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House Broken Dog Now Being Incontenent


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My male rottie 10yrs old has suddenly started to lose bowel control it is not constant his stools are quite firm and he seems to wait until you bring him back in side but the thing about it is he does not seem to realise that he has done it he comes back in sits down then gets up and walks toward you and lets go but does not realise he has done it. They are quite firm basically his usuall. Am at wits end about what is going on as it is not all the time it can happen one day then wont happen again for days even up to a week has been happening for only the last three weeks and has happened about five times in this period his diet has not changed was on previcox but had no accidents while on it only happens when he has not had it for a coupl of days (my vet said he might get diearreah) scuse spelling but was not the case so has had him on and off the previcox over the last two months for a week to two week periods at a time but the movements have only started in the last three weeks vet does not seem to know what it is any one have some suggestions about what it is?

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At one time I had a lovely Rottie/Labrador rescue boy, and he developed degenerative arthritis of the spine, with nerve damage. He got to the stage also where he also lost bowel control inside the house, without being aware of it. There was nothing I could do about it - his stools were also very normal, it's just that he had no idea that he was doing it. I just had to be very mindful that it could happen, and be ready to clean up. I did try those 'doggy panties' that you can buy, but because he was such a big boy, they didn't really work out that well. I always had a doggy door, so that he could go in or outside when he wanted, but because he couldn't feel what was happening, he did have some accidents inside.

I did find that acupuncture was of some help to him, and could also help your boy.

Just also a comment on the Previcox - my beautiful GS female was prescribed it for her arthritis when she was 14, and it resulted in her having seizures, which after much research, I read was one of the side-effects often associated with it. Not trying to frighten you, but just wanted to make you aware that it can happen with some dogs.

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Yeah researched it before giving it to him his rear end seems to be fine no stiffness or any thing that I have noticed just seems like he is doing on purpose sometimes as it is not very constant very intermittent as it only happens when he is comes back in after going outside to the toilet where he pees and sits out there for a while then decides he wants to come back in so comes in then will sit for a minute then walk towards you doing it and continue on his way he does not lower himself in any way as I watched him this morning when he did it it just seems to drop out with out him seeming to be aware of it the last time he did it was two days ago same thing so not sure if it is on purpose or is an accident or if it is because of his age altho noticed this morning he seems to have a lot of flatulence more than he normally has could he have an upset stomach or ? I know when he was younger if he was upset with you he would deliberatley go to the toilet in the house to get your attention but he has been getting the same amount of attention he normally gets I am not sure if he thinks he has gone to the toilet when he is outside or what as apart from the intermittence of it there does not seem to be anything else wrong with him that I have noticed I first thought it was a side affect of the previcox but it is only happening when the vet is taking him of it for a day or so as it was only prescribed for an injury he caused his front paw and not his rear end but i dont use it every day I am only to use it every second day when he over stresses his front paws so that he relaxes and does not move around to much and I stopped the use of it last friday after his last visit to the vet to say that he was fine(he slipped over in the kitchen and hit a cupboard door with his left front leg and bruised his joint and the vet said the previcox was for the pain relief he was running to his bowl for his food as i opened a cupboard door)

Edited by asmo64
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seems like he is doing on purpose

unusual to do this, I would think .

he needs a vet check (second opinion- new vet, if your current one has no clues...) to investigate what's happening.

10 is old for a rotty, isn't it?

I would not go with the idea he is doing it for attention, etc. There can be many reasons for an old dog to do this.

poor old boy.

My old Mitch used to do this as well when he was quite old.... he would get up from his bed.. and not make it to the door.

good luck at the vets with him. :(

Edited by persephone
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but thats the weirdest part it only happens when he comes back in from going out to go to the toilet he spends about half an hour out then comes in and then it happens and then it does not happen again for a while goes normally for the rest of the day then the next day then day after then he will do it again day after that over the 3 week period it has happend approx six times now so really confused as not sure whether it is the previcox or not having the previcox or something else as there is no pattern and is very inconsistent

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it sounds as though he maybe thinks he has let it go outside and then when it has happened he hasn't even realised.

poor fella. As you say he's not sitting to poop or showing signs of pooping so he obviously doesn't know.

Hope the vet visit comes up with something.

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Could be anything from nerve problems to and enlarged prostate.

Is he actually trying to poo whilst he is outside?

How active is he normally? I know that with most dogs taking them for a walk usually makes them poo within the first or second block. I am thinking that if he is fairly inactive and then he trots around the backyard for half an hour it would stimulate his bowl to poo. But for whatever reason he is not recognising these dignals and comes back inside before his bowl does the motion.

I don't believe that he would be doing it on purpose.

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My old Heeler X was always great with toilet issues, until he was about 14 then he started to have accidents inside mainly at tea time he would eat and then poo right at the end of his meal but he didn't seem to notice. Then in the morning when he was getting up from his bed he would poo a little. It was always just a little log not a full poo.

We would always try to quickly clean it up before he noticed because he would get a little sressed if he saw/smelt it. He was quite stiff in his old age and was on metacam daily. He lived to be just over 15 years. The vet had no idea how to help at the time, we just kept him as comfortable as possible until his time came. RIP my big bear.

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yes thats the thing he does go outside and he does sit to poop when he is outside thats why i have found it odd. He is a fairly active dog who comes and goes in and out when he wants(usually its me getting him to rest thats how active he is)

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No he hasnt had that done will be getting it done at his next visit in two weeks His diet is high in fibre and I was advised not to increase it by the vet as it could cause him to have diarreahr with the previcox which he is now back on again(had him back to the vet in the afternoon)

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And here is the funniest now he appears to be constipated I cant seem to win the vet claimed the previcox would loosen him up so advised to cut his fibre intake so he would not get diarrearh and now he is blocked up the only thing i have done was to cut his oil intake down from every second day to every third and stopped giving him sardines every second day while on the previcox and kept him on his normal diet of vegies and dry kibble cant win help

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My old dog who has now gone to rainbow bridge also did this he had spondlytis and nerve degeneration he wouls b asleep on his trampoline bed and the poo would just come out her had no idea and would be asleep you'd walk past and he would wake up and walk away totally oblivious did not upset him only us. Nothing helped him eventually he was too weak to stand so we had him put to sleep but he was incontinent pooing for a good year never incontinent with wee.

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thanks for the support ethan collapsed over the weekend so had to take to vet where he was givewn an enema but it appears that was not the problem he had basically just given up it appears the injury to his front leg was not as simple as the vet thought his kidneys started to shut down late last night and he had to be put down at 9.00 am this morning

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