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Bit Of A Dilemma - Need Some Advice


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Hi All,

Sorry, the decription of this is be a bit ;)

My friend's dog likes to get his 'member' out quite frequently, but when playing with other dogs he gets soooo very excited that it gets stuck so far out it goes beyond the point of no return & starts to lose circulation. It's quite a serious situation, and my friend is so stressed about it that she's apprehensive about him socialising with other dogs.

He's desexed too (quite early - aged 4mths...he's now 5.5yo), and he's been like this all his life, but it's getting worse and more frequent over time. Her vets haven't offered any valuable suggestions.

Has anyone ever heard of this? Is there something that can be done?

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two options ... teach the dog to settle and remain calm in conjunction with a calming paste

see a reproductive/soft tissue specialist

Thanks Nekhbet - what is a calming paste and where do you buy it? I've already suggested to them about getting a specialist's advice, but wasn't sure what type of specialist they would have needed - all tell them to ask for reproductive one.

I've had a dog do this too.

I ran cool (not cold) water over his tackle to reduce the size and manipulated it back in.

The things we do for our dogs. ;)

They do this whenever his 'member' appears, but my friend isn't able to manipulate it back in by herself (luckily she's had people around to help when it's occured). She's even apprehensive about going away without the dogs just in case it happens while she's gone ;)

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How is her dogs body language when around other dogs? Having their 'lipstick' out can be a stress signal so if he is uncomfortable around other dogs this could be the cause.

Maybe he needs some calm and controlled (on leash) introductions to other dogs who are also very calm.

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Is she sure that at 4 mths he had 2 testicles? Sounds to me that he still has an undescended testicle as a desexed dog cant tie outside as it sounds like he is doing.

A desexed dog can tie with a bitch.

ETA Arousal is not neccessarily sexual and testaterone related.

Go and read Teebs threads about the problems she has with Atlas in this issue.

Edited by Janba
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It is a behavioural issue as much as a sex issue. Agree with Nek about calming paste. Need to talk to their vet about this. I agree also about keeping him under control and calm in a situation with other dogs. If he has his penis out of the sheath - take him away, and keep him away until he is better behaved. Then try again. It would work better if they controlled him before the offending member protruded.

And KY Jelly with cold water will help with the re-insertion into the sheath. Usually the combination of the 2 will result, in a few minutes, in sufficient reduction for the dog to effect re-insertion himself.

However, if this was my dog and he did this he would get no help at all. His punishment would be to deal with it himself. He is not going to get "drop off" or anything. Main thing is to stop him running through the dirt and prickles with unsheated equipment.

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It's not stress related as he also does it with dogs he likes and knows. He's partic bad with male dogs - do you think it's a dominance thing?

They can't leave it, because it goes so far out the sheath goes over the bulbous base (sorry - i'm not sure of the technical term!) and it completely loses circulation. Vet said it's quite a serious situation when it goes out so far.

(he often gets it out though, even when he's by himself, but it's only with other dogs that it goes out to the point of losing circulation).

So gross!

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They can't leave it, because it goes so far out the sheath goes over the bulbous base (sorry - i'm not sure of the technical term!) and it completely loses circulation. Vet said it's quite a serious situation when it goes out so far.

So gross!

It is a serious situation. If the penis remains exposed and engorged it will eventually lose it's blood supply as the continued swelling combined with constriction from the preputial opening will cause strangulation of the tissue. If it's not corrected while the tissue is still viable then amputation can be the only option.

There are some surgical procedures that can help. If it's happening on a regular basis and cannot be managed by modifying behaviour and / or assisted reduction, then I would consider a second opinion with a specialist surgeon.

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However, if this was my dog and he did this he would get no help at all. His punishment would be to deal with it himself. He is not going to get "drop off" or anything. Main thing is to stop him running through the dirt and prickles with unsheated equipment.

Not wise. The dog would not understand why or what he was being punished for.

He would feel uncomfortable & would be at risk if left with it like this for long. Would achieve nothing towards solving the problem.

The dogs needs a complete vet check to rule out the physical first. If it is psychological in origin for sure I would try putting a belly band on next time he is out & see what happens.

Remove when out of sight of other dogs & give the toilet command & then put it back on when he has been.

May get him out of the habit, if that's all it is. Or maybe not :laugh:

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