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Sweet Dreams Hammy!


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One week ago today I wished my absolutely beautiful Newfoundland boy Hammond (Hammy, H-Dog or just H) sweet dreams as I had my last cuddle with him at the vet.

Hammy was given to me at 6 months old, the most beautiful, sweet-faced, passive and loving little man ever! Hammy came to me with known challenges in his front legs. He was completely flat footed from day one but with loads of the best nutrition, natural supplements, chiro and a whole lot of loving his feet came good.

After his feet came good, he developed a bad limp in his front leg, he could only walk or play briefly with short bursts of energy but would play with the enthusiasm of a 100% healthy dog! We continued with the chiro and careful nutrition for Hammy and monitored him very closely. And just on 9 weeks ago we had x-rays on Hammy's front legs confiming Elbow Incongruity (Displaysia). At this point I increased his natural supplementation and allowed him to walk and play at his leisure with the understanding that it may get worse.

Then, last week he was at the park with my brother (who loved him so very dearly) when he ran towards him and let out a very big cry. Hammy had dislocated his hip just from running. The vets put him under to x-ray and reduce his dislocation, sadly for the wee fellow it continued to pop out. The x-rays indicated bad hip displaysia on one side and moderate hip displaysia on the other.

After meeting with the Orthopedic Surgeon and understanding Hammy's other issues, I made the toughest decision I have ever had to make not to go through with hip replacement surgery but to put him at ease and pain free forever.

Hammy was 22 months old.

He was my first Newfoundland and I feel so blessed to have had him in my life. I have never known such patience in a dog, such kindness in the eyes and such sweetness in a soul... he truly was a big cuddly angel of a bear!

Hammy... I miss your furry mess, your drool, your muddy footprints on my bedding, your following me around like a shadow, your fussiness, your high-fives and your very, very, very big cuddles! I miss our beach walks, our camping, our time on the grass and going everywhere with you to make everyone smile at your presence.

Keep smiling angel bear... your are forever in our hearts!!!



It has been 3 weeks now since saying sweet dreams to Hammy (or Woofa) and I still get tears in my eyes every time I think about him!

After he was put to sleep, Hammy was cremated by Pet Cemetary and they were so great to deal with. The staff were very compassionate and very accommodating to our needs. They offered an ear to talk about Hammy whenever needed.

We received 'H' in a beautiful timber box with a Certificate of Cremation, a gold paw print and a little clipping of his beautiful black fur. I can certainly recommend both Pet Cemetary and Pets in Peace for anyone when the unfortunate need arises!

H-dog now sits in the corner of my room beside a beautiful photograph. I am going to place the stainless steel 'HAMMOND' letters from his collar onto the box so he can wear them proudly again.

Edited by Sweet-E-Newf
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One week ago today I wished my absolutely beautiful Newfoundland boy Hammond (Hammy, H-Dog or just H) sweet dreams as I had my last cuddle with him at the vet.

Hammy was given to me at 6 months old, the most beautiful, sweet-faced, passive and loving little man ever! Hammy came to me with known challenges in his front legs. He was completely flat footed from day one but with loads of the best nutrition, natural supplements, chiro and a whole lot of loving his feet came good.

After his feet came good, he developed a bad limp in his front leg, he could only walk or play briefly with short bursts of energy but would play with the enthusiasm of a 100% healthy dog! We continued with the chiro and careful nutrition for Hammy and monitored him very closely. And just on 9 weeks ago we had x-rays on Hammy's front legs confiming Elbow Incongruity (Displaysia). At this point I increased his natural supplementation and allowed him to walk and play at his leisure with the understanding that it may get worse.

Then, last week he was at the park with my brother (who loved him so very dearly) when he ran towards him and let out a very big cry. Hammy had dislocated his hip just from running. The vets put him under to x-ray and reduce his dislocation, sadly for the wee fellow it continued to pop out. The x-rays indicated bad hip displaysia on one side and moderate hip displaysia on the other.

After meeting with the Orthopedic Surgeon and understanding Hammy's other issues, I made the toughest decision I have ever had to make not to go through with hip replacement surgery but to put him at ease and pain free forever.

Hammy was 22 months old.

He was my first Newfoundland and I feel so blessed to have had him in my life. I have never known such patience in a dog, such kindness in the eyes and such sweetness in a soul... he truly was a big cuddly angel of a bear!

Hammy... I miss your furry mess, your drool, your muddy footprints on my bedding, your following me around like a shadow, your fussiness, your high-fives and your very, very, very big cuddles! I miss our beach walks, our camping, our time on the grass and going everywhere with you to make everyone smile at your presence.

Keep smiling angel bear... your are forever in our hearts!!!



He looks adorable....so sad for you all.

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