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Our Pug Constantly Licks His Bed


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Our pug has an annoying habit, when he's on his bed he will sit there and lick it constantly. New bed, old bed, freshly washed bed, different fabric beds...he licks them all. Not a big deal but i find it very curious, anyone know why?

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My poodle does too - I think it's a comfort thing. The licking gets slower as she falls asleep and sometimes she falls asleep with her tongue out a bit.. :laugh:

Edited to provide pictorial evidence :thumbsup: (excuse the "au naturale" hairdo)


Edited by Alkhe
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Yes Kibah does it too, leaves wet patches that initially made me think I had an incontinent whippet. I think it might be a comfort thing but I find it annoying because she sleeps with me and it makes suspicious looking stains on the mattress.

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My pug doesn't do it, but my frenchie is a licker. He will lick the screen door, the bars of the crate, the floor and the pug (especially in her ears). He often falls asleep sucking on a soft toy too, but that is a very frenchie thing to do.

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My boy does this as well. I find it more endearing than annoying :) .

He's been doing it since he first came home. The action to me seems very similar to suckling? He kneeds with his paws and licks/mouths the bed. Very sweet. :o

Yep that's what Lili does, she will do it to cushions, pillows and toys, she falls asleep suckling...adorable! :love: She's done it since a pup too.

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