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Magnum 2001 - 2013


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Yesterday afternoon at 1pm, we had the vets come out to the house to give Magnum his wings. It was the hardest decision I have ever made, amd one that did not come easily for me. However I knew it was time when he did not want to come for a walk, even to check on the chooks.

I bred Magnum from my Pitty bitch with a rotti father, and he took after the rotti in many ways, not just build. He was calm, very tolerant with other dogs, never started a fight but certainly ended a few!!! He was naturally wanting to stick by me, and was my shadow for many years. He saved me a few times from some not-so-nice people, and was known as a cheeky dog by the local indigenous people as he wouldnt tolerate them at all. Worked for me, I was never broken into or had anything damaged.

Mags was the calm solid influence on not just myself but also the other dogs, they would watch him for whatever his reaction was, and take thier cue from him. He tolerated thier attention, and would simply get up and walk off when he was over it all. Everyone lovedhim once they knew what a softy he really was, although a few remarked on how they thought that would all change if anyone touched me. He adored my hubby, but I was always alfa bitch to him.

We walked him down the back ofh te block for his final goodbyes, and he would not go unless I went with him. He went to sleep with his head on my lap. I will miss his big boofiness for the rest of my life. I was ther when he was born and I am so grateful he wantedme there when he passed.

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Oh Pipersal that is such a hard decision to make. Magnum will live on in your lives though. When I had to do the same for my old girl in mid 2011 my sister bought me a lovely sparkly ceramic heart dish that is covered in angel wings. All those mementos of my girl have gone in there - dog tag, council rego tag, socks, a couple of stray whiskers I found on the bed - any time I found anything I'd just add it to her trinket box. Her collar is still in with all the other dogs collars, as are all her jammies. She is always close by still. Your heart will mend eventually and it will be filled with the good memories of your wonderful boy.

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