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Does The Amount Of Food I Am Feeding My Lab Puppy Sound Ok?


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Hi All, I am new to the Site and was hoping to get some Info on something. I have a 19 week old Labrador Pup, He currently weighs 21 kgs. He currently gets 2 chicken wings in the morning A Lamb off cut or something similar for lunch and Pet mince for Dinner with sardines etc. He also nibbles on some Dog Bikkies during the day (innova). I was worried he is overweight but I had him at the vet Last week and my vet said that he is Chunky but not overweight And that he has massive amounts of skin to grow into, his breeder used to call him her rollie dog when he was little lol. I have tried to contact the Breeder I got him from but she is currently overseas So she can't tell me if how much I am feeding him is too much. So Basically was hoping if someone could just let me know if what he gets fed sounds ok ?

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21kg is a lot for a pup not yet 6 months old ( of course this is relative to his build/bloodlines/final height etc)

They don't need 3 meals a day with dry bisuits in between so it sounds like you are over feeding.

I have a ten week old pup here who is being fed twice daily and growing nicely.

Edited by blacklabrador
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I have tried to upload some pics but my silly Comp won't let me..So Annoying. My Husband actually said today that the pups could be on 2 meals a day now instead of 3. I am thinking that he is just Chunkier built than his sister . My Breeder had said that he is going to be a very big boy like his Father. Where as his sister is much leaner looking. They get fed the exact same amount yet he just looks so much bigger. I wish I could show A pic of the amount of Skin he has to grow into. He really does look like a rollie dog sometimes. Thanks for the advice so I might be over feeding him, He must get stuck intothe biscuits more during the day than his sister because she doesn't look as big as him, she weighs about 19kg. Will keep trying to post a photo Thanks

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He will grow into his skin in time - it's not an indication that he should be getting more food!

Two meals a day with no dry food in between will be enough. It's important to grow large breed pups slowly. There's no hurry, even if he is going to end up big... and labradors are always going to be hungry no matter how much you feed him so you cannot take his behaviour as any sort of yardstick.

Edited by blacklabrador
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Firstly dont leave biscuits down all day.Meals should be eaten in a set time then picked up.meals should be given to each dog & thats there daily quota.If your allowing grazing then you truly have no idea how much he is eating in relation to his daily diet.

As for how much is too much there is no easy answer because each dog is different but as already said they need to grow slowly Some dogs need more than others,some still need 3 meals others 2 meals is just right.

In reality your dogs are getting 4 meals aday

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While some dogs are self regulating - labradors are not! So no bikkies for him - he will eat them regardless of whether he is hungry or not.

Not 100% sure of this, but I recall something re: BARF (to use as a guideline) that a puppy should get fed 3 - 4% of its weight daily.

You should be able to see a clear waist (when the dog is facing away from you) and should be able to feel, but not see, its rib cage without pressing too hard.

Given your dog won't be small it is important not to grow him at the maximum rate - so if he goes a bit hungry it isn't the end of the world.

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I have just felt and I can clearly feel his rib Cage but cannot see it . So tomorrow I will feed them 2 chicken wings in the morning then they have their nighly feed of Mince which I don't weigh but I would say is roughly 300grams and maybe a Bone? You see those big Beautiful sometimes Droopy LOL eyes looking up at u saying Mum I'm hungry and You can't resist. Although I do know that over feeding can be very dangerous. Thanks again I am still trying to upload some pics Silly Bloody Computer

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i dont weigh my dogs food never have.Does your boy have skin rolls on his shoulder area & near his bum/tail area??If he does this is also a good sign of being overweight

We tell people one important thing,the more you feed the more they expect.

Any dog can always be hungry & it isnt just a Lab thing but when people feed a little here & little there it isnt for the dog benefit but to make the humans feel better.Dogs learn quickly that if they scab long enough they will get rewarded for it.

In our house to get a treat means doing a job ,could be bugger all type of thing but there being rewarded for doing something not for sucking up.

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I agree with the sucking up part, When we eat they sit at our feet but we have never given them anything to eat while we are eating. No no rolls of skin by his bum area. Yeah I would agree in the more you feed them the more they expect. Well I am cutting their food down so I will see how he goes. I Just went outside to do Poop Patrol LOL.That's what it's called in our house And as I was going out my side gate Both my Pups sat at gate without me having to tell them to sit and stay. Very Proud moment for me, hehehehe They are such Beautiful Smart Pups I think we are truly Lucky to have them A part of our Family. Anyways Enough OF the lovey Dovey Stuff. Thanks again

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To me sounds like your overfeeding.

I have 2 female labs, 1 is 6 and 1 is 20 months.

But I have only had the 20 month old since newborn.

Since she was a pup she has always been on 2 meals a day but would be happy to eat 10 meals a day if you let her.

Both my girls have a cup of bikkies and a neck in the morning

then for dinner another cup of bikkies with 1 1/2 cups of raw vegies for dinner.

My little one is 20 months and 25kg, she was the runt of the litter and is lean but you cant see bones.

Vet always says how great she looks.

Trust me i know those sad eyes that say mumma give us more, but the weight is hard to get off once its on!

my 6 year old girl i adopted last year and she was used as a breeding machine and ready to be euthanased till i stepped in

she was 40kg and never walked a day in her life.

She was reduced to 1 cup of bikkies and fresh fruit and vegs and daily walks and is now down to 30kg and is fed as above.

she is walked daily and you wouldnt think it was the same dog!

good luck

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Way to much food.

Cut back to two meals a day. Get rid of the Dog Bikkies during the day.

Weigh his food so that you are feeding about 5% of his ideal weight per day. Maybe go on 15kg as his ideal weight.

Mornings - chicken necks

or bone

Evenings - dog mince (make sure this has crushed bones in it with pulped veggies

or fish with veggies

or kangaroo with veggies

or other muscle meat with veggies

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Just a question for you SNR....are you feeding a calcium supplement? If you are only feeding chicken wings and pet mince this is not a complete diet for a growing puppy. If you boy is going to be "big" I would strongly recommend you talk to your vet about a calcium supplement.

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Just a question for you SNR....are you feeding a calcium supplement? If you are only feeding chicken wings and pet mince this is not a complete diet for a growing puppy. If you boy is going to be "big" I would strongly recommend you talk to your vet about a calcium supplement.

Nooooo calcium supplements can do more harm then good.

If you are feeding a good diet with lots of raw meaty bones then there will be enough calcium in it.

BARF Feeding Suggestion....


AM - Chicken Necks/wings/carcuss

PM - Beef & Slops


AM - Kangaroo Tail

PM - Fish & Slops


AM - Chicken Necks/wings/carcuss

PM - Dog mince (minced chicken carcuss) & Yoghurt & Slops


AM - Lamb bone

PM - Kangaroo & Slops


AM - Chicken Necks/wings/carcuss

PM - Dog mince (minced chicken carcuss) & Slops


AM - Lamb bone

PM- Fish & Slops


AM - Kangaroo Tail

PM - Dog mince (minced chicken carcuss) & Slops


Things I always include:

- container of alfala spouts

- bunch of spinach (roots cut off)

- bag of carrots

- bunch of celary

- 4 zuccinis

- 3 to 4 oranges (peeled)

- 1 pumpkin

- 2 to 4 apples (pips taken out)

- 2 to 4 bannanas (peeled)

- 8 to 10 eggs (whole including shell)

- flaxseed oil (approx 250mL)

- kelp (approx 100g)

What else you can put in:

- bunch of silverbeet

- turnip

- squash

- sweet potato

- 2 to 4 pears

- half to 1 pinapple

- brussel sprouts

- brocoli

- cauliflower

- bag of beans

- Apple Cider Vinegar

- Vitamin C

- 1 to 2 green capsicums (stalk cut off & seeds out)

- 1 to 2 red caspsicums (stalk cut off & seeds removed)

Chop up then process up in blender/food processor so that things turn to slops. Put each blender batch into a big bucket. Usually leave the eggs & flaxseed oil for things that don't blend very well like the pumpkin and carrots. Ingredients should fill up a bucket. Mix bucket with big ladel till all mixed through then put into take away containers & freeze untill needed.

Raw Meaty Bones should make up approx 80% to of the diet with 20% being veggies, fruit,offal, muscle meat and dairy.

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I wouldn't feed bought mince for dogs... You'd have no idea of the fat content... This kind of mince is normally made by butchers in order to sell otherwise unsellable fat and bones... My butcher doesn't sell chicken carcasses, because they can mince it and get a lot more 'crap' into the mince...

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Hi All, I am new to the Site and was hoping to get some Info on something. I have a 19 week old Labrador Pup, He currently weighs 21 kgs. He currently gets 2 chicken wings in the morning A Lamb off cut or something similar for lunch and Pet mince for Dinner with sardines etc. He also nibbles on some Dog Bikkies during the day (innova). I was worried he is overweight but I had him at the vet Last week and my vet said that he is Chunky but not overweight And that he has massive amounts of skin to grow into, his breeder used to call him her rollie dog when he was little lol. I have tried to contact the Breeder I got him from but she is currently overseas So she can't tell me if how much I am feeding him is too much. So Basically was hoping if someone could just let me know if what he gets fed sounds ok ?

My lab girls is 25 weeks and 18.8kg, but she's quite petite for a lab. Still, it certainly sounds too much to me.

Can I quickly hijack the thread to ask my own question? I'm still feeding Martha three meals a day. Of course she wants it — she's a lab after all. But should I whittle it back to two now she's six months old?

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Thanks for that recipe puggy puggy, it is very helpful.

Lots of people say feed BARF and for the newbie it is a bit overwhelming. I have read the books and you still feel a little uncertain that what your feeding is the right mix, and should you include this or that etc... It is good to hear from someone exactly what they are feeding and a recipe so you can go right out and get those qualitites.

Looks like I'll be cooking for the dogs this weekend :thumbsup:

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My standard poodle boy when last weighed at 16 weeks was 15.8 kilos and he is quite fine, not thin but definately not overweight. He is getting two meals per day but is left with a third meal of puppy dry food to graze through out the day. He is not a gutsy eater but certainly looks forward to the more interesting feeds of meat, chicken necks, sardines etc ... Both my vet and I are happy with his weight so I think we'll be sticking to three meals for a while yet.

I suppose it really depends on the pup. Those Labs sure do like their food :thumbsup:

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Thanks for that recipe puggy puggy, it is very helpful.

Lots of people say feed BARF and for the newbie it is a bit overwhelming. I have read the books and you still feel a little uncertain that what your feeding is the right mix, and should you include this or that etc... It is good to hear from someone exactly what they are feeding and a recipe so you can go right out and get those qualitites.

Looks like I'll be cooking for the dogs this weekend :thumbsup:

I thought BARF was raw food?

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