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Frustrated With Fleas!


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Only for 4 hrs. We just separate the cats and dogs for 4hrs.

Sorry to hijack but as you are up sunny coast way what do you use for ticks? I am asking as we are coming back up to visit kids and grandkids and Im bringing my pup who will be 13 weeks and as they live bush (Carters Ridge) am trying to work out what is best for her whilst up there. Strangley enough when we lived out at Lake MacDonald our old girl got tick poisoning and was treated successfully and then never ever got another tick or flea, bizarre

I use Permoxin.

I did use frontline, was crap. Doesn't even handle fleas up here. For just fleas, I use advantage but when ticks appear I do weekly sprays of permoxin (with water, not metho).

NO I never found frontline to work either. I have Permoxin already here but have never use it, bought before I knew it was bad for cats and we have a few. I will make up a bottle and take with us.

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PERMOXIN is NOT recommended if your dog is in close contact with cats...cats cannot metabolise permoxin properly it is a poison to them :laugh:

According to Dermcare, Permoxin binds instantly so no need to seperate. Just don't go spraying it directly on the cat!

I've been using it on my dogs for years and have two cats.

It's really the only product that works when there is heavy flea burden.

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PERMOXIN is NOT recommended if your dog is in close contact with cats...cats cannot metabolise permoxin properly it is a poison to them :laugh:

According to Dermcare, Permoxin binds instantly so no need to seperate. Just don't go spraying it directly on the cat!

I've been using it on my dogs for years and have two cats.

It's really the only product that works when there is heavy flea burden.

Shame it doesnt work on cats as I am having real issues with them at the moment, nothing seems to be working, spot on, capstar, ACV. Dogs are all good. Cats are inside cats aswell but not inside inside as such just out in their room which is the double garage/office room

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PERMOXIN is NOT recommended if your dog is in close contact with cats...cats cannot metabolise permoxin properly it is a poison to them :(

According to Dermcare, Permoxin binds instantly so no need to seperate. Just don't go spraying it directly on the cat!

I've been using it on my dogs for years and have two cats.

It's really the only product that works when there is heavy flea burden.

Good to know, my vet told me 4 hours but that might have just been a "better be safe the sorry" and a "cover my arse" comment :p

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I enquired when I had concerns that I was inhaling so much and blasting it off. Using the force dryer blasts off the water and I assumed it would be blasting off Permoxin too. I wear a mask though as my lungs get tight afterwards.

Shame it doesnt work on cats as I am having real issues with them at the moment, nothing seems to be working, spot on, capstar, ACV. Dogs are all good. Cats are inside cats aswell but not inside inside as such just out in their room which is the double garage/office room

I had a flea problem on one of my cats, nothing worked. I put him on Proban and it's been brilliant!! I've had to up him to the tick dose during summer (every 2nd day) and I'm really happy with it.

It did take about 3weeks to start working though.

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After doing a bit of reading, I would be cautious about using Permoxin .. . anywhere.

Permoxin's active ingredient is Permethrin. The following was copied from Wikipedia . . . an article that appears to to be well documented: eg


Permethrin is extremely toxic to fish. Extreme care must be taken when using products containing permethrin near water sources. Permethrin is also highly toxic to cats.[4] Flea and tick repellent formulas intended (and labeled) for dogs may contain permethrin (like k-9 Advantix and Advantage Multi for Dogs) and cause feline permethrin toxicosis in cats: specific flea and tick control formulas intended for feline use, such as those containing fipronil, should therefore be used for cats instead.

Permethrin is classified by the US EPA a likely human carcinogen, based on reproducible studies in which mice fed permethrin developed liver and lung tumors.[5] Carcinogenic action in nasal mucosal cells for inhalation exposure is suspected due to observed genotoxicity in human tissue samples, and in rat livers the evidence of increased preneoplastic lesions lends concern over oral exposure.[6][7]

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a couple of years ago living elsewhere I could not get rid of the fleas on Onslow no matter how much I was frontlining and washing him.

Took the dogs out for the day (simpler days only two dogs unlike the menagerie i have now :eek: ) and flea bombed the entire house - can get the flea bombs in the supermarket

Also used Advantix on Onslow and no more fleas, finally!

I also found that Onsy weighed about 38 kgs at that time and the frontline was for dogs up to 40 kgs. The Advantix was for dogs weighing up to 45 kgs so I don't know whether that made a difference.

Good luck, flea plagues are not fun!

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I did use frontline, was crap. Doesn't even handle fleas up here. For just fleas, I use advantage but when ticks appear I do weekly sprays of permoxin (with water, not metho).

I've heard that different things work in different areas because of the fleas building up a tolerance for some products - I use advantix and don't have a problem, but i know a friend up in queensland says that it doesn't do anything to the fleas up there!

I personally would be flea bombing your house. We use 1 mortein flea bomb per carpeted room (it's a bit of overkill but very effective) and then vacate the house for 12 hours (i think it says 4 hours on the box but we go for longer because we use more bombs). When we come home we open all the windows and vacuum. We never have to bomb more than once and after having fleas really badly in the house (after we looked after a friend's cat) it was the only thing we could do to get rid of them!

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Grrrr, I hate fleas...

My poor dog was infested for the last year, I was using Revolution and it just wasnt working at all so I had to supplement it with Capstar and various flea sprays/powders. It was a real struggle to keep them at bay.

But a couple of months ago I switched to Advocate and I havent seen a flea yet! Right in full flea season! Its been such a relief. :)

It seems some products work on some dogs and others on others.

I hadn't switched earlier as the products are all so damn expensive and I didnt want to choose the wrong one. A very costly trial and error. :eek:

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I did use frontline, was crap. Doesn't even handle fleas up here. For just fleas, I use advantage but when ticks appear I do weekly sprays of permoxin (with water, not metho).

I've heard that different things work in different areas because of the fleas building up a tolerance for some products - I use advantix and don't have a problem, but i know a friend up in queensland says that it doesn't do anything to the fleas up there!

I personally would be flea bombing your house. We use 1 mortein flea bomb per carpeted room (it's a bit of overkill but very effective) and then vacate the house for 12 hours (i think it says 4 hours on the box but we go for longer because we use more bombs). When we come home we open all the windows and vacuum. We never have to bomb more than once and after having fleas really badly in the house (after we looked after a friend's cat) it was the only thing we could do to get rid of them!

We're on an average, impossible to get rid of fleas. We don't have any in the house but they just constantly come on the dogs from outside. Huskies don't really get fleas, if my sibes have fleas then I know I need to lime their outside area. Montu and Benji get fleas uber easy though.

I did use Advantix once, can't remember if it worked or not. Advantage was probably cheaper :(

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Just back to the Permoxin, I have made it up 10ml to 400ml water in a spray bottle. Now do I saturate the dogs, just spray over their coat etc, do I comb it through? It doesnt actually say on the bottle just says spray dog? Also for rinsing do you still only use the 10ml - 400ml break down so if I wanted to rinse with 1200ml I would still only use 30ml Permoxin?

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Havent tried it my self yet but a lot of people have great success using food grade DE (diatomaceous earth). Sprinkle a small amount into coat, and sprinkle around dog areas. Neem oil diluted and sprayed on in small amounts worked for me. Just some ideas if you dont like all the chemicals.

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Just back to the Permoxin, I have made it up 10ml to 400ml water in a spray bottle. Now do I saturate the dogs, just spray over their coat etc, do I comb it through? It doesnt actually say on the bottle just says spray dog? Also for rinsing do you still only use the 10ml - 400ml break down so if I wanted to rinse with 1200ml I would still only use 30ml Permoxin?

I soak them right through :rofl:

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I find I need to bomb our house,works well, and gets rid of the roaches too!!

I am interested in trying apple cider vinegar too, but at what dilutio rate do I use?

I have switched to Advantage, and it seems to be working okay.

I, too , made the mistake and bought Sentinel , but found out after I had opened it and used one tablet, it wasnt going to be the answer.Costly mistake, $84 odd.

I use capstar too,when needed, but found it more economical if I buy the packet size for big dogs and break in half for my dogs equivalent dose.

Edited by sterlingsilver
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THanks everyone. Yes I use Capstar and Advantage not yet tried Neem Oil, just needed something for ticks since we are going on holidays up north in a couple of days, son had said Advantix hadnt worked on a few of the dogs in the area (north coast)

ETS Am going to flea bomb the house whilst we are gone, well daughter is. We normally do this twice a year as a precaution now

Edited by PooMother
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Just given her a bath and in the final rinse I made up 1200mls (30mls permoxin) and poured it over her with the plug in the tub so she was standing in it and I just kept cupping it back up under and over her, she got a soaking. I have let her shake off excess and now have her crated to dry normally, is this the go or can you towel dry etc?

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