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Exercising Reactive Dogs Thread


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Yep always happens. You have a great improvement, post it on here, the dog reads it and bam you're back to where you were. We have had so many "extinction bursts" I can't count them anymore. Don't get disheartened you just have to think back to how it was say 6 months ago and if you're on an increasingly good behaviour that's ok. Remeber the good days when you're having a bad one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's quiet in here! How is everyone doing?

We're going well, she's shown real progress in class. I'm going to book a private session to look at her barking at home, she seems to get herself quite worked up - she'll stop barking but will then do laps around the yard or the house.

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Its been ages since I've posted in here...

Saw a new behaviourist with Koda a couple of weeks ago... best thing I ever did for him!

He's already responding really well to the training, we're definitely on a road to success with his dog reactivity :) We still have slip ups (mostly my fault, I'm still getting the hang of the new training) but we are doing really well in general. Koda loves it too, and seems less anxious in general.

He used to be on Supercoat food, I've now swapped him onto Blackhawk, I've been wondering whether that may have also impacted his behaviour at all... perhaps just taken the edge off his anxiety/over excitement.

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Thought I should pop in and update, I've been a bit slack lately! Hope everyone is enjoying 2015 so far.

Bonnie has settled in well and we took her down to see Nekhbet a couple of weeks ago. Nek was amazing and had her responding within minutes in the presence of Trigger, a Malinois so chilled you could set a firecracker off near him and he wouldnt bat an eyelid. After a good while of learning we worked up to Rogue level, now Rogue is a turned up to 11 Malinois and I didn't think we'd get there but WE DID! I was so proud of my girl.

We've been working through it slowly. Last night was stressful, doing restrained recalls on a secure and 99.9% of the time abandoned oval when a couple came in with their SWF. My back was to them so I didn't notice, she bolted straight past and made a beeline. Woman picked her dog up, Bonnie was just jumping a bit but even though she wasn't barking or growling it could have been so much worse and I'm just glad everyone was alright. Very stressful. Then she deafened us in the car going batshit crazy as we left...my ears are still ringing.

Good thing was this morning she didnt even move off the couch when the postie came, usually she has a pink fit and tries to rip the walls apart to get to him. Just a few wuffs today. So thats a positive I suppose.

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Not fair, you can't say new training and not tell what you did? I was wondering how Bonnie was going, good to hear she's responding well.

We aren't having training over the holidays because the kennels get full and too rowdy for jake to focus. It seems to make our encounters more variable if we miss training, we have some good days and some awful. Last week I had a time that I had both his front feet off the ground and was using my other hand on the harness handle to restrain him because the dog going past was a puppy and making eyes at him. Then another day we end up sandwiched with a dog in front and one behind and too many cars to cross the road and he goes "meh, don't care about dogs."

I will recommend the harness though, the extra strap and the handle in the back has really been useful, wish I had bought it ages ago.

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It was Nekhbet that I took Koda to as well! The Malinois dogs are gorgeous! We eventually had him off leash with two of them (Trigger and a female who's name I don't remember, don't think it was Rouge), he wasn't really interacting with them, simply hanging around mostly peacefully haha :p He still had his moments, but he did incredibly well considering what he's normally like :)

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YAY! She's awesome. Just a pity we dont live down in Geelong so we could see her all the time lol

Hankdog we focused a lot on being able to make decisions for her, and getting her to recognise that and let us lead the way. Working on getting her to focus on us more, especially during walks, is another thing we worked on. Especially in distracting environments, and it doesnt help that 5 months in the pound is stacked up against us, but we're getting there.

I've implemented NILIF and I can see her beginning to think she can put one over me by being selectively deaf, but I'm just making her work until she does what I ask and then she gets a reward. Two can play at the stubbornness game and I'm a lot better at it than she is :laugh:

I'm also doing some negative punishment with her at the moment to combat her barking and growling at things going on outside. The curtains stay closed so she doesn't have free rein to arc up at things going on (and bark at them so they 'go away' which is what she wants), but if I'm on the couch reading then I'll open the front door and let her look out the screen door. First sign of barking or growling or any sort of carry on and I mark it with a NOPE and shut the door. She's actually come quite a way in just a few days, after some whining and some extinction bursts she's now happily lying by the door, soaking up the sunlight and watching the world go by :)

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Poor Jake Hankdog :( I don't know why our "speshul" dog's seem to be susceptible to so many ailments. Both my guys have a few significant health issues. Then Stella has her quite severe reactivity/noise phobia etc temperament on top...she got the double whammy my baby girl.

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I sometimes wonder if they're connected. Some little gene mutation that makes things go wrong.

We learned a new, super awesome trick over the holidays. It's called "two steps and sit." I've taught it using my super awesome best trick in the world voice with a hundred percent reward, a bit like the behavioural interrupter.

We used it for the first time in training on Friday and it went really well. He got really close to a little dog that was barking at him and on his second approach remained calm and was able to decide to turn and leave. He then went and sniffed in a pile of fresh cut grass!!!

He's been reasonable, (there's always that one dog) at stopping and doing LAT whilst the other dog walks away so I feel he's up to starting to be able to move past dogs whilst we are out.

I've been doing lots of practice at getting him to do his tricks at distance and to walk out and go touch an object. He is pretty smart at knowing if he's tied and not creeping forward on each repitition but once the leash is off he does seem to end up closer each trick. Eventually I'd like to get this one at distance too but that could be a bit too ambitious, but then home training is about stuff you can't do.

Edited by hankdog
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Well done Jake. Sounds like Jakey is going really well HD.

Makes me wonder the exact same thing HD. Gene mutation perhaps??? I don't exactly know but it does make me think something in their make up makes them more susceptible to other ailments than most dogs.

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Well, I think I just gained Certificate I in poor decision making :(

We took Bonnie for a quick walk after the sun had set, her only walk today as it's just been too hot for her to be out on the asphalt today. Completely forgetting that there was a monster truck show on at the showgrounds nearby. So of course as we round the corner halfway home we get barking dogs of all shapes and sizes, revving monster truck engines, fireworks and a looming thunderstorm. Poor thing must have felt like the world was caving in around her and practically dragged us home, pulling like a freight train the entire way. I've never seen her that desperate to get inside the house before and she's now hiding in her crate in the bedroom while the fireworks explode over head.

That's probably going to put us right back a ways, I feel awful for her because I shouldn't have put her in that position and she's been doing so well. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I need bex and a lie down :(

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It happens and you did the right thing. Get the heck out of there, get home, get calm and start again another day.

If what ahe did was bolt for home then that's not a bad thing. She's clearly seeing her home and crate as safe, that's great. If I had a choice between fight, flight or freeze I'd pick flight each time. Jake picks fight and I pick freeze, we're just useless.

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Thanks, hankdog. It hasn't appeared to set her back at all and we went for a lovely walk this morning. I bought her a lovely leather leash from Israel and it arrived today, no more ripped apart hands!

She really doesn't like deliverymen, she ripped apart the fly screen on the screen door this morning so we're training for a 'go to your mat' result when there's a knock at the door now. It's more predominant with anyone wearing hi-vis, luckily we own some so we can proof with that eventually too.

How is everyone else doing?

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