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Mystery Lump! :(

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Reggie has a lump! :(

It's on his ribs and seems to have sprung up very quickly.I noticed a small 'not-quite-a-bump' yesterday afternoon, but this morning it's a LUMP.



It is very squishy and not very noticeable when actually touching it. It feels like a 'thickening' rather than a defined lump, maybe fluid? Thelump doesn't seem to be attatched to any underlying structures.

It isn't bothering him and he has noproblems with me touching it.

Should I be worried? I AM a worrywart about my special boy :o

Just monitor it? (obviously if it gets dramatically bigger/sore it off to the vet)or should I just take him straight to the vet?

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Reggie has a lump! :(

It's on his ribs and seems to have sprung up very quickly.I noticed a small 'not-quite-a-bump' yesterday afternoon, but this morning it's a LUMP.



It is very squishy and not very noticeable when actually touching it. It feels like a 'thickening' rather than a defined lump, maybe fluid? Thelump doesn't seem to be attatched to any underlying structures.

It isn't bothering him and he has noproblems with me touching it.

Should I be worried? I AM a worrywart about my special boy :o

Just monitor it? (obviously if it gets dramatically bigger/sore it off to the vet)or should I just take him straight to the vet?

straight to the vet

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Sorry for the lack of update. Only managed to get a vet appoint this afternoon!

Vet palpated lump etc and did an ultrasound of it. As far as she can tell its a fluid 'bubble' (for lack of veterinary term :p ) or an accumulation of tissue?

She said its unusual, but she can't tell exactly what it is. As he is acting fine, just to monitor it.

Have booked another appoint for Tuesday, Vet said if it's still there/gotten bigger/developed in any shape or form, that they'll aspirate it then and form an action plan. I did ask if it would be better to aspirate it today, She said she didn't want to risk introducing anything (infection/bacteria wise) into it as it may be nothing/just go away by itself.

If he stops eating, is lethargic etc, was told to definately bring him back in sooner.

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Sorry for the lack of update. Only managed to get a vet appoint this afternoon!

Vet palpated lump etc and did an ultrasound of it. As far as she can tell its a fluid 'bubble' (for lack of veterinary term :p ) or an accumulation of tissue?

She said its unusual, but she can't tell exactly what it is. As he is acting fine, just to monitor it.

Have booked another appoint for Tuesday, Vet said if it's still there/gotten bigger/developed in any shape or form, that they'll aspirate it then and form an action plan. I did ask if it would be better to aspirate it today, She said she didn't want to risk introducing anything (infection/bacteria wise) into it as it may be nothing/just go away by itself.

If he stops eating, is lethargic etc, was told to definately bring him back in sooner.

See I don't understand a vet not aspirating a suspicious lump at the first visit.. Why should you have to make and pay for another appointment when it could have been done and resolved at the first appointment...

The odds on her introducing an infection by doing an aspirated in a sterile vet surgery using sterile equipment is all but none...

I hope if you do in fact require a follow up visit to get an aspiration that you get it at follow up prices...

Sorry but his blasé attitude of some vets with some lumps annoys me..

Just so you know, my old stafford had a lump, that was treated the same way.. Then when it did not go away, it was aspirated, only to discover it was mast cell cancer.. There was another lump, which felt totally different to the first that was aspirated and it to was mast cell cancer...

I am not trying to scare you but lumps that come up and look or feel suspicious should be aspirated to be sure...

I hope and pray that your dogs lump goes down and you never see another one...but if it still there in a few days I would be insisting on an aspiration...

Keeping everything crossed that it just goes away.

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Fingers crossed it does go away before tuesday.

Staffyluv I know what you mean, maybe I should have insisted on an aspiration. But I have trouble with being forward with 'professionals that know best' (USUALLY they do) ... :o The vet originally had a quick look then said that there wasn't much point aspirating it yet :( I don't know if she really thought that, she did seem to think it would go away on it's own. I did ask again when she was winding up the consult.

I DID think it was a bit funny about the 'introducing infection etc' bit.

I've found they (the surgery) seem to be more cautious with offering procedures. More a wait-and-see attitude from a lot of them.

When my BC Sadie ruptured a cruciate ligament last year, another vet(same practice) saw her. Did diagnose it, gave the option the surgery could be done, but would be expensive. And that there was NO rush to 'rush into it'.

* Note- BC went to other vet in town who specialises in orthopedic stuff, she was booked in the fortnight after.

ETA- my spelling is atrocious :o

Edited by Chequeredblackdog
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Poor Reggie!

It does look a little bigger (though it may just be the lighting). I would be going back to the vet and insisting. (Maybe even a different vet if you're not happy with your current one...i wouldn't be either, i hate the "wait and see" attitude!)

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I think it looks bigger but it could be the light and angles of the pictures...

Back to the vet for an aspirated to put your mind at rest...

Has he played rough of fallen on a that side at all? Perhaps it is just a hematoma!

Good luck with the vet...

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I am hoping it's just the lighting/angle, though (to me) it feels more 'noticeable' for lack of a better word.

As far as I know he hasn't had a knock etc. He does play very full on and LOVES his zoomies, but he is a GIANT SOOK and if something hurts, by the fur! He lets you know! ;)

Will try to get him into the vet tomorrow, though they are usually very busy saturdays, and don't open sundays. If not, I have a definite booked appointment for tuesday, which I might try to move up.

Fingers crossed it will go away be itself VERY quickly!

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When Kaos had a lump a while ago, they suspected just fluid filled or grass seed or something, they wanted to do fine needle aspirate on the first visit, unforunately Kaos is not a good patient :o and wouldn't let them do it (it was on his neck, right where muzzle straps would be so we couldn't muzzle him for it). So I decided to go ahead and book him in for them to lance and drain it (could have booked just for fine needle aspirate but then would need to book again for the drain so thought just jump straight to it). Was nothing serious, once drain was in it drained and was fine.

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