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Are They Worth Having?


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Yes I think dog toys are absolutely worth it...we have a dog toy box here, although it isn't very full because most of the toys are around the house and yard. The dogs love it though - they will stick their head in the toy box and choose a toy.

Tilly knows that when I come home with a bag she has a chance of getting a toy, so she gets quite excited when I bring shopping home. :bottom:

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dogs need things to occupy themselves, my personal preference is to get at least one of the following types of toy:

rope toy

soft toy

chew toy/teething toy

brain teaser - like treat balls ect. something they have to work at for a reward

noisy toy

ball or frisbee

tug toy

some toys are dual purpose and your dog probably wont be interested in all of them, but you can work out what they like and get more of the same/similar. Some things you don't need to buy as giving them a bone or long lasting treat has the same purpose.

I like to buy toys of good quality made specificly for dogs but I also make use of around the house stuff, empty plastic bottles, empty cardboard boxes ect. which I can put treats in. Hiding treats under bowls or in the yard or in a digging pit.

Some toys you do need to supervise, and dogs have gotten their jaw stuck in kongs when left along with them so for me that is a supervise only toy.

Have to say though that some dogs wont be interested in anything you can buy them, a palm frond, a plastic pot or a cardboard box ect. might be what attracts them, but certainly with a pup I think it's a good investment to try out different toys and build on what they like because there are some fantastic things out there and an occupied canine is a less destructive canine and a happier canine!

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Whatever toys you make/buy ensure they are ones which suit your dog (breeding/temperament, quirks) :thumbsup:

Hamlet has no interest in rope toys or balls - he has a small family of soft toys which he carries around and sleeps with.He also loves empty butter containers and ice cream containers.

One of our dogs has one large soccer ball which is her only everyday toy.She's not interested in aything else.

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Toys are definitely worth it in general - but it does depend on the dog as to whether you should spend a lot of money. Cal doesn't look twice at toys and is not at all interested, so buying them just for him would be a bit pointless. But Finn loves them and I happily spend money on them for him :thumbsup: Unfortunately toys involving food (eg Kongs) cause fights so I can't leave him with one of those but he loves his soft toys.

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You don't have to spend heaps on toys. If just get about 3 good quality toys, you can rotate them and your dog will love it. Good quality toys last longer and I think they work out better value in the long run.

Some of my dog's favourite brands and toys are Kong, Cuz and Planet Dog :thumbsup:

If I had to choose 3 toys, I'd say one could be something for treats to go in (like a Kong or treat ball), one could be squeaky and one could be either chewy or something like a ball to play fetch with.

Edited by Baby Dragon
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Toys are definately good for them and i would never deprive my 3 from any. although it is tempting to take them away somedays especially considering one of them has just completely destroyed a brand new tennis ball at my feet whilst reading this post :):laugh: (he had fun) . Diesel is the toy stealer in our family he likes to snatch all the toys away from everybody else and stash them away in his corner of the yard . The trick is finding toys that will last a long time and are different and exciting from the other ones they have . soft squeaky toys last about 5 seconds in this house , so i tend to go for a hard plastic or the rope toys . Lately i have been able to get a real soft plastic /latex type toy that the dogs find hard to grab and chew cause they are so soft :thumbsup:

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Do dogs enjoy toys? Well these guys do, even to the point of pinching some other dogs ball and then just about dislocating his mouth to carry it of. Luckily the big dog took it in good grace.




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I have a young Border Who simply loves to chew toys.. I spend atleast $20 a fortnight on a few more toys with him and we do cycles his good ones are put away when i'm not playing with him and the rest are in his toybox for him to play with as he pleases as I buy new ones the old ones go into the box and the destroyed ones into the bin...

Yes It is worth it as he gets hours of enjoyment and He NEVER chews our things like shoes and outdoor furniture unlike our neigbours lab who had no toys and destroyed their new outdoor setting

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My fur kids love their toys, our house is sprawled them. We try to keep them in one place when they're done with them.. but it sure is hard, 2 seconds later the toys are everywhere again! :thumbsup:

I'd also recommend a Kong, I jam it full of treats and Mars spends ages trying to get it all out. Takes him a while too!

Great that Morrison has toys already, but.. always good to have a variety! :)

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I bought my Paddington two kongs and he wasn't keen on either. Most likely because he's lazy. He prefers soft toys and ropes. I have found the best toys to be Russ Baby rattle toys as they have no dangerous parts and last a while.

You can always just pick up some second hand stuffed toys from op-shops and take the eyes and noses out. That of course ruins all the fun for the dogs though :)

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Toys are definately worth it in this house, especially over the last few days. I love watching Riley get so excited about his toys. I gave him a new kyjen bottle buddy today and he was running round like a puppy again (he's 9).

I've also been sick the last few days so they've been great to occupy him while I'm stuck on the lounge

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My dogs have 2 washing baskets full of toys, 1 outside and 1 inside.

Only a few are true dog toys such as the kongs, wubba, treat ball and teething chew things the rest I have got from St Vinnies or other op shops. I regularly drop by my local op shop to pick up blankets/bedding for my fosters and always check out the kids toy section for my furkids.

My lot love new toys and even if they only last a few days it doesnt matter when I've paid 40c for it.

My dogs all seem to like thick rope loops and knots. I put 3 or four double knots along the rope and then tie the ends together and 3 or 4 of them can play tug together. Like they do with a teddy bear :p

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Toys are so worth it.

My dogs are crazy with soft plush toys that is squeaky... this can keep them entertained for hours. I have A LOT of toys for them, and they have fun going through their crates of toys and pull out toys out and play with them.

But card box, toilet rolls, hankies and ribbons are some of their favorite things too.

I keep things random with them...

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Yep my dogs absolutely love their toys, especially the plush sqeeky ones. They also enjoy kongs, rope toys (one of the favourite games is tug o war, & they love their frisbee.

My female Aussie terrier has her favourites that she knows by name, I only have to say "Go get me the elephan"t & she will go & get it, or go get me the chicken, & she will do the same, she is such a smart girl. :eek:

I remember when we moved house we had all their toys packed away in a box. We didn't unpack them for aboput 2 days as we couldn't find them straight away, My 3dogs where so unsettled, & seemed very bored without their toys, (they kept pacing up & down crying, this also could have been due to getting used to the new house) however they seemed to be so much happier when we unpacked their toys.

I do spoil them though, I have an obsession with buying them & they probably have too many :laugh: But I know getting a new toy makes them so happy, & when their happy I'm happy. :eek:

Here is just an example of the pile of toys they have in the back ground of this photo. ;) :p


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