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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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My girl has an Xray about an hour ago. She is 6 weeks and 6 days and we can see 5 puppies clearly with another 1 or 2 possibles. The vet wants to re-xray next week so we can be sure.


Getting my girl x-rayed next week, she's getting aweful big so either a belly full OR just bigggggg babies..

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Thanks everyone, my other bitch is going to be mated in 8 or 9 days so hopefully I will have a February litter.

My puffer boy is being so good but I'm sure he is just dying for the girls to have a lovely hairless bitch pup so he will get a turn eventually lol!

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Well Scarlet is scaring the crap out of me tonight. :xmassmile:

She still has 8 days to go and is panting flat out (have never heard her pant like this before) and is scratching up the bottom of her crate. It is not hot here so not sure what to make of this :xmashohoho:

So instead of trying to get my few hours of broken sleep with my 5 day old litter I am sitting here watching Scarlet to see what she does :xmascheer:


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Well Scarlet is scaring the crap out of me tonight.

She still has 8 days to go and is panting flat out (have never heard her pant like this before) and is scratching up the bottom of her crate. It is not hot here so not sure what to make of this

So instead of trying to get my few hours of broken sleep with my 5 day old litter I am sitting here watching Scarlet to see what she does


Babies are still cooking :xmashohoho: have no idea what that was all about :xmassmile:

Scarlet settled down about 3am and is fine this morning.


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Well Scarlet is scaring the crap out of me tonight. :xmassmile:

She still has 8 days to go and is panting flat out (have never heard her pant like this before) and is scratching up the bottom of her crate. It is not hot here so not sure what to make of this :xmashohoho:

So instead of trying to get my few hours of broken sleep with my 5 day old litter I am sitting here watching Scarlet to see what she does :xmascheer:


My lab girl is due on the 5th Dec and she was behaving like Scarlet, nesting like mad and was panting off & on for a while, but I think it is the heat. She is huge and very uncomfortable. However at night when it is cooler she is fine, all else is normal with her and have just started taking her temp this morning. I think we will be having a lot of puppies going by her size!!!!

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KR how did you get on with your scan

Trin had her ultrasound and there are definately two pups the vet can see, facing the right way too ! He sure there are more pups but couldnt see them clearly. But that is ok, im not worried in knowing exactly how many she is having, that will be a surprise, the main this is SHE IS PREGNANT !! And due the 3rd December, a couple of days after my girl Phoenix :laugh:

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Scarlet has 9 days to go now and I keep forgetting she is pregnant :laugh: she was hooning around the back yard last night like normal and not like a heavy pregnant bitch :eek:


Phoenix is due in 4 days and she is huge, but still runs around like a mad thing! When i let Shamus out of his crate when i get home they race around the yard barking and carrying on like idiots :D very funny watching her run with her big belly.

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My lab girl is due on the 5th Dec and she was behaving like Scarlet, nesting like mad and was panting off & on for a while, but I think it is the heat. She is huge and very uncomfortable. However at night when it is cooler she is fine, all else is normal with her and have just started taking her temp this morning. I think we will be having a lot of puppies going by her size!!!!

I could understand her panting if it had been hot but it was rather cool last night. Scarlet is at the other end of the house from my bedroom at the moment and I could here her in there with the door shut and lying next to Storm in her whelping box who was either panting (letting milk down) or snoring.

It is warming up this morning and she is fine :laugh:


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My lab girl is due on the 5th Dec and she was behaving like Scarlet, nesting like mad and was panting off & on for a while, but I think it is the heat. She is huge and very uncomfortable. However at night when it is cooler she is fine, all else is normal with her and have just started taking her temp this morning. I think we will be having a lot of puppies going by her size!!!!

I could understand her panting if it had been hot but it was rather cool last night. Scarlet is at the other end of the house from my bedroom at the moment and I could here her in there with the door shut and lying next to Storm in her whelping box who was either panting (letting milk down) or snoring.

It is warming up this morning and she is fine :laugh:


I had this with Indy 2 nights ago, I was a little worried only because she had that ''far away'' look in her eyes, but even though it was quite coolish, her belly was still really hot so rolled her over and she settled, was thinking maybe she was giving herself a ''practice run'' :eek: .

Was going to wait till end of next week to get x-rayed, but instead we are getting it done today. The sire has thrown some pretty big puppies in previous litters so just want to have an idea, if there seems to be a few I will just monitor her when the time comes but if there is only a couple, will need to seriously consider booking her in for a c-section.

Is it just me or do the days seem to be going by faster now that due dates are looming :D

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My girl was doing the same thing last night and the night before - made me have some sleepless nights so far!! hmm

It has been hot here but then my girl is inside in the air conditioning so I can not see how she could be hot and bothered?

As soon as I begin to retire for bed she starts nesting and panting - I am in bed and can hear her panting, so up I get again.... she is not due for another week or so, at the earliest she could pop around the 4th on wards depending on litter size, but she is getting quite big now and I just figured that she is just pregnant and big and getting more uncomfortable as the days go on, cause she has these little bursts and then settles for the rest on the night and pretty much all day??!?!

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Is it just me or do the days seem to be going by faster now that due dates are looming :laugh:

oh yes don't they - the closer they come the more concerned I get about being organised!!! lol - although I have to keep saying to myself that I am as organised as they come, just stop worrying yourself - hmmm?? Its my first litter on my own! So I guess you can understand now why I am a little anxious - but I try to keep this hidden from my girl so she does not pick up on the vibes!!! I use to ride and own horses and they are fantastic at reading people and nervousness - so I have learnt to hold a good poker face and control my inner feelings - lol

I really start thinking about her when I am not around her, but when she is with me she seems to make all the worry go away!

She is doing so well now after a not so good start - I am very proud of her!

Anyway all the best to all with the coming litters - Hope Santa gives you some lovely puppies - december is looming in fast!!

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My girl was doing the same thing last night and the night before - made me have some sleepless nights so far!! hmm

It has been hot here but then my girl is inside in the air conditioning so I can not see how she could be hot and bothered?

As soon as I begin to retire for bed she starts nesting and panting - I am in bed and can hear her panting, so up I get again.... she is not due for another week or so, at the earliest she could pop around the 4th on wards depending on litter size, but she is getting quite big now and I just figured that she is just pregnant and big and getting more uncomfortable as the days go on, cause she has these little bursts and then settles for the rest on the night and pretty much all day??!?!

Yes that's how it works, turn the lights out, TV off and get into bed then the night noises begin :laugh: I had a bitch tear paper and bang on the false floor of the box for a whole week before she whelped a couple of years back. By the time the babies arrived I was a nightmare from all those sleepness nights!

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My girl was doing the same thing last night and the night before - made me have some sleepless nights so far!! hmm

It has been hot here but then my girl is inside in the air conditioning so I can not see how she could be hot and bothered?

As soon as I begin to retire for bed she starts nesting and panting - I am in bed and can hear her panting, so up I get again.... she is not due for another week or so, at the earliest she could pop around the 4th on wards depending on litter size, but she is getting quite big now and I just figured that she is just pregnant and big and getting more uncomfortable as the days go on, cause she has these little bursts and then settles for the rest on the night and pretty much all day??!?!

Yes that's how it works, turn the lights out, TV off and get into bed then the night noises begin I had a bitch tear paper and bang on the false floor of the box for a whole week before she whelped a couple of years back. By the time the babies arrived I was a nightmare from all those sleepness nights!

I don't feel so worried now. Not happy about sitting up most of the night though, my other litter is 5 days old and I can use as much sleep as I can get.

oh yes don't they - the closer they come the more concerned I get about being organised!!! lol - although I have to keep saying to myself that I am as organised as they come, just stop worrying yourself - hmmm?? Its my first litter on my own! So I guess you can understand now why I am a little anxious - but I try to keep this hidden from my girl so she does not pick up on the vibes!!! I use to ride and own horses and they are fantastic at reading people and nervousness - so I have learnt to hold a good poker face and control my inner feelings - lol

I am far from being organised :laugh:

I have decided I will put Storm and her pups in the WIR in my room that way they are still close and Scarlet can go next to my bed where Storm is now. Storm's pups will be about 2 weeks old. Now I just need to clean up the WIR :D


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well, we just had our x-ray, poor girl, no wonder she is waddling like a duck :D

what we could see, there is a belly full :eek: .

I have had her all settled inside for the past couple of weeks, and everything ready, so

now just have to sit back and wait, and :laugh: all goes well, but have my vet ''on alert'' if need be..

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Its my first litter on my own! So I guess you can understand now why I am a little anxious - but I try to keep this hidden from my girl so she does not pick up on the vibes!!! I use to ride and own horses and they are fantastic at reading people and nervousness - so I have learnt to hold a good poker face and control my inner feelings - lol

I really start thinking about her when I am not around her, but when she is with me she seems to make all the worry go away!

She is doing so well now after a not so good start - I am very proud of her!

I'm sure you will be fine, and I hope all goes well with your girl.......

I'm all outa stress, used it all last week with a sick newborn foal...

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