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Which State Do You Rate The Most Dog Friendly?


Which state do you rate the most dog friendly?  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Which state do you rate the most dog friendly?

    • QLD
    • NSW
    • ACT
    • Vic
    • Tas
    • SA
    • WA
    • NT

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Hopefully this hasnt been done before. I know it may vary from council to council. But I was wondering which state do people find the most dog friendly. Im thinking in terms of people who want to own multiple dogs, facilities, access to public areas, local/state legislation etc. If you could provide reasoning for your choice that would be good.

Edited by ncarter
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and this comes under the companion animals act 1998 doesnt it? how do you rate this act compared to the dog acts in other states?

I have no idea if the other states, apart from Vic, even have an act. The Vic one is ridiculously unworkable and far too restrictive for decent breeders compared the much more common sense one in NSW. The Vic one however allows puppy farms to flourish where the NSW one saw a puppy farms raided and closed when the act came in. I don't agree with everything in the NSW act but overall it is quite workable and the lifetime registration makes so much more sense. In the other states the councils seem to make up their own rules and most seem to have a stupid 2 dog rule is suburbia for no apparent reason.

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Definitely NSW on the Eastern side though after hearing Peter Higgins from Dogs NSW this morning who was on Sunrise and saying Victoria is a good model and he wants the whole country running under that you have to ask how long we can hold out. There is a big push on from the RSPCA and AWL for NSW laws to change and they want national dog laws - if Higgins is going that way too ?????????

S.A. isnt too bad , NT virtually non existent - WA a bit rocky.

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Tasmania is largely council by council, case by case, but getting more restrictive overall by the day.

There are some council areas in Tasmania, even rural ones, where it isn't even worth trying to get a kennel licence for more than 2 dogs.

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Victoria allows commercial breeders to flourish as its all over regulated and most of it is geared to giving breeders more advantage if they are bigger rather than smaller. Victoria also has stupid laws re dog ownerships , dangerous dog legislation etc too in my opinion.

You also have a situation in 2 states where ANKC get exemptions - which of course is good for ANKC members but as you can be a member of the ANKC without ever even owning a purebred dog, and whilst you are breeding cross bred mutts for profit its a bit of a joke which is worse - much worse in Victoria due to the craziness of their legislation. In Queensland you have a situation where ANKC get exemptions in SOME shires not others as its not legislated at state level.

Only one state has any kind of legislation in place to come close to regulating rescue - this will change in the next 18 months or so with pushes from the AVA and bigger Rescue groups to do so.

For me Victoria is dreadful and I would hate to see what goes on there spread as they seem to want it to.

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right but isnt the nsw dog limit more dependant on council rules?

Where the whole thing gets really rotten in all states is when it cuts over planning rather than companion animals.

So state law can say you dont need to have a limit on numbers but as soon as you want to breed them or rescue them planning comes screaming in and you need permits to run a business from home even if its not a business - also rather a big issue in Victoria .

Issue is no one can tell you what these requirements are and they will tell you they are taken on a case by case basis but its really open to corruption and literally one person in one street could have different requirements on them than their neighbours. In some shires in NSW you cant have more than 2 not because that is restricted via the companion animals act but due to the extra PLANNING requirements. More than 2 dogs need to be housed at least 15 metres from a dwelling or a place used to prepare food etc if planning say so. We had one member who had 4 dogs - planning said they had to house them 15 metres from their back door - so they built a dog pen on the back fence - neighbour who was the one moaning about 4 dogs in the first place built a bar be que on their side fence which meant they were within 15 metres of a place used to prepare food - it got very messy .

You cant just make a phone call before you move in to see what the requirements are if you want to breed a dog - companion animals are a separate department so what answer you get there might see you in the poo later on when planning comes in. Mandatory codes for breeding dogs doesnt cover such things as how far the dogs need to be kept from the boundary etc and that changes depending on whether they like you or not.

Victoria says if you have less than 10 fertile dogs and you are Vicdogs you dont need a domestic animal licence BUT you need planning approval and without that planning approval if you breed you are considered an illegal puppy farm whether you breed often or for profit or not. If you own more than 2 regardless of whether you are Vicdogs or not you need planning approval to live with them.

Thats just the tip of it all. Dont assume companion animals regs in any state is all you have to take into account.

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