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Hi everyone I'm getting feed up with my family. There complaining about how much I spend on dog food,complain about how much I spend of them medicaly. As you all know Shelley and Rascal are on a diet, There now complaining I'm straving them. Shelley,Rascal and Buddy are acting like there straving serching and wanting more food. If we go out with food for the chooks Shelley trys to snatch it out of our hands or what ever we have the food in. I'm getting peed off with them there my dogs and there trying to tell me what to do with them.

I'm about ready to give up on geting them to lose weight and over feed them again and let them get that fat that they will cost me a fortune in vet bills. The way my parents think is a fat dog is a healthy content and happy dog.

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Ignore them. I know it's difficult when they all feel the same and you are the minority, but you know what's best for your own dogs and by keeping their weight down you will improve their quality of life, as well as extending their life. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for doing the right thing by your animals :)

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With the problems going on at home that you've talked about in this and other threads maybe it's time to seriously look at moving out in to your own place?

yes, i agree, you seem to be having alot of problems simply because of living with other people who have their own ideas, you told us you are in your 20's time to move out, then you can do as you please and not have to put up with the family, take it from me, its stressful and i am so glad they live 3 hours from me. i love them dearly but everytime i go back to visit and stay overnight i am so glad to get away back to my own place where i can set my own rules. My mother and me share the showdogs and swap dogs and so forth and it works quite well.

you can look after your dogs the way you want to look after them without having someone interfer and tell you how to do anything. :)

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My parents keep on eye on what I buy they know how much I get paid fortnightly. I would move out but my boyfriend doesn't want too. We did move out once before and I enjoyed it but my boyfriend did not and wanted to move back in with my parents.

I've just told my mum out right what would rather Shelley,rascal and buddy act hungry and be healthy and happy or do you want me to keep them fat and spend a fortune on vet bills? She said she would rather see them hungry then me spend alot on vet bills.

The way my mum thinks is if I didn't own these animals I could go on holidays,spend more money on myself. I just turn and say yeah but that doesn't give you compainionship like a dog does.

I admit I could probably feed cheaper dog food as my guys do well on Bonnie adult too, But I have noticed a change feeding black hawk. My dogs have alot more energy,there coats feel softer and look better. There not pooing as much as they use too. I've told them plenty of times that no matter how much you feed my dogs they will always act like there straving.

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Geez hard but fair like the romans but here we go.Move out.If your boyfriend wants to live with your parents then let him(find that weird anyway).I know your young and maybe studying and working part-time and can't afford it but make yourself afford it.I can tell by all the posts I've read from you you really love your dogs and this is taking it's toll on them and your own health.It's not good.You can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives.Maybe find some dog loving friends and share a place.Please don't think I'm being mean to you,I don't know you and as I said you obviously adore your dogs but it's time to make a change.

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Yes I love my dogs very much and I do try and do whats best for them. Before I pay for anything when I get paid I make sure my dogs have what they need first. My parents know I'm not going to listen to them but it doesn't stop them from complaining.

My dogs are getting plenty of exercise ,They get walked everyday for at least 40 minutes of offlead runing,chasing birds and jumping. On nice weather which could be twice a week sometimes 3 times a week they go for a 2 hour walk down by the river/bush. Shelley gets 1 1/4 cup a day and is lossing about 1kg every 2 weeks. Rascal gets a small handfull which is about 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup a day and seems to go from say 4.6 to 4.5kgs in 2 weeks, So I think its a gram I'm hopeless when it comes to maths. Buddy the male golden gets 1 1/2 cups of food a day but doesn't get much exercise as his body won't allow much but he weighs 38kgs.

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My family is much the same, shaking their heads when I got 2 dogs, about vet bills etc. They have cost me little compared to what they give me.

Anyway regards diet and "hunger".

You could try bulking up their meals with pumkin, lots of fibre and few calories, very cheap too. Baked is good, gives more flavour.

Also I found that processed bran was a good addition for hungry dogs needing less calories. Fills them up and is cheap.

Perhaps remind those close to you, the way you care for your dogs and look after them, that you are a caring person and it is a sign that you will also care for your nearest and dearest if ever the time comes.

It is hard with high rents to find affordable accommodation, if you can make it work where you are it is worth it.

Parents will be parents, but maybe you have taken too many animals on in your situation?

Are there other issues that haven't been discussed. Are the dogs causing some nuisance to your parents?

Sometimes you have to have a thick skin.

I hope you can communicate fully with those people you live with and negotiate a solution.

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with the chihuahua boy, half a cup of dry food is too much, halve that. exercise him more. Mine are given milk from a very early age, as most say it causes the runs. mine never have the runs, i do give them lactose free milk though. give him half the amount you described then fill up his bowl with milk. if he is not used to milk, gradually introduce it into his diet by mixing it in his food. does he get anything else besides dry food? i like to just sprinkle a few bits on top of their meals, i cook for mine or give them BARF they have a wide variety of foods. Then if they get sick or required to lose weight etc. it is much easier to give them other things to help. if they are fed on a straight dry food diet they aren't use to other foods and it makes it harder. I have known other breeders just to feed their dogs their whole lives on dry food and i really disagree with this. I know of a heck of a lot of chihuahua breeders too, that cook for their dogs (mince, veges, pasta, rice etc. etc.).

in regards to your big problem, sounds like bf is getting it too good with your parents and has become too dependant on them especially if it saves money. :) i know of a lot of 20 year olds that live with their parents to save money. but you pay a price of no independence and getting on with your life, always stuck.

you sound very stressed. :confused: its only natural that parents and family cause you problems if you live in close proximity to them in the same house.

i moved out when i was 23 and it was the best thing i ever did in my life. i moved out by myself with my dogs and my dogs helped me alot and i never felt lonely. :)

Edited by toy dog
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Gah, I'd leave the boyfriend at your parents' house and get the hell out! I moved out when I was 18 and honestly, it was the best thing I ever did. My relationship with my parents improved immensely. My family also think I spoil my dog rotten (possibly true..) but at least they're in no position to actually complain about it.

I'm now working part time and studying full time, and renting my place. Trust me, you can make it work. It's all about prioritising, and it sounds like your dogs are your number one priority, so I'm sure you'll be fine!

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im just remembering a past ex :laugh: he had a sister that was close to 40 still living at home never been married, no kids and the boyfriend was the same. they'd been together for 13 years or so this was about 10 years ago now.

her mother use to talk to her like she was about 6, when i was over there. i found it quite comical to say the least. nadine take your shoes off please you will dirty the carpet :eek: she was speaking to a 40 year old.

you'll always be a kid to your parents no matter your age so they treat you accordingly especially if you live with them when you are that age. :laugh:

it was way past her time to move out and the boyfriend too from his parents. i couldn't understand why they were still living with their parents at that age i found it very weird.

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Are the dogs causing some nuisance to your parents?

The nuisance is my auntie. Everything was good till my auntie moved in. My boyfriend and I pay $200 fortnight to my parents for board. My auntie is meant to pay the same but doesn't she owes my parents 9 weeks rent. Also my parents are feed up with her as she wants her dog inside but will not keep the dog clean. Her dog Lady the jack russell cross fox terrier absolutely stinks and rolls in everything smelly it can find. My auntie won't bath it,doesn't exercise it.

Cause of that my parents are struggling to pay the bills,food eyc.

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Hi everyone I'm getting feed up with my family. There complaining about how much I spend on dog food,complain about how much I spend of them medicaly. As you all know Shelley and Rascal are on a diet, There now complaining I'm straving them. Shelley,Rascal and Buddy are acting like there straving serching and wanting more food. If we go out with food for the chooks Shelley trys to snatch it out of our hands or what ever we have the food in. I'm getting peed off with them there my dogs and there trying to tell me what to do with them.

I'm about ready to give up on geting them to lose weight and over feed them again and let them get that fat that they will cost me a fortune in vet bills. The way my parents think is a fat dog is a healthy content and happy dog.

Maybe it's time you moved out of home. Just sayin' :coffee:

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