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Kepala Again - Winter Fun!


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I won't be there this month :party: Min had surgery on Monday after a bad bout of pyometra, Bliss is still out of action with her sore leg and to top it all off it looks like Flint is coming down with kennel cough which puts Fire and Diesel out of action as well :o

I was originally meant to be trialling Min at Geelong so I might head down to watch Grumpette trialling Dee instead :D

Hope you all have a great day (which I know you will :cheer: ) and hopefully I'll see you all next month :rofl:

Is Min ok? :party:

Min's doing really well now LM. The poor girl was down to 33kg when I picked her up from the vet on Tuesday night, that's about 5kgs lighter than usual :D As soon as I picked her up I could see the difference in her and she looked so much better and now she's finally starting to get her appetite back :o

LC, pyometra is basically a bad infection in the uterus. It normally affects bitches who haven't been desexed and haven't been bred from and can start while the bitch is in season and the cervix is open which allows the infection in :party: Treatment can be as simple as a course of antibiotics through to removing the entire repro system, which is what Min had done. When I picked her up I weighed her again and she had basically lost 2kg overnight, she was so full of blood and puss :o

Flint was coughing but it only lasted a day or 2 and now Fire has started, which I expected so hopefully hers won't last that long either :rofl:

Off to have a quick peek at the photos before I leave work (time to go home for some sleep :o:hug: )

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RL: Thats horrible! :o Give Min our well wishes for her. What a nightmare for you and Min. Hopefully the KC eases at your place soon, I have had it here once and it was horrible. Hopefully you'll make it to kepala again soon, it wasnt the same without you and your beautiful rotties :hug:

I had a great day too guys, thanks very muchly. We had both missed it so much the last couple months. It seems Charlotte is definately in a third puppyhood, the surgery was definately the best thing I did for her, she has never been that energetic before except for when she was alot younger :laugh:

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Hi Everyone! I've just posted this in the Spitz thread, but I thought Kepala friends might like to know too...

"I thought I'd better pop in with an update on Tika, our foster girl...

She was x-rayed on Monday, thanks to the lovely and sweet Bindii (who also had her overnight before-hand), Thank-you so much!!

To our great surprise and delight, Tika is HD free, in fact, Bindii informs me that the vet said her hips are just great! The source of the problem is actually her right stifle (rear right knee), which appears inflamed and slightly arthritic. As I understand it (Bindii, correct me if I'm wrong), the vet seemed to think Tika has experienced some form of trauma at some stage, even a minor incident, in which she has damaged her cruciate ligament, but not totally torn it. Left untreated it has become inflamed and the joint is now slightly arthritic. I'm guessing the cold weather and all the activity with Dakota has also probably aggravated it in her time with us, and thus, it has become more obvious than it was to her previous owners. The vet recommended we give some anti-inflammatories a try, and believes it will heal over time. However, there is also the possibility that she will eventually completely rupture the ligament and require surgery. Overall, none of that is anywhere near as serious/problematic as HD, so we are all VERY HAPPY!!!

I now believe the loss of muscle condition in her general hip area and the occasional loss of footing on the front legs, is simply due to lack of full use of the rear right leg, and possible overcompensation of her other legs and joints, etc. So, now that we know her hips are ok, we feel more confident to walk her and try and build up some muscle condition, while still being careful of the injured leg."

This probably means, if she's still at our place next Kepala meet, she will have to sit it out, might be a bit much at the moment, we'll see. But, Dakota and I are certainly looking forward to it!

Spitzbabe: We look forward to meeting you, can you tell us about your dog/dogs?

Edited by pip1981
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Pip that's great news on Tika.

Sooooo, have you decided to keep her?????

When I saw that Sami pup on the adoption site I also saw a chocolate merle Koolie/Aussie Shep that I would have liked to pick up, but unfortunately I just don't have enough room for a dog with THAT much energy. Why isn't there enough money and time in the world for more doggies.

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I know, I feel the same way SM, it's so sad to think of all the doggies that don't get the life ours do...

My Dad was out and about on the weekend, ended up at a lookout near Bendigo somewhere, I believe in a park type area, when they spotted a cardboard box. Turned out it was empty, but then Dad spotted two little eyes spying on his from the hollow of a tree trunk! It was a severely malnourished Staffy x puppy, all by himself, scared into a tree trunk! I nearly cried when Dad told me. He had been left there in that box, sealed up, and broken his way out, but obviously to scared to go too far. I have tears just re-telling it now. I'm still scared there were more pups, but they couldn't find any at the time.

He's now safely in quarantine at the RSPCA, hopefully being a young boy, he will find a good home, but the attendants there apparently said he should weigh around 10kg for his age, and he weighed in at 5kg! It's disgusting what some can do to helpless babies. All they had to do was drop him at the local vet at the very least, they wouldn't even have to admit any fault, just say they found him if they must...grrrr.

As for Tika's future, no decisions have been made, nor have we had discussions with the relevant parties....it's kind of backward now that we know she's fairly well. We were 100% committed to her in the event that she did have HD, as it would have been very difficult to find her the perfect home, but now that she's most likely fine for re-homing, some serious thinking needs to happen...

to be concluded! lol

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What a big relief Pip! I hope the Anti inflammatories do the job. I am glad that it's not HD, and if she does end up having to have her ACL repaired, I can personally say how good dogs are once they're healed and back to their usual self. I wouldnt hesitate to put Charlotte through another operation if she does the other one. It was a tough 6 weeks of crate confinement and feeling sorry for her, but in the end she's come out looking very good, and in all honesty now everything is back to normal she's like what she was at 2 years old - silly, extremely energetic and full of life!

Wishing Tika all the best and hoping she does well on the anti inflammatories :eek:

Charlotte has been very silly the last 2 days it's been bitterly cold and what does she do? Gets the bricks off the clam shell pool and lays down in it waiting for me to notice where she is! Damn water baby. In this cold weather she has absolutely no brains!

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Great to hear that its not HD! :eek:

Although, I think you should keep her, shes cute as a button.

Dakota and Tika look stunning next to each other. :eek:

And next to each other is the key as we cant tell them apart otherwise.

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Great to hear that its not HD! :thumbsup:

Although, I think you should keep her, shes cute as a button.

Dakota and Tika look stunning next to each other. :laugh:

And next to each other is the key as we cant tell them apart otherwise.


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What a big relief Pip! I hope the Anti inflammatories do the job. I am glad that it's not HD, and if she does end up having to have her ACL repaired, I can personally say how good dogs are once they're healed and back to their usual self. I wouldnt hesitate to put Charlotte through another operation if she does the other one. It was a tough 6 weeks of crate confinement and feeling sorry for her, but in the end she's come out looking very good, and in all honesty now everything is back to normal she's like what she was at 2 years old - silly, extremely energetic and full of life!

Wishing Tika all the best and hoping she does well on the anti inflammatories :laugh:

Charlotte has been very silly the last 2 days it's been bitterly cold and what does she do? Gets the bricks off the clam shell pool and lays down in it waiting for me to notice where she is! Damn water baby. In this cold weather she has absolutely no brains!

Thanks LC, that's very re-assuring. I am already noticing improved movement after only 4 doses of anti-inflams, so that's a good sign I guess. I shouldn't really be letting her find opportunities to jump, but last night she followed Dakota, running into the bedroom, and when Dakota jumped on the bed, she followed suit! I was secretly excited to see her jump, but I will make sure she can't do that again :laugh:

I'm really happy that Charlotte's doing so well, even if she is a silly duffa!

Pointees/Evolving: You guys crack me up! (but I do appreciate the support) :thumbsup:

I'm off work today, called in sick. I'm all headachy lately, but in all honesty I think it's just mental exhaustion, so I plan on having a relaxing day at home (if the girls will let me...).

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