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Jack The Jrt Gets A New Life


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I mentioned this in another thread but I think it's kinda great and deserves it's own little thread. Warning - one of my long waffly posts ahead - I have tried to keep it to a minimum but .... well, you know how it is :D

Ever since I moved to this town, almost 4 years ago, I have been concerned about a little Jack Russell who lives exists up the road from me. Every day I've walked past him as his yard is just out of town on my walking trail - and he always strained excitedly at the end of his short chain, his front legs in the air as he leaned out from the chain and bounced on his little back legs, barking at me for all he's worth.

Without thinking, I used to go into the yard (I thought the house was empty - it was but there's more to it) and let my dogs run up to him and say hi. I'd give him cuddles and check his water bowl. Once I even let him off the lead (the yard is fenced!!!) and he just ran around the yard following my boy. Often I'd find he'd pulled the pitiful thin blanket out of his tiny kennel and had no bedding to sleep on coz the blanket was wet. So I'd hang it up to dry and return later to put it in his kennel. I'd also find he'd knocked over his water and food etc and the food would be covered in dirt and flies.

After making enquiries I found out the JRT's name is Jack and his owners live in another house on the other side of town. They keep him there, alone and with barely adequate shelter, 24 hours a day to "protect" the house. Never walked, never played with. Just left there all alone. They would drop by now and then to drop some food in his bowl and check his water but that was it. I asked his owners if they'd mind if I walked him and they reacted with anger and told me to stay the hell out of their business. They also told me to stay out of their property (ooops!!!) :mad

ANYway. Over the years I've managed to get them to let me walk Jack now and again - especially once my friend with the greyhound moved in to town and we both worked on them. We bought him a harness because he's damaged his trachea from straining on the chain and we didn't want to make it worse. He's so excited when he's walked he's totally hyper and pulls a lot.

THen my friend gave the harness to the owners who promised to walk him regularly. Of course they didn't. Both of us tried constantly to educate Jack's owners, choosing to take the gentle path as much as possible rather than be confrontational. It helped that Jack's owners really admire my dogs and my friends greyhound and want a dog that behaves that well. We worked on getting them to realise our dogs didn't magically arrive with brilliant manners!!! It takes love, work and commitment etc....

Meanwhile, dear little Jack was constantly getting into strife. Throwing himself over the fence and hanging himself on several occassions, fortunately someone always noticed and rescued him. He also kept tangling the chain up so he couldn't move more than a couple of inches. That sort of thing. They kept moving him round the yard trying to put him somewhere "safe" he just kept inventing ways to get into trouble :) He started losing his bark - I think it was from the damage he was doing leaping around on the end of the chain. So instead of barking when he heard us coming he was doing this wierd little rasp..... ;) I'd always stop and talk to him and let him say hi to my dogs through the back fence (it backed onto a vacant block where I walk the dogs). I am moving to a new town soon (tomorrow in fact) and worried about him so much I have to admit I was a bit tempted to kidnap him when I left. He really is a lovely little chappy and I just couldn't bear the idea of leaving him in this appalling situation.

FInally, a week ago I discovered he'd got under the fence and into a roll of fencing wire - his chain was wrapped through the wire several times and he was stuck fast - but worse than that - he was surrounded by pieces of broken glass and jagged metal. I was amazed he hadn't cut himself open on anything. :p

The poor little dude had obviously been there all day and the first thing he did when I released him and put him back in his yard was race to the water bowl. I told his owners who did nothing about it (didnt even move the roll of wire) - so Jack did it again the very next day - only this time he managed to catch the clip to his chain on the wire, released himself and buggered off!!!!! (I now fondly wonder if that's what he was trying to do the first time and when I went and kindly unwound it all for him and put him back he was thinking "Stupid bloody woman!!! I was almost there!!!!" :laugh: )

He disappeared for nearly 2 days - my friend and I searched for him everywhere - it took his owners over a day to even notice he'd gone. ;)

The upshot is - he was eventually found alive and well and now they've actually MOVED HIM down to where they live!!!! They were a bit shamed by our level of concern for him I think and asked us why he keeps doing these things. We explained about things like dogs needing to have company, needing to be loved and love them, how he is bored and lonely and being driven insane because they leave him tied up by himself - how would you like it? we asked them...... What would happen to you if someone did that to you???

They have had him down at their house for nearly a week now and he is such a happy little fella. But even better - I've seen them walking him EVERY DAY. Not only that but they are training him and they seem to be enjoying walking him. THe lady brought him over to my fence today to say hi to my dogs (he adores them!!!) and I was nearly in tears seeing how happy this little fella is and what a huge change to his life he's had in the last week. I gave his owner lots of praise and encouragement and she has clearly grasped why this dog needs to be with them and walked etc.

So, that's my long story. One very happy little JRT and I have to say - one very CLEVER little JRT who has eventually achieved his goal and got himself into a much much better lifestyle. Yay JACK!!!!

And what a great present for me - just as I'm leaving town ;)

I feel really good about this! (And my greyhound friend will be keeping an eye on him now I've gone - if they stick him back up there again, well .... I think I should keep the rest of that sentence to myself :))

Edited by spottychick
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Dont let it go now! You may have achieved that mystery breakthrough about how animals are important too! Anything free you can chuck their way will help. I mean advise, company or whatnot. (free is not just financial in this case, sometimes it is education. I have noticed the biggest step (possibly mental) is money. Then time. They have seen what a bit of attention has done, heres hoping they keep it up, or even better, go even further!

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I'm so happy that you were there so often for Jack and finally got thru to his owners that dogs bring so much

joy to our lives, if we just let them! I hope they continue to look after jack now, and I bet he is one little happy chappy!!

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:) Great outcome for Jack, hope they keep it up

He is a lucky little boy to have someone like you watch over him spottychick and to stand up for him, may his luck continue with a long and happy life thanks to you :D

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i think some lessons there for alot of folks round here.

the normal reaction would be to come in hear saying what a dh the owner was how you should steal the dog/ report to rapca/ call rangers, all options causing hatred from the owners.

at least this way dog is now in a home which is becoming educated and looking after him. means that one less dogue has gone thru the system.

makes me wonder how jamison and the pups are going, but that poor poster will never return here and now has a hugely negative view of dol.

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Oh Jaysus, Spotty :) :D :mad . That is such a sad story. How many Jacks never find their Spotty, though.

Yeah, I know this Jack's storey has a happy ending . . . .

Congratulations for doing so much for the little guy and eventually getting the people to see your point of view.

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Jack is a lucky little guy to have met you. Good on you for not turning a blind eye :D

Iam a little partial to JRT's - just love their antic's, i can imagine what he got up to trying to get out of that situation.

Thank-you for sharing ( although you made me cry and ruin my mascara ) :)

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Thanks all - I just thought a little positive stuff would be good right now :)

VC - I dont know who Jamison is. Hope things worked out there. I always try educating as much as possible. I just know people respond badly to anyone who is confrontational - and I kinda understand it. I never got the sense these people were deliberately cruel tho - so that effects my approach. They are generally nice people who do a lot for everyone else in the town. They just didn't get it about their dog.

MM - Yes it was sad. I don't know if people can imagine but he has spent many freezing cold Tassie winters in that little hell hole - and this town is just next to the Ben Lomond Ski Fields so it is VERY cold. Wind and sleet would whip into his little kennel. Arrgghhh - let's not go there.... He's in a better place now - I noticed he's got a good fenced run at his new home and no chain!!! His kennel is between the house and the garage with area at the back and front for him to look out and see everyone (which he does a lot - rasping happily at all and sundry!) And the house is in the centre of things so lots of people wander past. Just great for him.

MM - Terribly sorry about your mascara :D

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