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Penis Problems

Kaffy Magee

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The last few days Chase's penis has been continually erect :o Previously his "lipstick" would stick out abit like any normal dogs does at any time, usually when he was sitting and relaxed and on occassion it would get hard. However just these past few days its constantly hard and/or sticking right out, even when walking. He doesnt seem bothered by it, no licking, no smell, no discharge that I have noticed etc. I really first noticed it Saturday night. I had just fed him and went to get the bowl and it was nearly all the way out and hard. I noticed it hard and sticking out often over the next day or two. Last night we went for a walk and even while he was walking it was sticking out a bit and still hard. He has just been asleep so I thought I would wake him up and see what it was doing now whilst he was relaxed and whist it wasnt out it was still hard inside his sheath. His glands are also hard when this happens. I was going to take him to pick the kids up from school like I sometimes do, but I changed my mind becasue it was very obviously swollen and hard :o

This is not normal is it??? Would an infection cause this? Has anyone had an issue like this? He seems ok, Im about to take his temperature though. Ive only just come to the realisation that it might be something a bit more serious and not him just being a boy dog.

ETA: Temp 37.6

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Yes very odd...I think I might take him in tomorrow.

ETA: Thanks Sway, I did read that but the only one that sounds like him is this

Priapism: Canine priapism refers to continuous canine penis erection. This dog penis problem is not natural and needs immediate vet intervention. It may be the result of spinal cord injury, which would require surgery.

But if he had spinal injury, surely that would be obvious. He seems perfectly normal, amybe a little bit quieter but im not sure whether thats because he has just been lazing around inside all day.

I just took him out for a wee and he can wee with no issues. He was quite "soft" when I woke him up to go out for a wee but by the time he got outside and had a sniff, he was hardening up again, especially the glands. Maybe something is irritating his penis sheath when he walks, causing the reaction of an erection. Does this sound likely?

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Does not sounds normal to me and no I dont necessarily think there would be other signs if a spinal chord issue as like all parts of the body it depends on what part is affected. I would be getting him to the vet asap especially if he is your stud dog (even if he isnt I would take him regardless).

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Ive made an appointment for tomorrow at 12pm.

Oakeydoak, he hasnt been used at stud yet, but will be ;)

Pers...no bitches around that I know of, only mine, and they came out of season in June.

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Ive made an appointment for tomorrow at 12pm.

Oakeydoak, he hasnt been used at stud yet, but will be ;)

Pers...no bitches around that I know of, only mine, and they came out of season in June.

Definitely dont want to the take the chance then that what ever is causing it could cause permanent damage. Let us know how you go!

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Well took him in to the vet. I think they are a little bit stumped. His temperature is fine, his prostate is fine, he didnt seem in pain when she gave it a good examine she went and got another vet (I assume more experienced) and at this stage I think they have put it down to being neurological, mentioning he may have done a disc etc except they pushed all the way down his spine and there was no reaction, he hasnt been walking funny or anything. I dont know m,uch about neurological issues but I would have thought there would be some sign that something wasnt right (other than a swollen doodle,lol). So they have put him on anti inflammantrys and anti biotics (because after checking the prostate there was a bit of blood in the faecal matter on her finger, tmi, sorry) and cold compresses every half hour. So at this stage its a wait and see if this works. Vet said she would ring me tomorrow as she thinks there should be some improvement with the medication he is on. If not they'll obviously have to look further into it :(

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Does he lick his penis??

Has it dripped any blood??

My old boy went through a stage for many years where his penis would become swollen & sore due to aggravating the blood vessels.

He would lick it to soothe it ,of course when he peed it annoyed it & the circle went around & around.

He was on cranberry tablets for 6 years.

Medication when it flared up (normally Vibra vet but this can affect sperm if being used at stud) generally it required 3/4 weeks of meds.

Worse when girls where due in season ,he hasn't had a bout for 4 years now

I had a friend whose dogs also got a swollen penis due to a reaction to the shampoo/conditioner .

When you pull the sheath back is it very RED & sore looking ??

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I would be arranging for him to see a Myotherapist.

It sounds like he has some nerve and or muscle damage/restrictions of some description. I have heard and known of a couple of dogs with a similar problem and it has been found that their backs were "out" and this was causing tension and restriction to the nerves and muscles, and this would cause your boy to do what he is doing.

Technically a dog can't have his back out, that would be a dislocation, but by saying the back is out means when they are resticted and or showing obvious signs of restriction and discomfort.

I hope you get some positive results soon, but I would be getting a Myotherapist to look at him ASAP. You should mention to them the drugs he has been taking as that will mask his symptoms to a degree.

Good luck and hope to hear some good news soon.

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Thanks Pers and Oakway :)

Showdog, he is not licking it and there is no blood. When the sheath is pulled back and is very red but I assume thats because of it being swollen due to the increase in blood flow?

Alhtough when the vet was handling it, she was surprised it didnt seem to be hurting him, so obviously to her it looked sore.

Stolzseinrotts, that sounds promising, although the isnt any indication of his sback being out, he seems to be walking ok, even running. I took him outside to toilet earlier (he did a normal wee and a poo with no blood) and he trotted around the place and then tried to initiate a game with one of my girls, by pouncing doing 360s ad racing around, which I put a stop to because the vet said to keep him quiet.

Its very odd because there is no other signs that anything may be wrong except for his penis. It did seem to "go down" earlier after coming from the vets and resting, not to normal, but his glands were no longer prominent, his penis was no longer hard but I could tell, still a little swollen inside the sheath. A few hours later when I woke him up to go out and its all flared up again. Ive just checked him in his crate and it is all soft again, but I bet if I wake him up and get him out, it will harden up. It appears to ease when he is resting.

If he has hurt his back does this sound like something that would happen, soft when resting but flared up when moving. Im beginning to think this could be the issue. I was thinking back after reading Stolzseinrotts post to Saturday when I first noticed it and Im sure it was that day he took a flying leap at high speed off the back steps down on to our patio, Im beginning to think he has jarred his back, although wouldnt he be sore, especially when pressure is applied?

What exactly does a myotherapist do? Massage/manipulation? And can anyone recommend someone in QLD. Im about 3.5 hours north of Brisbane.

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Its very odd because there is no other signs that anything may be wrong except for his penis. It did seem to "go down" earlier after coming from the vets and resting, not to normal, but his glands were no longer prominent, his penis was no longer hard but I could tell, still a little swollen inside the sheath. A few hours later when I woke him up to go out and its all flared up again. Ive just checked him in his crate and it is all soft again, but I bet if I wake him up and get him out, it will harden up. It appears to ease when he is resting.

If he has hurt his back does this sound like something that would happen, soft when resting but flared up when moving. Im beginning to think this could be the issue. I was thinking back after reading Stolzseinrotts post to Saturday when I first noticed it and Im sure it was that day he took a flying leap at high speed off the back steps down on to our patio, Im beginning to think he has jarred his back, although wouldnt he be sore, especially when pressure is applied?

What exactly does a myotherapist do? Massage/manipulation? And can anyone recommend someone in QLD. Im about 3.5 hours north of Brisbane.

Resting it will be much better and even subside, upon first rising and moving the problem area/s will be irritated and therefore his penis will swell and be enlarged. I have seen this before. I would be trying to see a Myotherapist and get him seen to to try and get him fixed up ASAP. For an understanding on Myotherapy see here

I have seen Myotherapy change a lot of dogs who had been getting regulalar treatment from manipulators that have not been able to help with certain problems. Give it a go it won't hurt him and you might be pleasantly surprised, I know I was and so many other people who are now using them are. :D

As for one in your area I am sorry I can't help you but if you were in Melbourne I could put you in contact with the one I use.

Edited to add you might be very surprised at how much a dog will put up with before you see their pain.

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I took him back to the vet this morning as he couldnt pee. So theyve put a catheter in and he is staying there for today. :( If he has pinched a nerve or something, can the vets actually fix that or should I just be telling them Im taking him to a myotherapist or something similar. They said they would give him something else to help his penis go down but if the issue is his back which they agree and think thats what it is, shouldnt they be doing something about that rather than just giving him more drugs?

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Sounds like you need to find a vet you trust more, I had to change vets to get this but the one I have now I trust implicitly - he explains everything so I know exactly where we are and why were doing things. The drugs make sense to me - if it's caused by inflammation then you need to get rid of it in order to get rid of the problem hence the drugs but I'm certainly no expert so I'd suggest you talk to your vet and get them to explain it to you so you at least have the full story to make a decision you're happy with.

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Hi Jetpoint GSP,

Im only new to the area and this is my first visit to a vet since being here. I went with this vet as ?I had heard good things about them but I havent had the opportunity to build up a trusting relationship with them yet. Chase is my baby, Im very protective of him and very anxious and paranoid due to past experiences and cant help but think about the "what ifs". I just hate not knowing whats going on and it doesnt give me much confidence when it comes across that they dont really know either. They probably dont realise how stressed I am so maybe they think Im ok with it all and they dont need to reassure me he'll be fine, I dont know. All I can think about is the time I took my 16mth old dobermann in to the vets because he wasnt well. They didnt know what was wrong with him either at first but I expected to walk out with him. I didnt.

So its probably not the vets fault Im just overly sensitive and want to know whats going on. Ill see what they say when they ring later.

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Must be scary for you Kaffy. Why dont you get on to the Myotherapist that Stolzseinrotts recommends in Melbourne, speak to them on the phone and maybe get a recommendation from them as to who is near you. They may be able to help point you in the right direction.

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