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Have We Got Our Priorities Right?


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OK I’m putting this out there as a first post and I promise this is not meant to be inflammatory just a conversation starter.

Is the Australian National Kennel Council and its state affiliations doing the right thing in the promotion of purebred dogs?

As a noobie I will say I’m not sure. I feel (rightly or wrongly) that the ANKC still focuses too heavily on ‘show dogs’. I feel that we also focus to much on the negatives of the ‘opposition’ instead of promoting our own positives. Unfortunately I think the bad guys are dominating the press and the good stories are getting drowned out.

What I would love to see:

  • Open and transparent health testing results (appropriate to breed)
  • Minimum temperament/obedience requirements for breeding dogs
  • More focus on dog sports in particular those which relate to original breed purpose
  • Of course confirmation continues to be important
  • Can I add less ‘bitchiness’ LOL I think that’s more of a personal thing not sure the ANCK can help that (but we have all seen it)


I fear we (i.e. those who care about purebred dogs) are not just losing the battles we are losing the war. Case in point I own a large/giant breed at the vet for his final puppy injections the topic of desexing came up the vet was keen for me to have our boy done at six months I said his breeder has advised we wait until at least 12 months. Her reply was that breeders are just interested in confirmation for show dogs. I bit and stated that to me conformation has a lot to do with a dogs ability to be fit for purpose and healthy family pets, she grudgingly agreed (we did get a letter in the mail when he was approaching 6 month spruiking desexing). If vets are not on side with breeders I think we will struggle to win over the masses.

I’m not silly, I understand even putting politics and personal agendas to one side the is not a one stop fix, but is the ANCK just a toothless tiger? How do they (can they) ensure registered breeders abide by their code of ethics?

My background for those who are interested :) I’m a first time purebred owner (amazing pup and breeder, I could not be happier), I’ve grown up with cross breeds as pets who have all been good dogs (so sorry can’t be too negative about them ;)). My sister owns an gorgeous purebred girl and my partners sister owns two purebred boys. We are all converts and wont go back.

Sorry for the long post it’s just something I feel passionate about, I'm really interested in what others (who I'm sure are way more informed than myself) have to say.

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We are all converts and wont go back.

As is usually the case once people have had the experience.

Being a pure breed doesn't necessarily mean it is a show dog. Some of the best examples of breeds live their lives as loved/loving family companions.

Being an ANKC member is not a requisite for owning a recognised pure breed.

Desire is the only requirement.

Showing is optional.

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I think the ANKC is doing way too little in promoting our purebreds and their benefits, and supporting their breeders in a forever-hostile environment to 'puppy farmers'. I would love if they were more supportive of their members and their breeds.

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I agree with most of what you have said.

It does seem that we hear about all the negatives rather than the ANKC promoting purebred dogs, whether they be for show or for pets.

I would also like to see, not from the ANKC but just in general, more promotion of rescuing dogs, cross breeds and purebreds, it has gotten better in the last few years though I must say, and more and more people are rescuing dogs rather than buiying from pet shops etc. :thumbsup:

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I'm another one who thinks that the governing bodies are doing way too little in promoting the benefits of owning pedigree dogs, but it would also require a combined effort on the part of breeders to ensure change.

And one only needs to spend an hour or so reading posts in the restricted breeders forum to see that some breeders have a very low regard for people who enquire about buying puppies.

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I just had a look in the breeders section and some of comments would put alot of people off from going through a breeder. I have never gotten a puppy from a breeder and now I worry that when the time comes ill be rejected becasue I said something wrong.

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I think it best to define the role of the ANKC before making comment on what they do effectively or ineffectively.

I believe that historically they were record keepers and registry and coordinated peer competition.

They are not lobbyists or responsible for the promotion of purebred dogs although I understand they have some presence in these areas.

Perhaps another group or sub group of the ANKC should be formed to fill the gap given the need. Promotion and marketing doesn't come cheap though, it would possible require an increase in fees. Would members accept this I wonder.

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I think it best to define the role of the ANKC before making comment on what they do effectively or ineffectively.

I believe that historically they were record keepers and registry and coordinated peer competition.

They are not lobbyists or responsible for the promotion of purebred dogs although I understand they have some presence in these areas.

Perhaps another group or sub group of the ANKC should be formed to fill the gap given the need. Promotion and marketing doesn't come cheap though, it would possible require an increase in fees. Would members accept this I wonder.

I definitely see where you are coming from Anne.

I have to admit I was a bit slack before my OP and had not actually read through the ANKC constitution, but after having a quick skim through I noted Objective (b)

To encourage and promote in every way the general improvement of the recreation, sport, standard breeding, Exhibition and training of breeds of Dogs on the Pure Bred Register.

It's a pretty non specific statement which is very much open to personal interpretation, but I would interpret from the statement that one of the key objectives of the ANKC is promotion.

Quality promotion and marketing definitely comes at a cost and I think it would be near impossible for the ANKC to convince members pay increased fees in the name of marketing and promotion. Particularly as it would require members to have faith that the ANKC would be able to mount an effective campaign. Plus no one ever likes increased fees (I know I was on the committee for the work social club and you should have heard the outcry when beers went up 50 cents :laugh: ).

An interesting thing I noted while reading through the ANKC national membership statistics (1995-2010), membership has been failing since 1995 in fact it's fallen 39%. Of course one should always exercise caution when reading into statistics but I do think it's an alarming trend.

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Whitka and Gayle I have noticed that vibe from some breeders and find it really disheartening and I don't think breeders can ignore their role in the promotion of pure bred dogs (like it or not) as they are often the first point of contact for Joe public. I really do feel for breeders (heck I have no ambition to breed I don't think I could deal with the stress) and I'm sure for most of them it steams from negative experiences. I do have to question though why you would be open to puppy inquires from the public if you really are not interested in dealing with them? :confused:

Just judging from some of the replies to puppy inquires I've seen I can see why some potential owners turn to pet shops and the trading post. No one likes to feel stupid and some breeder have to cut us new guys a little slack (we aren't all 'puppy farmers' in puppy owners clothing ;) ). I am hopeful that breeders who feel so negative towards puppy inquiries are in the minority. I can only really judge the breeders I have had direct dealings with and I have not come across a bad one. In particular the breeder of my pup who is always available to give me advice, answer my stupid questions, lend me equipment etc, I'm so lucky she is a awesome :thumbsup:

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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.

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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.


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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.


I think you underestimate the peer pressure (where peers are pretty novice in their breed) to appear really caring and careful about what happens to the puppies they breed. Some of it is genuine but nobody would admit to just taking the money from people who wanted to buy a puppy. In 40 years, I know I have made a mistake at least twice about puppy buyers, one of them was OK in the end but I still lose sleep over the one where I broke one of my own rules which proved a mistake.

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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.


I think you underestimate the peer pressure (where peers are pretty novice in their breed) to appear really caring and careful about what happens to the puppies they breed. Some of it is genuine but nobody would admit to just taking the money from people who wanted to buy a puppy. In 40 years, I know I have made a mistake at least twice about puppy buyers, one of them was OK in the end but I still lose sleep over the one where I broke one of my own rules which proved a mistake.

What relevance does that have to breeders going on public forums, which anyone can read, and writing insulting posts about the unsuspecting wanna-be dog owners who contact them to enquire about buying a puppy?

It's not a good public face for breeders in general. Why on earth would someone....who's read a few of those posts.....even contemplate contacting ANY registered breeder when their first impression (and subsequent impressions as these posts are invariably followed by other breeders bagging out their own enquirers) is that they might break one of the mysterious and unwritten rules about making enquiries after a puppy?

Generally it doesn't mean they aren't going to buy a puppy, it just means they won't be buying one from a registered breeder, as who wants to set themselves up to be ridiculed and insulted?

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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.

really? and you know this how?

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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.

really? and you know this how?

Because ''we'' consider genuine, responsible breeders conduct themselves in a similar caring, patient & benevolent behavior as ''we'' do.

Try it. It works.

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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.

really? and you know this how?

Because ''we'' consider genuine, responsible breeders conduct themselves in a similar caring, patient & benevolent behavior as ''we'' do.

Try it. It works.

Are you saying Rebanne doesn't practice "caring, patient & benevolent behavior"?

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The breeders who are pleasant to deal with, who cop the silly questions with a rueful grin, who take time to reply to oddly worded emails etc, aren't on public forums bagging out people who make enquiries with them. They aren't the ones writing unfortunate posts that people searching the internet for pedigree dog breeders will stumble across.

really? and you know this how?

Because ''we'' consider genuine, responsible breeders conduct themselves in a similar caring, patient & benevolent behavior as ''we'' do.

Try it. It works.

:rofl: and you are?

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She comes across as so abrupt the thought had crossed my mind.

Well its quite clear then that you have had no experience with Rebanne, who is a fantastic breeder and goes above and beyond for her puppies and her breed in general.

I'll form my own opinions thank you.No reason to change so far btw.

Answer to the question.


You really should try it.

It's painless

Edited by stone
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