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Puppy Food Recommendations (that Won't Make Her Poop So Much)

Guest donatella

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Guest donatella

As the title says I'm off today to buy new dry food for my puppy to hopefully help the amount of output we have at the moment!! Any recs?

At the moment I'm thinking Royal Canin or the likes.

I forgot how much puppies poop, flipping heck, sooo much poop!!!

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As the title says I'm off today to buy new dry food for my puppy to hopefully help the amount of output we have at the moment!! Any recs?

At the moment I'm thinking Royal Canin or the likes.

I forgot how much puppies poop, flipping heck, sooo much poop!!!

I like Eagle pack Holistic, Canidae, Black Hawk Holistic.

I don't like Royal Canin as it has lots of fillers (grains) - these aren't very nutritious for dogs and some dogs have issues when eating diets filled with them i.e. my Maltese had horrific tear staining and itchy feet.

Try to avoid anything that has Wheat/Corn listed high up on the ingredients list.

How much is she pooping and what were you feeding before? Remember to make the transition slow or it may cause an increase in loose stools!

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Guest donatella

She is on what I feed the older one at the moment Taste of The Wild which is an all life stage diet but I don't imagine too good for puppies so I really need to get her on food of her own. TOTW is grain free.

I'm going to Pet Barn after work I'll have to study the labels.

Her stools are formed but lots of them! She would poop 2-3 times a day, I don't remember my first going this much.

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She is on what I feed the older one at the moment Taste of The Wild which is an all life stage diet but I don't imagine too good for puppies so I really need to get her on food of her own. TOTW is grain free.

I'm going to Pet Barn after work I'll have to study the labels.

Her stools are formed but lots of them! She would poop 2-3 times a day, I don't remember my first going this much.

Maybe it's not the food but rather the fact that she is a puppy thats the "reason" for her going so often. My dog (adult) goes 2 times a day, once in the morning and once after dinner - generally. I could easily imagine that she might have gone 3 times a day when she was younger... I forget. 2-3 times a day doesn't seem out of the norm to me. How many times a day do you feed her and does she get treats outside of meal times? This could also contribute to 2-3 (or more) stools a day rather than 2.

All life stage is fine for puppies - most of the ones I suggested are all life stage foods. Isn't Taste of the Wild made by Eukanuba? or is it made by Ziwipeak? You generally just feed more for a puppy compared to an Adult.

I imagined that "alot" was like 3+ times a day.

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Guest donatella

The breeder was feeding her Optimum supmarket crap, I will not feed my dogs junk, I'd rather a good brand with some actual nutrition in it.

Maltese Luna my adult dog goes once a day in the early morning and gets fed the same as the puppy so perhaps it's not actually the food, but I was under the impression to much protein wasnt good for puppies growth, but I'm no expert.

Now that I have 2 I'm wanting to change brands anyway to something I can buy from a store as TOtW is online which is ok for 1 dog but 2kgs between 2 dogs and we're chewing through it real quick.

She gets fed once in the morning and I leave biscuits out all day for them to eat at leisure (this works for us perfectly). The morning meal is normally sardines or egg, maybe I should look at mince or something?

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I would think 2 - 3 times is normal for a puppy? They eat more often and have to go to the toilet more often than an adult dog.

Goes for people too :laugh: I remember my first would poo every time he had a feed when newborn :eek:

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Guest donatella

It feels like it's been so long since I had a puppy I dont remember this much poop :laugh:

Its very hard to time it around shift work, I guess I just have to sit it out :o

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The breeder was feeding her Optimum supmarket crap, I will not feed my dogs junk, I'd rather a good brand with some actual nutrition in it.

Maltese Luna my adult dog goes once a day in the early morning and gets fed the same as the puppy so perhaps it's not actually the food, but I was under the impression to much protein wasnt good for puppies growth, but I'm no expert.

Now that I have 2 I'm wanting to change brands anyway to something I can buy from a store as TOtW is online which is ok for 1 dog but 2kgs between 2 dogs and we're chewing through it real quick.

She gets fed once in the morning and I leave biscuits out all day for them to eat at leisure (this works for us perfectly). The morning meal is normally sardines or egg, maybe I should look at mince or something?

Yes too much protein might not be food - there are some grain free foods that are 40% but others that are closer to 25%. For example the Salmon/fish Canidae one is close to 40% protein but I think the lamb one is 25%. So perhaps choose one with about 25% protein rather than the 40% options.

Petbarn has Natural Balance (or something like that) which is okay as well as Eaglepack holistic. I just don't particularly like Science Diet, Eukanuba, Royal Canin which all have fairly high amounts of grain fillers (also beet pulp which can cause staining in white dogs...so something I avoid).

Sardines and egg sound okay, although personally if I was feeding a puppy I would stick to either raw or kibble as adding extras could put the nutrient levels out of whack. This could be "wrong" thinking though? I wouldn't feed mince, unless its good quality pet mince. Apparently dogs need mince which has a certain level of calcium from bones which normally human grade mince doesn't have and the pet mince sold at supermarkets is often full of rubbish. Again I'm not an expert at raw feeding so am not sure.

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Guest donatella

Fantastic, you're a big help! I'll look out for eagle pack this afternoon.

I wasn't aware not to feed her extras as well, she gets so excited about 'real' food lol, I think I'll stick with dry, maybe its the extras going right through her.

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Fantastic, you're a big help! I'll look out for eagle pack this afternoon.

I wasn't aware not to feed her extras as well, she gets so excited about 'real' food lol, I think I'll stick with dry, maybe its the extras going right through her.

I'm not saying don't do it - just make sure that you've researched what your adding and that it's not putting the nutrient levels out of proportion. You could always ask some of the raw feeders (I think there is a thread) about it i.e. how much and what :)

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Guest donatella

Puppies do not need puppy food. What you have her on now is fine and 2-3 times a day is normal.

Some mince chicken carcass or necks , depending on what the pup can handle and the dry will be fine

Oh I didnt know that pups didnt need puppy food. I am going to change them to something I can buy off the shelf instead of online but of I can have them both on the same food that will make life easier.

I believe eagle pack is similar to TOTW so that might be my safest bet.

Interesting to read pups didnt need puppy food though

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I used to raise babies on puppy food, but it's not necessary and certainly not required if you are feeding additional items that have a balanced cal/phos ratio such as chicken pieces or minced carcass and other consuamble bone.

I'd have no concerns at all raising a puppy on Canidae ALS or any other quality dry. I've raised litters on Royal Canin adult, black hawk adult, Pro Plan and also Advance, without any worries and I think compared to previous litters they looked super, grew steadily and I have had no issues with feet or knuckling

ETA: not a toy breed bu my current baby is eating Pro Plan and consumable meaty bones


Edited by Pav Lova
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Guest donatella

Wow, stunning!

I dont like to feed just dry anyway, I do like to mix it up for them. They get so excited when I put out a big meat bone to chew.

Will keep researching, thanks for the info all.

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Hamish was poo-ing at least 3 times a day when he was a tiny baby. Now he's 6 months it seems to be about twice, so your little one is sounding normal to me! If the kibble is left out for grazing that might contribute to them going more times than you expect just because they don't consume all their food at the same time. That is something that has changed for Hamish, as a baby he was fed breakfast, then left food for while I was at work & then fed dinner. Whereas now he just has breakfast & dinner, & we only get 2 poos!

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If you really want to cut down on the size and smelly condition of poos then feeding a raw all natural diet is the way to go.

Currently I feed most of mine Big Dog BARF and they do fantastically well on it. Dr.Billinghursts BARF is good but not as good as Big Dog IMO. You could also use Vets All Natural mixed with raw meat like minced chicken frames however I found that the quality of the minced chicken frames can vary even when you buy it from a butcher so I stick to the prepared Big Dog BARF and never have a problem.

Premium dry dogfoods are OK, but you will always get the 'smelly poo' situation because that is the end result of feeding this type of food. It is what it is!! I sometimes feed Eagle Pack, Royal Canin, Advance or Hills. Eagle Pack has a good reputation however at the moment Advance is pretty good too and also Royal Canin depending on the variety.

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