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Should I Be Doing More?


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Hi all, I usually post in the Brittany sub-breed forum, but I'm hoping there's more on-line here to help me jsut now.

Larry (5 yr old Brittany X) taken to vet this morning after several vomiting episode during early hours. Vet did abdominal check out - no obstructions felt. Suggested nothing serious and sent home after Cerenia injection and Lectade to keep him hydrated.

Some 9 hours later Larry still seems distressed - drooling, shaking and hiding away in the garden (I've bought him in).

It's now after-hours for vet clinic, but .... Look am I worrying too much? He's stopped vomiting and has been taking in fluids. I might be over-reacting?

Please advise


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Sounds to me like he may have eaten something bad or poison. I would be going straight back to the vet or if you are close to an emergency centre go there.

My thoughts also. If he's still drooling and shaking, I'd be making a fast trip to the emergency vet.

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Sounds to me like he may have eaten something bad or poison. I would be going straight back to the vet or if you are close to an emergency centre go there.

Thanks so much possum for getting back to me so quickly.

I am pretty worried, but he's not still vomiting, just, I dunno, just unwell ... and I do tend to panic.

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I would still be going. It's not worth waking up in the morning and wishing you had done more. I'm paranoid too but that is not normal behaviour and if he's shaking and salivating it could lead to seizures. Better to be safe than sorry!

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Just remember - IF an obstruction is considered.. a lot of natural materials will not show in Xray .. stuff like fabric/leaves/cork ....

Hoping it is 'just' a 24 hour bug , and that some meds & perhaps IV fluids will settle him down for you.

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Some sogs, like some humans, don't handle pain or illness very well. It could be just that he is sensitive to not feeling well. It could also be something more sinister.

If you are concerned, I'd go back to your Vet.

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I went through this last year fist vet gave him meds, I took him home but he didn't pick up,off to emergency vet where my dog had an ultrasound and an x-ray... ultrasound technician suspected something was there x-ray guy said nothing.... when they opened him up it was nothing but his guts were like corrugated iron so they had a definate diagnosis of a severe strain of gastro.

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Thankyou to everyone who responded to my call for help.

Larry's better this morning. We've narrowed his problem down to a reaction to Nizoral which he's been on for an ear infection. On the day before he bcame ill because I"d missed his morning dose, I'd doubled up in the evening - not a good idea. Poor Larry. Just goes to show - don't meddle with dosages.

Thanks for your help yesterday - I really was in a panic

Libby (and Larry!)

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