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New Zealand Trip - South Island


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Your pictures are stunning and made me feel a little bit homesick (I am from NZ) - even though I have never been to the south island

Next time you are there, if you go again, may I suggest heading up Coromandel way on th eNorth Island - soem fantastic scenery up there too which I imagine would photograph superbly by you

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These photographs are all so beautiful, every one of them is perfect. That's interesting about the fur seals going in to fresh water to get rid of parasites. It would look pretty weird to see, not something you would be expecting when you come upon a pretty fresh water pool.

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Gorgeous photos, I love the penguins! Whereabouts is this seal-infested waterfall? I've never heard of it and travel through Kaikoura every so often. You need to come back and get some kea photos, they are awesome birds, I could waste half a day just watching their antics.

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I love the penguins! Whereabouts is this seal-infested waterfall? I've never heard of it and travel through Kaikoura every so often. You need to come back and get some kea photos, they are awesome birds, I could waste half a day just watching their antics.

Second shot of the penguin has a cool colour cast intentially as light was dropping, sun had set and I wanted to show the mood of the evening, it was freezing! Now looking at it, I'm wondering if I should remove it in photoshop, but my husband has banned me from the computer during weeknights because I'm trying to go through so many photos for the website. :thumbsup:

"Seal infested waterfall" :mad I only found it as the guy who owned the B&B at Kaikoura told us to go to it on our way out of town, heading north. All I remember is you pass that crayfish caravan, "Nims" and there is a sign about a hike in the Nat Park. This wooden sign is opposite the ocean. The seals must cross under the road to get to the waterfall, there is no sign saying beware of lumbering seals crossing or anything. They are friendly, it's just that a larger one took a real interest in either me or my camera and I wasn't going to hang around to see if it was friendliness or he wanted to chase me out of his territory.

Macka may remember exactly where it is as she took photos on her trip.

Thanks for everyone's lovely comments. :D

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Well done Ripley on the photos. Great work :thumbsup: I suck at landscape shots and it's something I REALLY want to understand... I need to hit up a few people for landscape lessons. :mad

(and I love the seals.)

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I love the penguins! Whereabouts is this seal-infested waterfall? I've never heard of it and travel through Kaikoura every so often. You need to come back and get some kea photos, they are awesome birds, I could waste half a day just watching their antics.

Second shot of the penguin has a cool colour cast intentially as light was dropping, sun had set and I wanted to show the mood of the evening, it was freezing! Now looking at it, I'm wondering if I should remove it in photoshop, but my husband has banned me from the computer during weeknights because I'm trying to go through so many photos for the website. :cheer:

"Seal infested waterfall" :cheer: I only found it as the guy who owned the B&B at Kaikoura told us to go to it on our way out of town, heading north. All I remember is you pass that crayfish caravan, "Nims" and there is a sign about a hike in the Nat Park. This wooden sign is opposite the ocean. The seals must cross under the road to get to the waterfall, there is no sign saying beware of lumbering seals crossing or anything. They are friendly, it's just that a larger one took a real interest in either me or my camera and I wasn't going to hang around to see if it was friendliness or he wanted to chase me out of his territory.

Macka may remember exactly where it is as she took photos on her trip.

Hmm I don't really remember exactly. We only found it cos some guy we met down at the beach in Kaikoura told us about it. Apparently the babies are only there in great numbers at one time of the year, around August.

It's a little walking track just off the main coastal road, opposite the beach. I'm sure if you asked around, the locals would know about it.

We saw lots of babies:



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