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Stranger Asking About Ziggy


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Ziggy and I were out for an afternoon walk and we were stopped by this big burly guy and he asked if Ziggy was a pitbull..

I told him no and that he is a staffy cross... He wanted to take a pic of him but I said Zig does not like the camera.. So he wanted to show me his pitbulls... They were huge in the photos...

He was pretty insistent that Zig was a pitty, so I just shrugged him off and said I had to go.

This was about a block away from home and around the corner. I did not even think to check if this guy was watching where I was going..

Well he turned up on my doorstep half an hour ago and just wanted to ask if Zig was desexed and if not could he use him when he was a bit older... I told him he is desexed and he is of no use for breeding to anyone.. He commented that it was a shame and left...

I am a little freaked as he must have followed us to find out where we live...

Zig is scared of strangers and most things. He is really timid unless he knows you...

I am terrified this guy is going to come back for him when I am not home or something...

Is this a matter for the police?

Am I being paranoid?

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated...

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Aw man I don't know what would be the best thing to do, that sounds really scary :/

maybe report it to the council, because even though Ziggy is desexed and of no use for this guys breeding programme, but I'd be worried he might come back and take him for possibly fighting. I doubt it but I guess better safe than sorry. :(

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The house is locked up tight.

Ziggy is a great little guard dog, I will hear if anyone comes near the house...

I am going out tomorrow to get a big padlock for the front gate. Our front and back fences are near six feet high but the side ones are only one and a half metres high.. I think the side ones will be OK as we have neighbours on both sides..

I am freaked about it... I am hoping that he was just curious and wanted to use him to breed (but Zig is so timid and did not ev en go near him when he stopped us earlier)...

Hopefully I am over reacting...

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I have had guys following me in a car, i walked straight past my house, poor dogs were exausted by the time we made it home.

I am paranoid someone will take my girl, if anyone asks about her i say she is desexed and loves all dogs. :(

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I think you'll be right seeing he's had the snip

still working from home?

just lock him away if you pop up to the shops for the next few days

Yeah still working from home..

I think you are right and he will be fine...

I was just a bit thrown when he turned up here...

I think anyone Zig did not know would have a hard time getting near him anyway as he can be really standoffish if he does not know you...

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Report it to the Police as a stalking incident....following you is stalking, make it clear that this person was following you to your home. I had something similar yeras ago with a guy following me with my old Whippet, just walked into someone elses property, as I had caught on.

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Forgot to add that I had a Burmese Cat stolen in a similar way......

Lady came to my door asking me if I had seeb her male Burmese which was missing, I explained that mine was a desexed female. Didn't think much more about it but my Girl went missing from my yard three days later. My house had a back lane behind and the cat only played in the yard.....

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I did not realise this guy had followed me around the corner or I would have kept walking...

It was about half an hour after our initial chat that he came to the door..

Now I think about it he seemed much less interested once I said Zig was desexed...

I have checked outside a few times and there isn't anyone around, not even any strange cars in the street...

I called the police but they did not seem that interested but did suggest if he turns up again to call them.

Hopefully it is just me over reacting and we won't see him again.

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Is it worth putting up a couple of 'camera on premises' type signs? You can get fake security cameras on eBay. Also if you can get yourself some business cards from a security company. Leave them littered around the front door. When security companies do property checks they often leave a card wedged in the door frame as proof they came. A friend told me having them scattered around can be a deterrent cos people assume you have a real security company swinging by.

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I think you may be over-reacting. There's a pretty good chance that the guy was just interested in using him for breeding. If he was planning on stealing the dog I doubt he would have come to your front door..

Lock the gates and keep an eye on the house by all means (I'd probably keep the dog indoors when you're out too), but showing interest is not really 'stalking' IMO.

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I think you may be over-reacting. There's a pretty good chance that the guy was just interested in using him for breeding. If he was planning on stealing the dog I doubt he would have come to your front door..

Lock the gates and keep an eye on the house by all means (I'd probably keep the dog indoors when you're out too), but showing interest is not really 'stalking' IMO.

I agree, he would never have come to the door if he was planning on stealing him...

Zig is mostly inside with me in my office or outside when we go walking, playing or training.. We seem to spend a lot of time together, so I am confident he is safe.

It just freaked me a bit that someone would come to my door after seeing us a block away from home...

I feel much better about it this morning.

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something like that would certainly make me feel less than comfortable. i suspect the guy would not have come to your door if he had evil intentions but nonethe less i would be reasonably cautious for a while.

another reason desexing is such a good thing..


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I think you may be over-reacting. There's a pretty good chance that the guy was just interested in using him for breeding. If he was planning on stealing the dog I doubt he would have come to your front door..

Lock the gates and keep an eye on the house by all means (I'd probably keep the dog indoors when you're out too), but showing interest is not really 'stalking' IMO.

It's good to be cautious and alert but not at the expense of your nerves! You probably already have a subconcious level of alertness to people hanging around so let that be your guide.

I've had similar thing happen to me with my German Shepherd. A lady asked me at the vets if he was desexed as she had a female and wanted to use him. He is desexed, so sorry No. As I was walking home from the vets a man stopped me and asked if he was desexed. Coincidence...I think not.

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I think you may be over-reacting. There's a pretty good chance that the guy was just interested in using him for breeding. If he was planning on stealing the dog I doubt he would have come to your front door..

Lock the gates and keep an eye on the house by all means (I'd probably keep the dog indoors when you're out too), but showing interest is not really 'stalking' IMO.

I agree, he would never have come to the door if he was planning on stealing him...

Zig is mostly inside with me in my office or outside when we go walking, playing or training.. We seem to spend a lot of time together, so I am confident he is safe.

It just freaked me a bit that someone would come to my door after seeing us a block away from home...

I feel much better about it this morning.

Glad you're feeling better. You never know, the guy may have spent the whole half hour just working up the courage to knock on your doorlaugh.gif

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