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What Type Dog Breeds Are Suitable?


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PLEASE NOTE: I ramble on a bit, so theres a quick summary at the bottom for anyone who doesn't have time to read :(

I haven't been on here in a while, and a lot has changed since then! We had "fostered" a mates dog (whom had to go back to UK) in the hopes of keeping him, bit it just wasn't to be, our lovely little Lila changed and became withdrawn, this dog we fostered seemed to have too much alpha dominance or something in him for my sweet lil gal. He found another home better suited to him, with him being the only dog, the previous owner (my partners friend) seemed to not understand properly and had not socialised him properly in those early months with other dogs.

So we have now moved into a place we are looking into purchasing, its rural, so has a mixture of rural & "dog" type box fencing, across from farm, next to...umm farm and in front of...you guessed it! farmland. Our next door neighbour has a homebusiness of steelmaking or something similar, and has two dogs, one of whom seems to always find a way onto this property (JRT male) they also have a Shetland Sheepdog Male, unsure whether either are neutured, but I would say not. There guinea fowl also find a way onto the property. Not complaining lol, just telling facts so you understand the whole story, they don't like their dogs/fowls finding ways over either lol.

Anyway the property we are on is about 2 acres, currently sectioned into house and backyard (with better fencing, except one side where meets easement is rural) with a paddock behind the back fence that we are planning to change into a permaculature mandala type food garden with chickens. and a big front yard with the rural/dog fence.

Our current dog is my luv-a-lab lol, shes lab x border collie, shes lab looking for the most part (except for the white chest, and one wonky ear that doesn't know whether to be up or down :laugh: ) and acts pretty much like a lab, cept when shes excited then you know she has BC in her haha! She follows me pretty much everywhere and is "my gal". She sleeps inside on her cushion in the kitchen, freely comes and goes inside/outside when she wants, and has pretty much a love/hate relationship with her cushion, meaning you don't know whether you find her snuggling into it or trying to tear it "limb from limb" she also has an infinite amount of toys, lots of cuddles and is very well loved, and comes almost everywhere with us. But you can see she really wants another "doggie playmate" to play with, she tries to "play" with next doors guinea fowls, even our cats, and none of them want anything to do with her lol, she can't understand why the cats don't want to chase her and be teased :)

So next bit we also have two birman purebred kittens, Jasper and Mischa, whom are very spoilt, and they are quite good farmcats, Mischa waits at any gap for any site for a mouse, and juding by the whole mouse that was in the litterbox, does away with them rofl, Jaspers more of a people person, although will chase and dismember the occassional fly or locust. They spend there days indoors (although if we purchase, we plan to add an outdoor enclosure acessiblefrom the bedroom for them) in the eastern part of the house, mostly either hidden in nooks, or lazily lounging in the lounge :(

AND we also have three little children whom I homeschool. Ages 5, 3 & 2.

So to sum it all up:

House with 2 acres

Current dog lab x bc (nearly 18months old)

2 Birman Cats

3 Kids age5 & under

Getting chickens (wil be in domes, not free ranging), also have neighbours guinea fowl roaming round, so poultry.

Rural/Dog Fencing

We have been on the waiting list for a type of breed since Lila was born, however, hubby & I discussed and we decided unless we here from them pretty shortly we have to look into other options :laugh: It seems this breed is quite rare in Aus.

Dog descriptions:

Hair: Prefer med or long, but not that bothered

Gender: Female (personal preference)

Colouring: Anything but black, our dog seems to disapper come nighttime lol

Dislikes: Hubby specifically requested no dogs like greyhounds (tried to change his mind, but not to be) he thinks greyhounds are too skinny and pointy lol, I think they are cute, but anyway, umm, he also requested nothing with a "squished face" which had the "what the?" look from me, I assume he meant dogs like pugs that have flat noses. I'm open to pretty much everything, these were just his requests lol. Also no staffies or Kelpies.

We would prefer something bigger than a big, healthy male jake russel, as that is what the one next door is, and it just seems to find every hole known to man round this property lol. We would like something that Lila can play with properly so probably within a similar size range to her, we visited a cavalier, itwas much too small, but we haven't gotten further than that in real life viewings, as there is not much round locally except staffies.

I would really love any opinions about what breeds seem suitable, I have been havily leaning towards a Blue Cattle dog or Golden Labrador, but keep jumping backwards and forwards everywhere lol.

Thank you. ;)

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Border Collie, Golden Retriever, Australian Shepherd, English Springer Spaniel in long coats. Cattle Dog, Kelpie, Labrador, German Shorthaired Pointer in Short coats would be my suggestions for breeds that would fit into your lifestyle.

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I had Border Collie on my original list, but was a bit worried when I read up more and learnt that it can become neurotic without enough stimulation? We are moderately active people, but I don't run laps round the farms iykwim? I would love to hear further on this, ditto the Australian Shepherd as it seems to fit into the same category. :)

P.S. I know I have a BC x but she for the most part acts lik a lab, so am unsure about what a Pure BC would be like?

Edited by all4addy
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I'd definitely say Aussie Shepherd. Finnish Lapphund would probably suit your lifestyle as well. In my experience (have never lived with an Aussie though) there are variations between activity levels between individuals, but even the more active dogs of these breeds have an off switch. Just be aware that longer coated dogs will be more likely to pick up burrs in a rural area.

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Well, yeah, I'm biased but, Golden Retrievers get my vote. :)

Similar breed to your current dog so would play well together, easy to see in the dark ( :laugh: ), GREAT with kids, not high energy, sooo easy to live with (ie dont need constant stimulation), I could go-on... :laugh:

Only drawback could be the coat which being longer would most likely catch burrs in a rural environment? But then same goes for Border Collies and Lappies I guess.

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Alaskan Klee Kai


Akita - apparently theswe ones become bored easily which means they need a lot of things to do???


I was going to research more but there are just way too many dogs!! lol I was looking at this:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds - and then if you find one you are interested in you can google it and get info on it??

I would honestly recommend GSD... I am bias though!! They are beautiful, reasonably long hair (even the short haired ones!), great with kids, EXTREMELY loyal and if they have room to run then they're set!


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We're in Northern Vic, just past Shepparton, and we can't travel far, there seems to be a big gap in breeders round this area, a couple of people listed in the breeders whom show but don't breed, but no breeders, so its making it quite hard for us.

Does anyone know if Brittany Spaniels would be good?

I was told to avoid terriers, spaniels, hounds (scent & sight), pointers, retrievers & gundogs due to their link with poultry? Is that right?

Its given me the most massive headache over the past couple of months trying to figure this out, I have jumped from reseraching breed to breed, with things coming and going off th suitability list, from Corgi's to French Bulldogs to Anatolians Shepherds & Great Pyrenese and everything in between rofl. You can see why I need help!

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We're in Northern Vic, just past Shepparton, and we can't travel far, there seems to be a big gap in breeders round this area, a couple of people listed in the breeders whom show but don't breed, but no breeders, so its making it quite hard for us.

Does anyone know if Brittany Spaniels would be good?

I was told to avoid terriers, spaniels, hounds (scent & sight), pointers, retrievers & gundogs due to their link with poultry? Is that right?

Its given me the most massive headache over the past couple of months trying to figure this out, I have jumped from reseraching breed to breed, with things coming and going off th suitability list, from Corgi's to French Bulldogs to Anatolians Shepherds & Great Pyrenese and everything in between rofl. You can see why I need help!

I think a Brittany could be at least and possibly more active than a lot of Border Collies but could work. There are plenty of placid BCs as well as very active ones. You just need to specify what activity level you can cope with and have a breeder match you to the right puppy.

I would avoid terriers and hounds because most like to hunt and poultry would be fair game. The gundogs like spaniels and retrievers wait for the birds to be shot before they retrieve them though :rofl: . Herding breeds like BCs and Aussies are usually fine with poultry but do like to herd them around, given a chance.

Shepparton is only 2 hours from Melbourne so you have all the Melbourne breeders to choose from. A 2 hour drive isn't far to go and choose a puppy.

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Finnish Lapphunds often have a bit of a weird hang up about birds. Mine spent a lot of time as a puppy looking up. He befriended a magpie when he was small, but I was never sure if he would hold so still because he liked watching it or because he was waiting for a chance to pounce on it. I wouldn't trust him around poultry at all. He gets very excited about ducks or swans. It's like a cumulative effect. A duck is the size of maybe 4 regular birds, thus he gets 4 times as excited by them. Also the burrs are dreadful. Got to brush him out every day in the summer. Burr season has been long this year and we're still having troubles.

But maybe a Swedish Vallhund would be suitable. They are like a corgi, but maybe a bit more athletic and fearless. Mine will launch himself bodily at the Lappie and drag him to the ground in a cloud of dust. One time he lined himself up and jumped off a log onto Kivi's head. He is pretty hardcore and doesn't mind playing with large dogs, but I'd still go for a larger breed. I think a Golden would be a good match.

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Golden Retriever, Australian Shepherd, Collie Rough, Shetland Sheepdog, Irish Water Spaniel, Irish Setter, Red and White Setter, Brittany Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Long Haired Weimeraner.

All have varying activity levels, different training needs and differing levels of independence, but I would not rule out any of them yet.

With dogs, you will get individual in all breeds that are good with poultry, and there is no breed where every individual dog can be 100% trusted either.

But you can look at breed, then lines (families) and then individual pups in a litter who might be better than than others. Or you can choose an adult dog that has been tested with chickens.

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My golden retriever can occasionally get quite focused on birds (seagulls in particular), but generally is not fussed by them. Retrievers are, I believe, bred for having soft mouths. They were required to retrieve without damaging the bird- not chase and kill.

I would think that most, if brought up with poultry, would be fine.

Just like with cats etc- all in the training and familiarity.

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Temperament is definitely not suitable, they're a lot of work to become people friendly dogs because they're naturally very timid but a bit hyper at the same time. Plus there is only one breeder in Australia and the puppies are VERY VERY expensive.

ETA: Lappiemum, Halo hasn't yet shown any interest in the birds, though she might be letting Akira stalk them for her.

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