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Anal Glands


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So, my cocker spaniel Jesie has anal gland issues. Still! We've changed her diet, added vets all natural and nothing is helping. Every 6 weeks she getting them expressed. My vet asked tonight if we were happy to keep coming in and having the glands expressed or if we wanted to explore the surgery option. He's not pushing us but has suggested that surgery would definately be a good option.

We're unsure, what to do. On one hand it must be really uncomfortable for Jesie to have her glands squeezed every six weeks but on the other hand there's a chance (very slight) that she could become incontinent.

Help!! What would you do?

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You could learn to squeeze them yourself, then you won't need to go to the vets to get it done. It's really easy, the vet can show you how in about 5 minutes.

Some people find that adding bones, or lots of fibre, to the diet helps the dog express them by themselves. Although it doesn't seem to do anything for other dogs.

I'm not sure I'd go for surgery unless they were inflammed & sore & getting constantly reinfected, but it's your call.

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I'd be exploring all non-surgical options first. If they haven't been infected/impacted, I'd be looking at management not surgery. It's not a minor operation and it does have a potential risk of fecal incontinence.

Have you tried adding psyllium husk to her diet?

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Have you tried psyllium husks. I had problems with my girl and the vet recommended Metamucil but I decided to try the psyllium husks instead and it worked a treat. We were going every 4 - 6 weeks and one day we seen a different vet who recommended that I let her go longer and try the fibre and we did and everything came good and the problem went away.

I know it might not work that way for everyone we may have just been lucky. But the vet did say the more they express the more they will need to be expressed and it can turn into a viscious circle. If I was you I would not opt for surgery till you have explored every avenue? Are the glands just full or are they impacted? Are you taking her as soon as you see her scooting or is she getting time to express them herself? Some dogs just need the time and others don't.

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One of my dogs has problems with anal glands no matter how much fibre I feed him. He was expressing them in his sleep and randomly. :(

He has psyilium husks added to his food on nights he has something for it to be mixed with - oil, kangaroo meat, etc. It definitely made his poop bulkier but I'm still expressing them at least once a fortnight, if not weekly. I had the vet do it once (he was double-muzzled :thumbsup:), but it was ridiculously expensive and then I learned to do it myself. :thumbsup:

He gets bones weekly and I have explored every avenue.

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We have the same problem with Daisy - raw fed so poop always nice and firm. My vet said some dogs just can't express them themselves - can also be down to the position and size of the glands.

I got the vet to teach me how to do it - it really is pretty simple - preparation is 90% of the job, make sure you have wet wipes, tissues, vaseline, gloves etc all ready before hand.

Oh and don't do it indoors - Daisy's usually comes out slowly as a thick paste, but one day when it was really cold and snowy outside, I did them in the kitchen - BIG mistake! This time the gland decided it would empty 'explosively' and we ended up with gunk splattered across the fridge and wall on the other side of the kitchen :thumbsup::( It was revolting, but also very comical - even my OH was laughing and she really doesn't cope well with icky stuff :thumbsup:

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