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What Nutty Things Were You Scared Of When You First Got Your Dog?


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Gus is the first dog I've had since I was a kid, but I never got the chance to be paranoid about him.

When I brought him home, he was underweight with chronic ringworm and was crawling with fleas, so he'd had it about as bad as he was going to get it.

However saying that, I had him on his mat in my living room on Saturday night and he was gnawing away on his Everlasting Treat Ball (the treat to occupy them while you're out, except my boy has to have his while he's supervised.) Well he must have cut a tooth on the hard rusk in the ball (which is what it's for in a way.) I was on the phone and while he was beside me, I wasn't looking at him.

Finish phonecall. Look down.

Zombie dog.

Blood all over his muzzle and his lips, blood down his chest, blood on his front legs - I shot up out of the seat like a rocket and let out a scream. Because of the amount of slobber he'd worked onto the treat ball, it had diluted the tablespoon or so of blood that had come out of his gums. Couple that with a mostly white dog on a red rug on a cream carpet and I thought I was off to animal A&E at Essendon, prepared for the hour's drive... Then realised there wasn't a bother on him. I washed him off with a wrung out cloth and he was just dandy. Took years off me though. :laugh:

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I am pleased to see I am not the only paranoid one around here. Keep the stories coming, it all makes me feel more normal. :o

Great to see there are lots of Lumpies around, Tippy has been my saviour, he saves on housework- I no longer need to make our bed (my excuse anyway. :( ) I always leave the Doona scrunched with a "cave" in it, to make it easier for him to burrow in.


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Charlie and Mia <beagles> burrow under the doona, and dig the bed to make sure its nice a comfy for them......

they no longer are allowed to sleep on our bed, but can come in for cuddles before bedtime and in the morning when we all wake. Too many ripped sheets.

When Charlie first burrowed I thought he was going to suffocate, but the best one i have is, once, when he was a pup, he was sleeping draped around my head <as you do> and suddenly i thought he wasnt breathing.

I whirled him round flat onto the bed and started to do mouth to mouth!!!! I was hysterical, sure he was dead - OH had to pull me off him as Charlie started whimpering in terror. I think i took years of Charlies life with that one!

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Charlie and Mia <beagles> burrow under the doona, and dig the bed to make sure its nice a comfy for them......

they no longer are allowed to sleep on our bed, but can come in for cuddles before bedtime and in the morning when we all wake. Too many ripped sheets.

When Charlie first burrowed I thought he was going to suffocate, but the best one i have is, once, when he was a pup, he was sleeping draped around my head <as you do> and suddenly i thought he wasnt breathing.

I whirled him round flat onto the bed and started to do mouth to mouth!!!! I was hysterical, sure he was dead - OH had to pull me off him as Charlie started whimpering in terror. I think i took years of Charlies life with that one!

Poor little mite! :hug:

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Oh gosh I was a shocker when I first got my dobe. I thought he had a heart problem because his heart beat so quickly and so strongly in his chest - it still beats strongly but it's slower than mine now. I also thought he had broken ribs and other bones, because it seemed like his ribs were in the wrong spot and stuck out. Vet thought he was fine though lol and well he's looking great now so I don't know what was wrong with me...

I also thought he was slow as a puppy, that I had somehow found a dud in the litter even though both his parents were so incredibly clever, but I tried to cover for him and portray him as really smart. It was like he wanted to learn so badly but he was just stupid and couldn't work anything out. Anyway, he grew up and now he's ridiculously smart - learns new tricks in 30 secs, understands so many words (we're always discovering new ones because we'll say something to each other and the dog will respond), but, he is no longer so keen to perform - thinks he's a bit too good for it and actually protests when you ask him to do tricks he doesn't like. I should make a youtube video actually, it cracks people up when we ask him to roll over and he starts virtually howling about it. He's obedient when it comes to things like recalls, stays etc but the tricks, well, you need to offer something special in return for those.

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Lots of things scared me!

Whether he was dead or just sleeping...always watching to see the tummy move.

Was a I feeding him enough or too much?

I was constantly checking his mouth for things he shouldn't be chewing on, and still do.

Most of all I was scared leaving him alone in the back yard. Although the yard is completely fenced in and I knew he would be safe I was scared I'd come home and he wouldn't be there or that he would hurt himself trying to get out of his run.

Touch wood, he has never tried to escape and he has never hurt himself....other than the one time that he got his little nose caught in his crate. Poor little man yelped and cried and nearly made me cry! Was back to his normal mischievous self 1 minute later!

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honestly raz was an impulse buy, but in the first few days all i worried about was the sudden change in our lives, we had only been married 1 week and suddenly we have this huge responsibility. I thought i was never going to get alone time with my OH or any time with him :o but gosh raz is my first born and he will always be my baby

I was worried and still am worried that he will get stolen, or run away (though i think stolen is more likely, he would have run away by now) i worry about him being home alone and lonely, i worry that he is going to get arhtritis...and i know there is nothing i can do right now about it, I worry about which dogs he should play with at the park, i dont want him ever hurt or picked on or abused :D i just love him to bits :cheer:

Edited by dandybrush
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When we first got Nahla at 8 weeks we came home took her outside for a wee then went to our bedroom, placed her on the bed watched her sleep and thought what now!? We have both had dogs our whole lives but this is different! The thought of her depending on us to survive was scary at first but it didnt take us long to get the hang of it!

We got Ted at 10 weeks and he was completly different! We already knew what to do but we were still learning as Nahla was still only 15 weeks old! Ted's a cuddler and sleeper so I was always checking to see if he was still breathing! He also had kennel cough so we were a lot more protective and aware of him.

They are now 8 and almost 7 months old, are healthy, happy, very energetic and going great guns!! Going to get de-sexed this Friday and other than that havent been to the vet since their last round of needles!

My OH and I feel very proud of what we have done with them so far - keep them alive!!! :cheer:

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I was clueless with our first dog so no wories there. She was also really easy, not a dog to run off or be naughty in general.

With Mindy, I was paranoid about her getting parvo. Everytime she had diarhhoea I took a sample and took it to work and got a parvo test done on it LOL

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we had about 2 1/2 hours drive to take our puppy home from the breeder's place, so I thought it would be best to crate him.

He cried for about 10 minutes. Then the scariest thing - he stopped crying! We were so worried that he'd died that we pulled over to check on him - what a relief to find he was only asleep.

He slept the whole way home; and we still pulled over several times to make sure he was still alive :o

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Mine is not a puppy thing. But this year I have two dogs get to record old age (for me) and its scary! They sleep like they are dead, one has gone deaf, the other blind and I think somewhat deaf now, and they sleep a lot! So I often have to go and poke them now and then. Once I got home really late and so the dogs were all still out in their day yards in the dark. I let them in, and Holly did not come. I am in a panic, she must have died during the day or something. No use calling, she cant hear. So I track down a torch and go hunting. She has made herself a hole in the dirt, and is curled up in there. I think, OMG she is dead! I poke her gently. Nothing. Panic rising. Shake her gently this time. She jumps up and runs into bed! Talk about having a heart attack! Firstly thinking she is dead, and then when she bolts off to bed!

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