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Continuous Scratching


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i need some help

my 16 month old dog, he scratches and scratches untill his skin bleeds. I think he has a high tollorence to pain as he continues to scratch when he has open wounds. I have taken him to the vet, he has been tested for mites, mange,everything under the sun, He is currently on antibiotics for the infections on his skin caused by scratching. i currently bathing him every 3 to 4 days with medicated shampoo.

Does anyone have any ideas to stop my dog from scratching

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he has been tested for everything, the only thing the vet has said he has dry skin, i dont feed him tin food, i cook and prepare all his food.

He scratchs his face, neck,chest, under his arms and in between his toes.his skin looks so irritated. the vet told me i should add raw egg to his food 2 to 3 times a week, she said its very good for his skin.

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What breed/colour is he?

Has he had his thyroid checked. I'd still be going for a specialist consult. Allergies can be damn difficult to nail.

Has the vet given him any shots? eg. cortizone.

I'd have to say that the pattern of his itchiness does sound like a contact allergy... but inhalant ones cause many issues too. Could you try putting a cotton T-shirt on him for a few days to see if that eases things.

What's your backyard like...lots of grass?

How much cereal does he get in his diet?

Edited by poodlefan
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he is brindle white, he is a bull terrier x boxer. he has boxer markings. ive tried the t shirt, but he just rips it off, the vet did give him a shot of cortizone, and for the next week i have to give him delta cortef tablets 2 a day.

my back yard is just about dead, due to water restrictions, the grass has been dead for months now. the thing is he is an inside dog, he only goes out side to go to the toilet and to go for a walk.

Edited by fazel
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i use enyo, so no chemicals are used in my house. the shampoo i make sure i wash it out completly. i forgot to mention that he scratches/bites his inside his back legs. could it be psychological?

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If he has dry skin then I would suggest getting some oil into his diet. Both bull terriers and boxers do tend to suffer from itches. What shampoo are you using? I found Aloveen one of the best for very sensitive dogs when I was grooming. My pup has contact allergy problems and this has been reduced a bit by feeding Pro Plan Sensitive (no I am not on the pay roll! Just like what it has done for pup).

Do you wash his bedding regularly? If you do what washing powder do you use? If he isn't going outside much then it must be something in the house, so look at bedding, floors etc.

Good luck!

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Try feeding sardines along with the meal or cat food (a fish one) and wash him in Fidos free itch rinse, but make sure it is the rinse not the shampoo and try feeding him bonnie working dog biscuit, and he may just change after a week.

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I have a problem with my german shepherd scratching but no where near the extent you have described.I have posted here on DOL as well and will share with you a few helpful post that were made to me.

Some dogs are allergic to Lamb so i have just changed from Nutro lamb and rice to the Sensitive(chicken and rice) to see if that makes a difference.

Add some kind of oil to there food-i use flaxseed oil

Spray any sores etc with colloidal silver spray,it helped with my gsd a few weeks ago when she got a very nasty sore on her tail and cleared it up within a few days.It can also be given internally(drinking water or added to food)

good luck,i hope you find some answers


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Chicken is another major culprit when it comes to skin allergies - while I dont think it is the chicken itself but more what they are fed and what the meat is processed with that causes the issues.

Wheat is also another known allergin as well especially if the dog is allergic to grass.

Doesnt help much as both of these are in just about every dog food around.

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Dont cook his food. Raw is best. Vegies can be part cooked if dog desires. Dont feed corn or peas.

Now this is from a Staffy breeder I know, and it works for my two itchy dogs, Sunflower Oil. Add this to his diet.

Probably a teaspoon everyday until its manageable and then every so often, twice-three times a week.

No harm in trying. Might take a couple of months to work. This has left an oil on my dogs skin and I find that I dont have to wash them often. I use Quit-Itch for their baths.

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The pattern of the allergy suggests possibly contact but you need an expert opinion.

Some dogs are allergic to dust mites - is he lying on carpet?? What do you wash his bedding with?

It certainly wouldn't hurt to eliminate cereals from his diet.

Zayda Asher is a DOLer you could do well to PM - he did a lot of hard work to beat the allergies his dogs suffered.

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Although much harder to treat, inhalant allergies are more common than contact. However, I would suspect contact at this stage but it is hard to tell. I went through months and months of trying to find out what was wrong with my dog but in the end i went to a specialist who asked a bunch of questions and narrowed it down to a food allergy. Turns out he was allergic to chicken... yeah great chicken is in most foods he is now on a lamb based biscuit and doing great. i would recommend a specialist who deals with dermatology problems every day and can pinpoint much more than a vet of a common practice.

Does your dog suffer from ear problems at all? is the skin red and dry, or does he come out in moist type spots?

I also had a T-shirt on my boy for months which eased his scratching he also had boots at one stage... gees he hated those!

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