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Noise Complaint


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Just received a noise complaint letter! Which is annoying because I work from home so obviously know what my dogs are doing. It is my neighbors dogs that bark all the time! I was whinging about them last week on here.

So I have just gone and knocked on all my neighbors doors! Everyone in my court said my dogs weren't a problem. I finally found the culprit on the next road. The people were cool that it wasn't my dogs and asked me to drop the letter into the right house!

This is the second time though that someone behind me has thought it was my dogs because of the way the court is situated I think so I am a bit (a lot) freaked out.

Is there anything else I can do? I'm rarely out of the house for more than an hour so I am 100% sure mine aren't barking a heap.

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I'm going to be tense every time the dogs make a noise now!

Interestingly everyone thought it was really gutless to give me a unsigned letter. Also feeling pretty annoyed today that the people admitted that they didn't know which dogs it was but still delivered the letter. Wouldn't you want to be pretty sure before you did that?

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I'd do a letter drop to all neighbours telling them it wasn't your dogs and to direct the complaints at the neighbour who THEY ARE SURE have the noisy dogs (and don't give them any hints). Might put in a friendly 'feel free to drop by any time to meet my dogs and reassure yourselves (you gutless wonders).

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I'd do a letter drop to all neighbours telling them it wasn't your dogs and to direct the complaints at the neighbour who THEY ARE SURE have the noisy dogs (and don't give them any hints). Might put in a friendly 'feel free to drop by any time to meet my dogs and reassure yourselves (you gutless wonders).

I spoke to all the neighbors last night!

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The neighbor with the barking dogs just came round! He asked his other neighbor about the letter and they told him that I had been around the night before with the same letter. I did tell him who the letter had come from.

They had been using barking collars but have left them off for a few months.

The dogs are annoying but I would probably rather have their dogs barking then a couple that had really loud parties all the time!

I kind of feel bad for dobbing them in too :(

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I would go back to the council (if a complaint has gone there) and advise them to come and record a noise level at your property. It will be possibly be on council record now that someone has put a noise complaint on your dogs. You need to clear that record in with council and direct them to the correct house.

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I would go back to the council (if a complaint has gone there) and advise them to come and record a noise level at your property. It will be possibly be on council record now that someone has put a noise complaint on your dogs. You need to clear that record in with council and direct them to the correct house.

No complaint was filed with council. They called the council who told them to do the letter thing first. This council isn't super proactive with pet stuff. We have a 24/7 cat curfew that they have asked residents to police!

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The neighbor with the barking dogs just came round! He asked his other neighbor about the letter and they told him that I had been around the night before with the same letter. I did tell him who the letter had come from.

They had been using barking collars but have left them off for a few months.

The dogs are annoying but I would probably rather have their dogs barking then a couple that had really loud parties all the time!

I kind of feel bad for dobbing them in too :(

I wouldn't feel bad for dobbing them in Jules. If they knew the dogs were barkers why did they leave the collars off? for months? I do feel for people who's dogs bark when they're out as unless someone tells them how are they to know but these people knew and yours got the blame.

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