiot does not deserve to be near animals.

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Couldn't agree more, Nekhbet...Everyone I have spoken to is of the same opinion, that a sick dog should not be vaccinated.

The vet that gave the vaccination is only the junior vet but said that she had checked with the senior vet and he said to vaccinate the dog. The senior vet is now saying that he "didn't really know too much about the case".....

He did, however, offer to waive the cost of the vaccination.

Disgraceful! :):confused:

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christ even a junior vet out of uni should have immunology fresh in his brain :thumbsup:

an immunocomprimised dog then given another dose of 3-5 diseases FFS you dont need to have a degree to work out that is a death sentence. How very charitable to wave the cost of the vaccination I hope his liability insurance is paid up - its not money they have broken trust and have not done the job they were entrusted to do :p idiots

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