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Parvo In Brisbane


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There are often individual cases reported but if the vet says it's an outbreak then perhaps you should contact them and ask which area? And then let us know! :laugh:

My vet told me last year that there were several suburbs in and around Brisbane which had reports of parvo but I didn't hear anything about it other than what she told me.

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Why the eyerolling? :laugh: Do you think it might be a reminder to vaccinate - marketing? :laugh:

Absolutely - they have sent two emails in the last couple of months that is fueling fear IMHO re the AVA recommendations.

Additionally they didn't say where in Brisbane - yet they have numerous locations

Edited by First Time Puppy Owner
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I'd have to say that it may be marketing, but it's also the truth.

20 cases in the last two weeks out in the western suburbs. Quite a number in the inner city suburbs as well.

ETA: That's just the figures from two vet clinics.

Edited by ~Erin~
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I'm quite suss about these latest 'parvo outbreak' reports that seem to be coming about lately. I'm suss that the Disease Watchdog site that was started by a vacc company, is working for them in the way they had hoped. That is, to make data readily available regarding parvo cases with the idea it will be spread to the public who in turn will be scared into annual vacc's.

I'm sure there were always parvo in these areas, but now the case numbers are being made available to vets and others who have registered, making it all seems worse than what it really is.

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Certain areas of Sydney have regular rounds of it... most likely because those areas are populated fairly highly with people in the lower socio-economic brackets who don't regularly get their dogs to the vets for things like vaccinations.

The Disease Watchdog is just highlighting the areas... and it is also making a lot more vets aware of the disease too. I remember a few years back having 2 pups contract Parvo - and my vet commented that they hadn't seen any cases for quite a while - which is why the first pup was diagnosed as Coronavirus and never actually tested for Parvo - the second pup was tested and was positive... sadly, neither pup survived, even with the best treatment my vets could offer...


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Western Sydney is having an 'outbreak'.

Prior to April, we saw 2 cases in 18 months. We've seen 5 since Monday this week, and several a week over the rest of the month. If the message got to the people who SHOULD be vaccinating (those people who have puppies that have never been vaccinated) then it would be a good thing. Unfortunately, the more common scenario for us is a completely unvaccinated pup with no funds for treatment - by that time it's too late to explain that even one well timed vaccination would have been cheaper than a consult and parvo test.

Edited by Rappie
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Western Sydney is having an 'outbreak'.

Prior to April, we saw 2 cases in 18 months. We've seen 5 since Monday this week, and several a week over the rest of the month. If the message got to the people who SHOULD be vaccinating (those people who have puppies that have never been vaccinated) then it would be a good thing. Unfortunately, the more common scenario for us is a completely unvaccinated pup with no funds for treatment - by that time it's too late to explain that even one well timed vaccination would have been cheaper than a consult and parvo test.


Could you give me an idea of what area this would be?

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Before I recently resigned from the animal shelter I worked at, on the Gold Coast, we had several young dogs from ipswich- 3-4 single dogs and 2 litters- that came down with parvo, all of this was in the space of maybe 2 months, we had maybe 3 cases from the beaudesert area, again same sort of time frame, and maybe 2 or 3 young dogs from the logan area, all were dogs from pounds. I'm not surprised at having a large scale outbreak-within pounds- considering what their cleaning practices are like.

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