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Argh, My Little Fella Isn't Happy At All!


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I am lying in bed right now with my 11week old puppy in his crate next to me. He has been crying, barking, scratching for the last half an hour! I took him for a toilet break very business like and still no stopping! Am I being punished for letting him sleep in my bed the last week?

I have given him rescue remedy and have a wet face washer in with him with lavender oil on it (it's quite warm tonight). What else can I do? Do I just continue to ignore him? Argh!!

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Thanks so much for your reply! He's still going.. I've only had him a week. He hasn't been 'trained' as such, I have been feeding him in his crate and he'll usually nap in there during the day. He also gathers his toys and puts them in there (hiding them from my old JRT I think).

I ordered the crate games DVD just waiting for it to arrive! He slept the first 3hours of last night in his crate but after his toilet break he came into my bed (I haven't given in to his whinging yet though!!). Do you think I should continue to ignore him?

I'm thinking ear plugs might be the way to go tomorrow night lol!

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Oh dear, you poor thing! If you give in and put the little fella in your bed, you'll get some sleep tonight but it'll just happen again tomorrow night and the night after.....If you don't want him sleeping in your bed, then you're going to have to stay strong I'm afraid. A gentle radio or tv sound in the room might help. Best of luck. :)

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I has the same for the first couple of days or so ... I slept on the floor beside the crate with my fingers through the side of the crate.

After about 4 or 5 days I found I could sleep in my bed if the crate was immediately beside the bed and I had my hand close to the crate. Over time I could slowly move the crate towards the doorway and then eventually out into the lounge room.

It is hard but he should eventually settle ... it is a case of who will give in first :)

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Nadz... you little boy is confused and does not really know where he should sleep...

you need to start now on what is allowed and not allowed for when they are adults, you also need consistancy

He slept in the crate then you took him out and placed him on the bed....

If you want him to sleep in the crate you have to be tough and not take him out when he crys... can you place one of your t-shirts in the crate with him and place the crate near bed so he can see you.. this may settle him down

be prepared for him to cry and try and ignore him as much as possible, when he awakes in the middle of the night, dont talk to him but take him outside to the toilet... when he goes praise him and then put him straight back in the crate... He is a smart little boy and will pick up that awake at night is for the toilet and not play time.

At this stage I would not put him on the bed until he is readily and reliably sleeping in the crate... he will get there and then you can let him have cuddles on the bed....

good luck :D

Edited by cvs
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I had a pup 15 years ago and have another now and will be doing exactly the same thing.

I stayed out in the lounge room on a camp bed with the last pup next to me on the floor for a few nights. We then moved into my bedroom (I had moved to loungeroom so hubby got some sleep) and Shads slept on his bed on the floor, or with me when whingy. He settled well and quickly as he had reassurance and once he was confident he then chose to happily sleep outside, on a chair in the loungeroom or on his bed. If Hubby was away he was allowed on the bed. For 15 years he was a self confident happy dog.

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Nadz... you little boy is confused and does not really know where he should sleep...

you need to start now on what is allowed and not allowed for when they are adults, you also need consistancy

I second that...was the same deal with my puppy when we got him at 8 weeks old. Heaps of crying and whinging the first couple of nights in the crate, but soon got the idea that he isn't getting anywhere carrying on like that.

I suppose each time that he gets taken out of his crate and onto your bed when he cries, he is being rewarded for it (crying=sleeping on bed), and it will keep going.

Just persevere a little bit more, he'll get there... =)

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The simple reality is it is dangerous to have him sleep in your bed at his age & the breed his is.

I would sooner put up with some crying than the long term result of a damaged back.

Dachies love to be vocal,that is part of there breeding,they will use there voice at any chance & generally they win as people give up.

Dachies will fight to the end when it comes down to it so be very patient,consistent & he will learn very quickly that his new bed is perfectly fine.

When the dog is older & more capable of staying safely there yes it ca sleep on the bed but at present play it safe.

My dachie was crated,then progressed to his own bed & once mature & trained to stay slepted on my bed.

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Thanks for the replies :thumbsup:

I ended up putting his crate in the laundry last night and then woke up every 2hrs to take him to the toilet. He was so noisy! I have ear plugs for tonight though so it'll be back next to the bed, hopefully he'll learn soon!

showdog I totally agree regarding having a dachshie in the bed! I'm a very light sleeper though and sleep on my same side all night so I'm sure he'd be ok, but still I can never be 100% sure so better to be safe than sorry!

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All I can say is that I had the same night as you :eek: My little 8 week old retriever arrived home yesterday and I didnt get much sleep. I don't think he liked being in the crate and he was panting quite a lot, although we have air con so he wasn't hot, must have been a little stressed out.

Hoping hoping hoping tonight is a lot better :D

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Oh BooBooBear, I know this is the wrong thing to say but I'm

happy someone else is going through this! Lol! I feel like I'm doing something wrong!!

I'm on the couch with him in the crate next to me. Far enough away from the bedrooms so if he cries hopefully it won't disturb everyone! He's asleep with no sooking so far which is an improvement! But we will see how he is after his first toilet break..

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You will get there Nadz! We had a pretty easy run over night with our Chestnut (mini dach) from the start but crating during the day was the hardest. We made sure we kept to the routine and just put up with the cries- I know it is SO heart breaking. I've heard the crate games DVD is fantastic but haven't seen it myself. I can forward you some articles my trainer sent to me? Maybe it will just reassure you that you are doing the right thing. To be honest I had several times when I was convinced I was doing everything wrong and that we were going backwards, and then all of a sudden I have a pup that voluntarily goes into his crate often, rarely cries and rarely pees where he shouldn't! Hang in there!

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My previous pups to Tilba went to sleep in what I call the dog room, at our back door entry. With April I was awake all night waiting for her to cry, remembering pup we had as a child. Nothing, ever. Same thing with Sooty. Different with Tilba I put her in the same room in her crate. She was fine, not a noise for the 1st 3 or so weeks. Then the nightmare began. She would scratch at, yelp & whine. I was prepared to ignore it but my oh & son's all workers were not & each took a turn on different nights to go to her. It eventually stopped when I gave her a dog bed & didn't put her in the crate.

I know they say to put the crate next to your bed, never have the pup in your bed, so they know they're not alone & you can hear them when they stir to go outside. I would not want a young pup weeing & pooing in my bed. I don't give a pup access to carpeted rooms until they are reliable in the house.

You'll just have to be persistent & let him cry it out. He should eventually settle as long as you don't give in again.

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How did it go last night??

I did the crate in the living room, covered it with a sheet and ignored the crying and barking and about 10 minutes later he settled and slept from 9.30pm until 4.30am so I was pretty happy with that!! Then I took him out to go 'loo' put him back in the crate and he cried/barked again but settled until around 5.45am. So slowly slowly we are getting there! It's so hard :p

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Yeah, well done booboobear! It is so awful to listen to, but when it stops.. ahh the relief!! I forgot to mention before too, that often when we actually timed how long Chestnut was crying for, it was always less than 10mins. That quickly reduced to 5mins then 1min, now barely a huff. I would also sometimes check on him without talking to him, just walk past to make sure he wasn't crying because he'd poop'd or something. That at least made me feel better! :vomit: You can do it! :cheer:

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Well done BooBooBear! Sounds like he is learning!

Alfie was in his crate last night in the lounge room again, with me sleeping on the couch. He settled down in his crate straight away, at about 10pm. He woke up at 1.30am for the toilet and then had a little cry (soft sobbing lol I could put up with that! it's the howling I can't stand!), which only lasted a few minutes then he slept till 7.30am! So I'm very happy yet at the same time I'm dreading his reaction when we are back in the bedroom.. hopefully with enough nights slept in the lounge room in his crate he'll forget that he used to get the bed!

Thanks so much Cazwah I got the articles :cheer: off to have a good read this morning!

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