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Farewell My Darling Sally

Her Majesty Dogmad

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Dogmad, I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Sally. She sounds like she was a gorgeous girl, who obviously touched your heart.

It's never easy to say goodbye, however, feel happy that she lived a happy and good life in her last years... what a lucky girl to have received so much love from you.

RIP and happiness forever beautiful Sally.

Big hugs to you Dogmad, because words just aren't enough.

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Jane I am so sorry :thumbsup: and I am sorry I only just saw this.

What a beautiful girl Sally was, and thank you for loving her and giving her such a wonderful home to live out her days in :thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive only just seen this Jane - I know how much you love and care for your dogs, although these dreadfilled days are inevitable, we can never deal with them any better. It was Sally's lucky day on that day when you picked her up from the pound - she found love and true caring again along with a quality life. Rest easy Sally.Hugs to you Jane.

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