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Focus Games


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I have a couple of games I play with my dogs to teach focus, which work well, however they quickly learn the game, and we all find it a little boring. one is to hold a treat in either hand, palms up, and only praise and treat when they ignore the treat and focus on me. However, I'd like some more "similar" games, so quiet, requesting focus, without command, to use when out on a walk, and periodically stop and "play" a focus game.

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have you tried the balance the treat on the nose one yet, i once saw a dog that was so good at that and couldn't take it until he was looking intently at his owner.

hmmm.... no.... I'll have a play, but not holding my breath.

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I have a whole bunch of these games.

I don't just want the evil hound to focus on me, but also on where she's going (for agility). So I also practice getting her to look where I've aimed her (in a sit or stand stay), and then release for a fun game of chase me or tug or food.

we also do this at dinner time - She doesn't get released for the food - until she looks at it instead of me. But she often looks at me too...

And when playing IYC - I do the food everywhere... I also play with the food, rattle it in a cup, pick it up and drop it back in my hand, tap or point at it... and when she looks at anything but the food - I reward...

Frosty got completely fooled in a game of IYC with Lynda Orton Hill last feb because Lynda had "somebody else's treats" and she tapped the table where they were. Which Evil hound took as an invitation to counter surf the table... foiled... Next day - when LOH wanted to demo naughty dog... Frosty had already figured out what she needed to do to get the food and wouldn't counter surf. I wish it was so easy at home.

Have managed to teach her to sit and bark at things she wants - though I also need to teach her "enough" for when she's not getting it.

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Depending on what you wanted to teach, sorry I didn't realise you were training an older dog. The book is more about building solid foundations in focus for puppies going on to sporting. Perhaps 'Control Unleashed' by McDevitt may be of use to you in that case.

The LAT (Look at that) game is a concept she came up with and is very very popular for teaching focus. I think theres a LAT tutorial on youtube as well.

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Get yourself a copy of "The Focused Puppy" by Deborah Jones & Judy Keller. It's all in there :thumbsup:

is this any good for an older dog?

Yes, yes, yes...I bought it when I got my new pup, but I put my older girl through all the excercises too & it was a great benefit ot her. It makes no difference what age they are when they learn focus games :thumbsup:

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I have a really awesome one. It's a Denise Fenzi series on shaping a retrieve. 10(ish - end on high note) pieces of food per session, several times a day.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Such a soft, sweet dog, no way could I offer a fuzzy item like that to my rather more forceful dog, it would be in woolly ribbons in zero seconds flat! XD But it's just lovely to watch this series of clips. You can really see the collie getting more and more confident about exactly whats wanted of her here as the days go on.

Maybe not quite what you're looking for, but the dog is focusing very hard on working with her owner. Worth watching.

What about target (or touch or whatever you want to call it). Dog touches your hand with his nose. Then later you can use that to lure other behaviours instead of using food lures.

That last is from McDevitt's "Control Unleashed" Another vote for that book being awesome, and full of tonnes of focus sort of exercises.

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