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Those Of You Who Have Raised Puppies With Babies/young Kids And Or Pre


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My situation is, I have 2 skin kids. 5 and 3. One is off to school next yr and the other still at home, She is dog savvy. We will be moving in the next 6-7mths when we buy our own house hopefully on an acre or 2. In about 15mths or just over a year my partner and I are going to start to try for skin baby 3, so baby 3 wont be around for at least another 2 an a bit yrs, I already have dogs and a rutine with them and know what Im doing as far as training, socialising, that I want the next dog as a mostly inside dog like the others and that the said dog will be a male Labrador.

The way I see it is I could A) Get the pup a few months after we have moved in about a year then my daughter would soon be off to kinder, but still mostly home, it would just be me, her and the dogs most of the week, and the pup would be about 6mths when me n OH start TTC, and prob about 15-19ths when bubs is born.

Or B) Wait until after the baby is born and about a yr old to get the pup? My thing is then you are raising two babies at the same time? babies like to grab and pinch and baby puppies are more fragile and less able to get out of the way of a skin baby, plus the two would both be terrors together..... but It would only be me, bubs and dogs at home most of the time, I wouldn't be preg with a young, large dog (im not worried bout being hurt but being tired, though im used to that)

I know both have their pros and cons, just wondering about others thoughts?

If you were planning on getting a puppy but not for a while anyway and where also planning on having a baby around that same time would you A) Get the pup first and train it up, get it used to all the rules and well behaved etc before the baby. B) Wait until after the baby is born (8-16mths old) and then get the puppy, train etc with a young baby/toddler?

And if you have gone through this or similar situations how did it work out for you?

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well, I have had dogs (shown and bred) for a number of years now and have 3 kids. i have had a number of litters, shown, trained and groomed with a (now) 9 year old boy (NOT INTERESTED IN DOGS!) 4 year old boy and a 1 year old daughter...yes its tough, yes you need 10 arms and 30 pairs of eyes, yes you need to manage time but anything is doable!

Ive whelped litters, shown dogs etc while running after a 3 year old hugly pregnant...(even in labour i was locking dogs in crates!!) ive even had TWO litters a week/two weeks after baby 2 and 3 were born..night feeds and nightly potty training work well! My kids have grown up dog savy, puppy savy etc

It really is up to how YOU feel you will cope to what is right for you..I think i just thrive on kaos as I am hopefully about to undergo a surrogacy pregnancy late 2011...

Edited by Missymoo
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I try not to sell a puppy to anyone with kids between 6 months and 3 years. I just think there is too much chance of a toddler damaging a young puppy. If the baby is 6 months or less the puppy will be 7-8 months at least before the baby gets on it's feet. Once on their feet it is pretty hard to control their every move and you can't really explain much to them until they are closer to two. Untrained puppy + toddler to me is asking for trouble. I know breeders do manage but they are experts in dog management.

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well, I have had dogs (shown and bred) for a number of years now and have 3 kids. i have had a number of litters, shown, trained and groomed with a (now) 9 year old boy (NOT INTERESTED IN DOGS!) 4 year old boy and a 1 year old daughter...yes its tough, yes you need 10 arms and 30 pairs of eyes, yes you need to manage time but anything is doable!

Ive whelped litters, shown dogs etc while running after a 3 year old hugly pregnant...(even in labour i was locking dogs in crates!!) ive even had TWO litters a week/two weeks after baby 2 and 3 were born..night feeds and nightly potty training work well! My kids have grown up dog savy, puppy savy etc

It really is up to how YOU feel you will cope to what is right for you..I think i just thrive on kaos as I am hopefully about to undergo a surrogacy pregnancy late 2011...

+1, its always helpful if your other half is willing to assist with both skin and fur kids too :D

Been there still doing that..........its fun and can be very challenging but would not have it any other way

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Thanks for the replies so far :)

Yes I believe I could manage quite fine if I got the pup before the baby, I already have dogs and small ones that Im going to have to teach the next baby to be gentle with and not pick up etc, my 2 skin kids are rough n tumble kids that arent fussed if they accidently get knocked over by dogs or other farm animals, and its not something I am worried about.....

My dogs are inside now and though its not easy at some times esp atm with a tiny toy poodle puppy that I have to keep penning cause she likes to walk right infront of you, I still wouldnt have it any other way, I want my dogs inside at my feet/next to me on the couch, and the more I think anout it the more I feel getting the pup before the baby would be a better idea.....

Though I still want to hear everyone elses ideas and experiences.

Oh and the other half is great, with both skin kids and fur kids, he never had a pet growing up (actually one feral rabbit) and since we have been together I have been teaching him lots, he walks julie, he feeds them, he loves em, right now he is outside in the rain taking Katie for a potty break, the only part of our deal is that he doesn't clean up the poo :D cant really argue with that!!!!

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well first dog was a rotti i got him 6 months before my oldest was born he was an awsome dog great with my daughter.

we now have a pup he is a samoyed, my oldest is 8, then 3.5 and 1 year old. it was hard for the first few weeks but now its fine. pup is 4 months old. we have never had a issue with the 3.5 year old and the baby who is crawling.

he is toliet trained (touch wood) he has the basics down pat. I dont see a problem.

its totally up to you how you want to do it.

also i did it with my o/h working away.

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I got my old Dobermann when I was 8 months pregnant with my first child!

I was very strict with him about everything from day 1 and it payed off. I also think I was lucky in a way that he was naturally a very serious dog that was eager to please (me) and never went through the usual puppy stages.

I think it's completely doable as long as you are prepared to put in the work initially. :D

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Thanks everyone :D

I grew up with labs and lab x's and I just love em, But I got scared away from the breed with a couple of bad experiences with dodgy breeding etc. I have been looking at breeders on here for quite a while and trying to decide on my "fav" breeders, I have been going to contact a few but I haven't been able to decide a timeline Ide give them of when I was able/ wanting a puppy.

Its great to hear of other peoples experiences.

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We got our 2 puppies when my second daughter was 6 months old (the first was 5 years old). I was at home on Mat leave so had plenty of time for to train and walk them so that wasnt an issue. As DD2 grew I tried to show and encourage her the best way to pat/handle the dogs. By the time she was 1 they were bigger and quite "sturdy" as they werent a toy breed which I felt helped - it would have been hard with a smaller breed.

Now DD2 is nearly 2 (and number 3 will be here in February) and we do have some rare instances of overexcited patting or paw or tail grabbing but I am always nearby so always stop her and tell her no and redirect her into giving them a pat on their back or top of their head. We have a doggy door the can "escape" from if they feel the need to and TBH my dogs are probably just used to her and know no different. She feeds them their dry food and gives them treats which they love. I never expect the dogs to tolerate inappropriate behaviour from her just because "they are dogs" and some days find they are much better behaved than her LOL

They do have a great relationship though she enjoys taking them for a walk and throwing the ball as much as I do but I am sure my dogs will roll their eyes when I come back from the hospital and think " Not another bloody one" :D

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I got Bonnie when our 3 kids were almost 4yrs, 2yrs, 10months and 6wks pregnant. After being dogless for 5yrs and finally getting the house we wanted, I was longing to have a dog back in my life. We finally solved our 4yr olds fear of dogs with help of our new nighbours 17yr old dog but unfortunatly the poor darlings time was running out and we knew we had to bring a dog into our lifes before our daughters fear returned.

We were strict, correction, I was strict on Bonnie from when she first came home. Not allowed on the sofa, on the childrens furniture/bean bags, in the hallway to the bedrooms etc. In the first few weeks my OH undid alot of that training when he came home from work by encouraging her to jump up onto him, the sofa and mouth his hands :D . Eventually he got my point when one of the kids was trying to cuddle him on the sofa and suddenly had a large puppy jumping/scratching their head. She quickly got into the routine about where she could and couldnt go, no running/playing inside the house etc. It was actually quite good being tired/pregnant when she was a puppy as it made sure that I didnt over exercise/walk her, although I must say that toilet training and morning sickness is not a good mix lol . Neither was her going into heat at 5mths old over xmas and having a phantom preg with mastisis for the rest of my preg, daft dog.

We actually rescued Indie 6wks before bub No.4 was due, he was only 5mths old. So that was 4yr old, 2yr old, 1yr old and 8mths preg with a 8mth Amstaff and 5mth Sibe :o . Honestly the best thing I ever did. The dogs had company for whenever I needed to put them outside whlist I couldnt supervise, they got a short walk with preggers me once a day (good length for growing pups), they have great house manners from the rules I set which I wouldnt have implimented if I hadnt been expecting a little bub. The kids have never been knocked over by either dog to date, even when doing zoomies they know they have to settle down when the kids are outside with them and strictly no playing/ running in the house. Now that bub No.4 is 7mths I have my full stregth and energy back, perfect timing as the dogs are only just old enough to start doing some serious exercise with me, cycling, running etc. To say out dogs are bonded to Jandamarra is an understatment, its hard to change a nappy without Indie's head resting on J'marras tummy.

Must say it is alot eaiser having a trained puppy/teenage dog with a newborn baby than it was trying to train a puppy with a 10mth old interupting training/ distracting her and tempting her into trouble. All of my kids love our dogs but I doubt the other 3 will ever have the same relationship with Bonnie and Indie that our 7mth old Jandamarra has. Already they are so attached to one another and J'marra is so incredibly gentle with the dogs even at 7mths. Indie is his shadow, never leaves J'marras side if he can help it. Best thing I ever did was getting pups beofre bub came and having them settled into routine before bub came.

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I lost my Dobe girl from Cardio 7 weeks before Bub number 3 was born and I felt totally lost.

I had been planning on getting a dog when the bub I was pregnant with was at least a year old, and of course depending on when the bitch had babies.

Well sometimes life has other ideas and a puppy became available when my baby was 5 months old. I really did a lot of soul searching, I tore myself up and as it was a new breed for me I was very worried incase I didn't have enough time for exercise etc. I had many indepth discussions with her breeder.

In the end she came home. I had an 8 week old puppy, a 5 month old baby and a not quite 2 and a half year old.

AT times it was fun, but I had a puppy pen set up so If I couldn't watch puppy went in there and I had a playpen set up if required as well. My 2 and a half year old had been coming with me to Puppy Preschool since before he was born so he was very dog savvy and has never broken my rule of no picking up puppies.

Rommi was the quietest puppy of the litter and I really think that helped. If I had of had a really ampy puppy it may have been a whole lot harder.

I found the play with and train the puppy after the kids were in bed was very relaxing for me and gave me a good break from the washing, feeding, changing bums routine that I was in and I felt slightly suffocated.

I now have a 3 year old a 5 year old, an almost 3 yer old Whippet and an 18 month old Whippet as well as a 14 yo Stafford.

The kids play outside while I train, they know when I am training they only interrupt me for a very good reason e.g snake, bleeding, fall, hurt themselves etc. I have quite well trained dogs and we do agility and obedience. I also train in the loungeroom when the kids are in bed. I love it, it gives me something I really enjoy and the kids are very dog savvy even though the 3 yo needs the odd reminder on what is appropriate and what isn't.

I go walking when their dad is home from shift work and I have 5 acres around the house that I throw toys etc in and they hoon around as well.

I would get the dog now and then you can be over the bouncy baby puppy bit and you can establish a routine before bub 3 comes along.

Oh I am also very glad my breeder does not have a problem with people with young kids. While some people cannot handle it all many can and I would be very annoyed if I was told I could not have a dog just because of the age of my children.

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Thanks again for your replies :thumbsup: really appreciate it.

Yes I think I will go ahead and aim to get the pup in about a yrs time, Im currently working my way through the list of lab breeders on DOL.... its going to take a while :cheer: but Im so worried and stressed bout finding the right breeder!!! I just want to do everything I possibley can to make sure I get the right lab, and I have a certain look I like... no LOVE in the lab, Im very picky as far as looks go and not many breeders breed consistantly the look I love.... But there is a few and Im still working through the list.

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I'm another who had dogs before I had kids. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you HAVE to. My children are now 18, almost 13 and almost 12.

Would I do it again or recommend anybody else do it....probably not. Just because I, or somebody else can cope, isn't necessarily a good recommendation for yet another person.

I would aim to plan it for when you are going to be most ready physically because it is tiring having young skinkids and even ONE baby furkid at the same time.

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can't comment on my own situation, but a friend of mine lost her adult dog in tragic circumstances when she was 16 weeks pregnant, and got a puppy when she was about 5 or 6 months pregnant, I htink from memory her dog would have been about 6 months old when the baby came along. As far as I know it's working fine.

I personally would rather poke my own eyes out with a melon baller, that have a puppy & a baby at the same time, since I Have discovered that since having a baby, I wouldn't have the time or energy to train a puppy, but everyone is different. I've found myself on a number of occasions silently thanking my old dogs for being so placid & patient & putting up with limited attention some days.

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Personaly i would go A, i think you could get the pup used to your routen before bub arrives and a bit of training in.

My kids were 3 and 2 when we got diesel from day one i pulled his ears and tail and rewarded for no reaction, i did this mor for our visitors kids that are not dog savy

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Thanks guys :laugh:

Well I have rounded down to 9 breeders that I really, really like and sent them all emails to get in touch with them and I shall see where things go from here, I have let them all know that I am looking to get a pup in 12mths time. And a bit about me.

Thanks again for everyones replies.

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