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Gunky Eye

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Hi guys,

Sash has a slightly gunky eye at the moment. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, but every now and then she will get an accumulation of clear/whitish runny gunk (not too watery, it's a thickish watery consistency that just snakes out of the corner) in one of her eyes. When I get home from work or when she wakes up, there is an accumulation (like sleep but a bit more) - I wouldn't say lots, but more than what you would expect to see from a normal eye.

It doesn't look abnormal, she's not squinting or blinking excessively - could she have just scratched it or something? What is the best thing to do for me to ensure it is comfortable for her? Of course if it gets worse or goes on too long I will take her to the vet, but just hoping it's nothing major and maybe just wash it out with something? Can someone please let me know the best eye flush to use, and how many parts of each ingredient should be added to the solution?

Thank you!

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Hi K_L , My older dog wakes up each morning with the same gunk in the corner of her eyes. I just put it down to ageing. I did ask the vet two years ago and they gave me some drops but it returned when they ran out. It wasn,t conjunctivitis they said.

I just wipe her eyes with a tissue or cotton ball soaked in salty water,that clears it up. As soon as I stop using it, it returns. I tried the tea bags mentioned on here but found the salt solution worked better.

But I,d still get it checked out next vet visit.

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Thank you dianed!

She normally has a little bit of sleepy stuff every now and then, but it's just that this seems to be a bit more accumulating more quickly and only coming out of one eye. I will try a solution and keep it clean and see how it goes. I'm assuming only a small amount of salt (don't want to sting it) is needed?

Thanks for your help, Mum told me not to use salt but I've seen a couple of people recommend it on here so will give a small amount a try!

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bobbi gets this too KL

i thought it was because she continually sticks her head in strange things (piles of leaves, hay etc) or because she sleeps on a blanket with a fringy bit

i used the salty water, about a teaspoon into a small bowl and gently wiped it away



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you can use human conjunctivities ointment if it starts looking irritated its called Brolene Eye Ointment. Chemists have it.

Just NEVER touch the eye with the nozzle or you risk recontaminating the eye and creating further infection. Sqeeze the gel onto the eyeball and just rotate the tube to snap it off.

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I never mess about with eyes. There is just too much that go wrong and damge can be irreparable. It's too hard to tell if the condition has been caused by an injury or an infection. That's one of the reasons why vets won't give you ointments without seeing the dog. I ring my vet for an appointment at the first sign of an new eye problem.

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Please dont mess with eyes ,so many reasons for this ,hopefully it is just gunk ,but with age can come other problems .

vets visit is best first move ,but in the mean time warm salty water with a clean wipe each time .,wont do any harm

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Thank you all for the suggestions. I wiped it out last night with some warm water (left out the salt as I was too afraid I'd put too much in) - and I learnt something new... Sasha does not like having her eyes cleaned :D I had to chase the bugger around the yard, but once I got her I got a few seconds to wash it out.

Today is much better, doesn't appear to be the same amount of gunk in her eye - just a normal (little to none) amount. So I'm guessing she may have just irritated it by sticking her head in a bush or something.

Thanks for the advice, next time I'll know what to do initially.

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Sounds similar to what one of my dogs has had for many years.

Vet checked out that the fluid was draining properly thru the tear duct (using dye) and thought it was likely a mild allergy.

I just wipe the eye when necessary with warm water and a clean tissue. One tissue per wipe.

If you wipe the eye, just remember to be very clean in what you do or you'll be setting her up for infection.

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