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I'm IT illiterate, I just cut and paste the link again, and it's the same as the one I posted earlier :confused:

Sigh, maybe she is never destined to be famous....lol

EDIT: I have no idea why it's not working...arghhhhh. For anyone who just can't sleep tonight without seeing a potential world champ....lol, search TessHerding.avi on YouTube. My username is bikieB (from my motorbike racing...no Harleys involved!)

Edited by Inevitablue
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Thanks :)

Such a relaxing weekend away, albeit very cold. Can't wait to try a cattle clinic when she is more mature. Have to laugh, she was such a well behaved pup all weekend, from the 5 hr drive, to sleeping in strange environments, to all new sights and sounds - even a plastic bag on the end of the cane, tethered without sooking and loved the dam but today I have one very sleepy puppy. Quick zoomies this morning and then snoozing all day long.

I can't wait till she is 6 months and we can do a HIC and a HT run.

Oh no, I have the bug now! :thumbsup:

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Cute pup, inevitablue. She's keen! One day I will get a bluey, love em.

Had a lovely session today, been about 6 weeks between runs but after an initial minute of feralness, he did the nicest inside flanks he's ever done today. Lovely and thoughtful, even with naughty stampy sheep. Seems my dog grew more brain while I was away! Oh how I missed herding :D

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I'm a bit hooked. Was at Erskine Park today showing and I kept wistfully looking over at the State Titles. Went for a wander over there but Tess got a bit too excited and vocal at seeing sheep for me to stay for too long.

How much harder is the PT than the HT?

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I'm a bit hooked. Was at Erskine Park today showing and I kept wistfully looking over at the State Titles. Went for a wander over there but Tess got a bit too excited and vocal at seeing sheep for me to stay for too long.

How much harder is the PT than the HT?

i asked the same question in the dog sports section someone linked their PT test it pretty much pick the heeep up from a few meters away herd them around the fence with some parrelle (?) gates to keep them close-ish to the fence 3 meters from the fence i think in a big U shape turn around go back and stick them in a pen but look at the link of her test on my forum question :)

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Ht you need to show a controlled stop, with some ability to control direction..

PT requires abit more work, a stop on the course, a stop to pen, a pen.. and more control, circling and excessive gripping get frowned upon at this level!!

otherwise, both of them are not to hard.. and sine they are "tests" its a matter of pass or fail, not scores..

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Another thing to consider with HT and PT is the dog's working style. Some dogs do not like the smaller space the HT is on or have so much presence that they are better in a larger area in which case skip the HT, spend the time doing the extra training and go straight for PT. I didn't do HT with Jazz as she did not like small spaces and likes to work wide, making her work in that space would have taken far mre work with her than getting ready for the PT did. As she gained skills and confidence her confidence to work in close also increased but PT was definitely much easier for us in the early stages. the videos linked in the other thread are my girl doing her PT and show a reasonable effort at it (excpe the bits where I stuffed her upm but that is usually the way . LOL)

As Sherlot said though they are pass/fail we are looking to see basic skills demonstrated and tick a box for each of them as yes/no. There is no loss of points and you will not fail if you lose control of your stock, provided you can bring it back under control (stop your dog, let the sheep settle then go back to your sheep and carry on) and the dog is not just wildly circling, chasing/harassing or blocking the stock from moving. The other thing with tests is there is no style required - you can drive or fetch, it is the passage of the stock being looked at.

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Well done on the HIT Sherlot.

Janba is right we have a big brag.

Tday I had my old girl entered in A course advanced on ducks at oru double trial. Jazz was stuck at home on puppy duties. Anyway, Piper is 10 and gets very limited opportunities to trial. I had not been going to enter her in advanced and retired her after intermediate then we did a training day and I gave her a go at advanced and she coped, so we decided with encouragement to give it ago. So today were our thrid and fourth attempts at advanced and brought up our advanced title with 2 High in Trial scores. She worked so well and even took an inside flank without fighting me in the second run. I wish we had it videoed. And I will admit to a tear or 2 when I came out of the arena, I am so proud of my girl who ALWAYS tries her best and will have a go at anything I ask of her. She may not be as stylish a worked as Jazz and we have had many an "argument" over the right way to do things out there but I just love her attitude to work.

Piper has become the first dog in SA to gain each title on ducks. On sheep she was the first ANKC registered dog to title. She is still the only ANKC registered dog to title on any stock type beyond started level and 1 of only 2 dogs in SA to have an advanced title, the other is a working border that belongs to my old trainer. I know that to some these are small brags, but herding is a very small sport in SA that took a long time to get going so opportunities to trial were few and far between, add to that my judging s I miss some of the few trials we have each year and our herding trainer moved off his property 3 years ago so we have had no regular access to stock since. Piper has trained on ducks twice since last August. Tomorrow Piper will run in the inaugural B course in SA, it seems fitting - she ran in the first ever A course trial on sheep as well as on ducks several years later. I don't hold out much hope for it as she has worked sheep less than she has ducks over the last 3 years but I know she will enjoy it and so will I.

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congrats Piper!!! well done, getting a good advanced run on an 10yo is never easy!! SA is much like WA.. its a growing sport.. I worried next year my high in trials wont flow so easily!! there was about 6people doing PT last trial.. so with some summer months training that'll be 6 people trialling next year!!

rumour has it they might be building us a paddock at dogswa! which means herding might go to a new level in the next few years here..

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Thanks guys. It was a bit of a buzz.

Sherlot - we had 7 in started A today which was fantastic for here plus 1 in intermedaiet and 5 on started B (only 2 were also on A course) so it was quite pleasing.

Piper managed her B course pass on sheep today so was 3 from 3 for the weekend. Unfortunately she is extremely lame tomight so I am not sure we will try B sheep again. It was fun though, I enjoyed it.

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At training yesterday I watched Ann Moy work her versatile herding champion dogs. I have been so focused on just getting through the Tests to even watch the Started dogs work. OMG even getting a Started title is unreal. The distance control is so impressive. The leap from PT to HS looks huge, training wise.

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inevitable.. its all about the outrun for HSA.. the rest of it is similar to PT in terms of control, (other than loosing points for offline..) but if you have a good dog that follows nicely behind you, or drives nicely infront... and your flanks are good.. HSA isn't so bad..

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