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Misha Had A Turn?


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about 25 minutes ago we could hear a rats running through the walls at our house {yeah thats right RATS}

Misha jumped off the sofa with a growl in her throat and I just quietly said her name and she stopped and kept going into the dining room.

I was standing in the lounge room when suddenly there was this strange noise going on , on the floor in the dining room as there is lino down.

I went to have a look and there was my little misha trying to get up off the floor but she couldn't and her little legs were

thrashing about and i quickly scooped down to get her and she was slightly rigid lying on her side. :laugh:

Her heart was pounding and i held her against me to talked to her calmly. She was looking about like she wasn't sure where she was and licking her lips and swallowing alot.

After about 5 mins I put her down and she wanted to go out side and then started eating some grass.

She appears to be ok now.

What does anyone else think ?? I have heard of epeletic fits in dogs before.

Thank you JUlie

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Is there any ratsak laying around she could have ingested?

I would definitely ring the vets and explain what happened, they will let you know if you should take her in now, or wait till the morning.

Sounds like it could have been a seizure of some sort. Unless she hurt herself getting off the couch?

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No rat sack as I refuse to have it around because of the animals. And besides the cats have been catching the babies and waiting for the big ones to appear. :laugh:

She appeared to be ok when she got off the sofa.

The only thing I can think of is she may has tripped on the computer cord on the floor but it was the way she was on the floor and unable to get up that scared me and her by the looks.

She has put herself to bed now.

will check with the vet in the morning unless something strange happens during the night.

Thanks for the quick responce.


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How old is your Misha? Our elderly boxer had grand mal seizures in the last 18 months of his life.......Misha doesn't sound like he had a grand mal but maybe just a normal seizure. They can be so frightening......some dogs only have 1 in their lives others have many....probably your vet will wait to see if he has another (if this is what has happened) before starting any medications........with normal seizures the dog gets over them really quickly and you would never know it had happened if you hadn't seen it......Just watch to see if he has any others or ring your vet if you're really concerned!!!!! Fish oils are supposed to help dogs with fits - just something you can do yourself for starters......You might be one of the lucky ones and never see Misha have a fit again :laugh::confused:

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Sometimes dogs like people can twist wrong way and pinch a nerve in their back have seen it with dogs chasing balls and slipping on lino many a time, keep an eye on her and feel along her body for any areas and see if she flinches or if she's walking any different or is uncomfortable like lying down and getting up and moving around and repeating process is a good indication she may of pulled muscle or something.

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The correct term for the different types of seziures are grand mal (tonic clonic), petite mal and focal. There is no such thing as 'normal seizures'. :laugh:

It does sound like it was a possibly a seizure. A dog's heart will race during a seizure too. Seizures are caused by many things and it is not always epilepsy. Disease, injury and toxins can cause seizures also.

I would take her to the Vet for a check-up. If possible, keep a mobile or cam corder handy so that if is ever occurs again you can film it.

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