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Just ask them if they are registered with their state canine association and whether they provide a registered pedigree - they would be pretty stupid to tell you they are if they are not and Ive never ever heard of anyone telling lies about it other than one bulldog breeder who was charged with fraud. With beagles there isn't any reason for them to tell lies - non registered beagles sell for the same price [pet shop beagles sell for much more] as registered and there is way way more people wanting them with or with out papers than they are able to supply . If you are going to wait to find a registered beagle breeder who is close to you , who has puppies available and who is happy to have you visit and able to sell you one in a time frame that suits you I think you may be rather disappointed. Only 900 beagle puppies were registered with the ANKC AUSTRALIA WIDE last year and at an educated guess there will be even less this year especially if the recommendations for NSW go ahead.

Also all this importance on visiting homes etc - just remember most of us just own dogs and breed them now and then our kennel is our lounge room. There isn't anything to see - a house, a back yard , a home and it isn't supposed to be this difficult to buy a pet puppy.

But that is what most buyers want to see :)

A member of my extended family bought from what she thought was a reputable breeder, and the breeder offered to meet her half-way with the pup. A few months later this "breeder" was on the news for the appalling state her dogs had been kept in. If my family member had visited they would have realised the kind of place they were buying from.

For me visiting the home of the breeder is as much about being able to look and interact with the mother, and any other dogs the breeder owns that are related to the litter I'm interested in. This allows the buyer to get a good idea of the temperaments of the dogs the breeder is using and producing and also anything healthwise that can be seen, sich as itchy/irritated skin.

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Yeah well sooner or later now and then especially when you have to travel hundreds or thousands of kilometers to visit a new puppy buyers home to be sure they are telling the truth about their set up or to check out how the breeder keeps their house someone has to simply trust each other.

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Guest donatella

I am thankful my breeder let me visit her house and dogs although I would have totally understood if she wasn't comfortable with it.

It was nice to sit and cuddle mum and dad and meet them in the flesh so I had a good idea exactly what the parents look like and their temperaments, not just through photos and stories. I think this made my decision even easier.

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I am thankful my breeder let me visit her house and dogs although I would have totally understood if she wasn't comfortable with it.

It was nice to sit and cuddle mum and dad and meet them in the flesh so I had a good idea exactly what the parents look like and their temperaments, not just through photos and stories. I think this made my decision even easier.

And when the breeder has future litters you can go over and playyyyyy :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Guest donatella

I am thankful my breeder let me visit her house and dogs although I would have totally understood if she wasn't comfortable with it.

It was nice to sit and cuddle mum and dad and meet them in the flesh so I had a good idea exactly what the parents look like and their temperaments, not just through photos and stories. I think this made my decision even easier.

And when the breeder has future litters you can go over and playyyyyy :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I went out and played with all her other Poms, she has so many! I think i'm happy with my 2 haha.

Was nice to meet the dogs though as I went over to 'meet and potentially buy' the boy and ended up coming home with the girl. Would never have done that if I didn't meet their personalities first.

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There is a breeder of beagles advertising on gumtree as a registered breeder - she also breeds crossbreeds. At one stage she did have a prefix as I was out there and saw the prefix on her wall. I doubt she is still registered but I could be wrong. She would be what I would class as a puppy farmer. I won't name names in public, but you can PM me if you wish.

Thanks for the reply, I didn't decide to go with them anyway. Just too much what if's and I really want to go it right. I wouldn't be able to go see their home or parents beforehand because we are interstate. Just more waiting :)

Outside of the dodginess of the 'breeder' in question, I'd just like to point out that you don't have to see the home or parents in order to get a puppy from an ethical breeder. This 'you must see the pups and their environment' is a crock.

Really? When I was breeding Cairns many years ago, I always asked the would be buyers to come & see the parents. I also used to ask if I could visit their home, so I could see whether they had secure fencing & where they would be housed etc. Over the top, maybe, but I didn't want my babies going somewhere they wouldn't be safe & taken care of. :flame:

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Where are we going as a community if we are too scared to invite someone to come to our home and visit the dogs.

We talk to them first and get a good feel as to how genuine and real these people are. When they arrive we get another chance..... Jesus do we have to put up walls everytime we meet anybody.... most people are genuine....

I just got back from Europe where 3 breeders opened their doors for me to visit and three others also were happy to but I didnt get down to them. One of these is in Poland and she told me they have a high crime rate so she is very cautious but she still organises to get to know people on the phone and then invite them out.

We have lots of visitors to see the dogs, great for dogs and fun for me, ive made some great friends.

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1350628412[/url]' post='5991653']
1350596884[/url]' post='5991053']

Outside of the dodginess of the 'breeder' in question, I'd just like to point out that you don't have to see the home or parents in order to get a puppy from an ethical breeder. This 'you must see the pups and their environment' is a crock.

Really? When I was breeding Cairns many years ago, I always asked the would be buyers to come & see the parents. I also used to ask if I could visit their home, so I could see whether they had secure fencing & where they would be housed etc. Over the top, maybe, but I didn't want my babies going somewhere they wouldn't be safe & taken care of. :flame:

Yes, really. I never met the breeder of my wheatens until he brought Grumpy to me. A more honourable and kind gentleman does not exist and were he still breeding, he would be my first port of call for another wheaten.

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Over the years Ive had hundreds of people come to my home and meet me and meet my dogs etc but I live with 3 men, Im not a domestic violence victim etc. Many breeders are single women who have no neighbours for several kilometres and feel vulnerable.

Some people just would prefer people didnt come to their homes and that doesn't mean they are bad people or up to no good or live in filth.

They may work full time and have limited time to sit and chat to people.I had people here last Saturday .They were great and I was more than happy to send home a puppy with them but that was 4 hours my husband and kids had strangers in the house.Thats not such a big deal for me - my kids are teenagers now and used to their mother being with puppy buyers but back when I had 8 kids at home and they were all wanting my attention it wasnt such an easy thing to have people call in to look at my dogs.

All Im saying is that sometimes its not possible to visit a breeder or a puppy buyer. Most of my puppies go out to people I've never met they always have the option to come here and meet us but some of the best puppy buyers ever have never met me and some of them have known me via phone etc for over 20 years and they are on their 4th beagle from me.

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Thank you everyone for your awesome replies and information. I have another small question along the same lines. I've found a breeder not registered with the ANKC but the pups ARE registered with the ANKC. The kennel in question is registered with the TBQA.

Pups come with a nice long list of extras including pet insurance, ANKC registration, pup info and sales contract. She also explained she owns her female and imports bloodlines from show champions.

So, thoughts? She is a bit too far for me to drive so I can't go and see. Pup will have to be freighted. I am fairly happy with the info I have received but the not ANKC register is what's stopping me as you have all said that is one of the key selling points. But the pups being registered had me confused.

Thanks all and I am sorry if I am driving you batty with questions.

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If she isnt registered with the ANKC then the puppies CANT be registered with the ANKC . I think you mean she is registered with the QCCC and a member of the beagle Club - is that right? if she is a member of the QCCC this is an affiliate of the ANKC.

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In the email she said TBQA and ANKC so I'm not sure what that now means. I've asked why she isn't registered but registers the pup, so we will see what she comes back with.

Going back on what you've said previously why would they lie about something like that right?

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Llante, nobody is a member of the ANKC. It is a body which oversees all canine activities in Australia. A registered breeder is a member of the state controlling body of the state in which they reside and all puppies are registered with that body on behalf of the ANKC. Most breed clubs require that any member who actively breeds is a financial member of their own state controlling body.

Maybe you could cut and paste exactly what the breeder has said and one of us may be able to help interpret it correctly?

And editing to add: Sometimes, a warning sign that the person may not be legit is if they appear to be legit by mentioning lots of club names and associations, but fall short of the correct ones, possibly even in ways that you have mentioned. ie not knowing that you do not become a member of the ANKC.

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First email:

Special thanks and interest for the mail regarding our pups for sale.

Ready to go, only to a good pet loving home ready to spoil them with all necessary needs.

They are a litter of 3 girls and a boy so sociable with kids adults and other home pets.

From a strong bloodline of Beagle pure breed their ancestry has been of the same breed over 4 generations all of them the Dam and Sire.They are 8 weeks old.

vet checked.They microchipped,wormed regularly,vaccinated and registered ankc.Well trained (home crate and potty). They meets all family requirements to be indoor bully.

we selected their father from another breeding family of the same bloodline.

we own the mother and she is doing great also very healthy as the

babies.we have done checks such as trauma, infection, immune system abnormalities, genetic factors, or degenerative conditions and negative results.

we are not registered with the AMKC we are affiliated to the TBQA breeding association

in QLD.

we wanted to know from you if you have experience with dogs but you have shown us how u manged a dog and a cat in our home and this gives you a very good pet care experience to manage them and we and proud to that and knows you won't face any problem adding a beagle to them and perhaps our beagle are very sociable and will love to join your cat and your golden retriever they you will be proud of the family.And your 2 children irrespective of

age makes me happy to the home our beagle will be going to with lots of company.










Paper works will be change immediately to your names

as family to take home any.

Second email:

I don't produce pups in large scales as other breeders does.As I told u their father was chosen from another breeding family of the same bloodline which means even as we sell all these babies, we will not be going to make that quick decision to conceive their mother.

to register my pups is as a safe way to have them rather than fighting to register myself

as a breeder but however, my documents I have dropped them at the TBQA breeding association and I have been waiting for an official approval. And when I'm approved then I will think of large scales production.At these baby's age health care is maximally advice so I put in all effort to see that they are vet checked even on daily basis until they find their new homes.we have never recorded any cherry eye in our beagle when our babies a

are borne we make sure this is our very first responsibility to vet checked consultation

and their mother on weekly basis.to this effect they have been doing pretty good I tell.

this is a sample of our sales contract

Puppy Sales Contract

Between Wilson Family (Breeder) And the Purchaser

I-The puppy is sold to the purchaser under the following strict conditions:

II-It is also agreed by the purchaser that the puppy:

It is understood that if the purchased fails to keep any part of this contract or if the puppy in anyway is neglected or maltreated, the purchaser will surrender the above dog back to the breeder with all paperwork.

This will be without financial restitution or compensation.

Signed (breeder)……………………………… Purchase Price........

Signed (purchaser)………………………………… Date:……………...

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In the email she said TBQA and ANKC so I'm not sure what that now means. I've asked why she isn't registered but registers the pup, so we will see what she comes back with.

Going back on what you've said previously why would they lie about something like that right?

TBQA? Thoroughbred Breeders Queensland Association? (to do with breeding racing horses and nothing to do with dogs)

If she is in Qld, she should be registered as a breeder with the CCCQ: http://www.cccq.org.au/ (which is an affiliate of the ANKC).

Sounds like it may need some clarifiaction.

Edited to add....run - don't walk - away........

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OK, they're not a registered breeder with any of the ANKC affiliated bodies then. I googled TBQA and it came up as a horse breeding association. Personally, upon reading what they have said....I'd be running a mile. But that's just me.

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I had that feeling niggling in the back of mind that it didn't feel right.

I think I've harassed everyone on that list within suitable freight distance. ^__^ More waiting then. I'll send you a PM Steve.

Thanks and sorry if I've been harassing you all.

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