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I Feel So Horrible...final Update


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Thank you...

Yes, I have some news. Not so good it seems. I am typing this through teary eyes so please excuse any typos...

Yesterday and today she was not as well as she was on Monday - just very subdued and not really eating - I tried the Chicken Soup - a variant at least...I tried rice and gravy (she normally loves that) and she has nibbled on some cheese and the like.

I took her to the same vet today - appt was at 2pm. He says that the lymph nodes are much larger than on Sunday. He also said this is not good. He believes with 99.5% certainty that this is lympho sarcoma (sp?) and he took bloods today and she is booked in for a biopsy tomorrow.

I am so devastated - had talked myself into the fact that it was some kind of insect bite. But no.

When he shaved her neck to take blood, it revealed a large area of bruising. I was shocked at that. He said that this tells him that she has a very low white blood count (another indication of serious goings on).

So, I have her home with me now - she is sleeping. I have yet to tell my husband - he will be so upset as well.

Thank you all for your support.


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I am sorry to hear about your girl :thumbsup::):o

I know nothing that anyone says at a time like this helps, but my old dally had lymphosarcoma and we managed to keep her comfortable and happy for quite a while after diagnosis with Macrolone.

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There are no words that will help remedy, but I hope they do help give you the strength and resolve you need to get through this worrying time. I hope for a better diagnosis than that expected.

In this I send thoughts of healing and good luck as do, I see, the other posters here.

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Thanks for the links and the loving thoughts everyone - it is lovely to read that people care.

An update on Kiah....

Her blood results came back and just revealed really that she is anaemic. They did not provide any other clues as to what is going on and so this morning she went in for a biopsy. I could not stop crying when I took her in - I was embarrassed really. The surgeon was lovely and understanding but jeez - I just could not pull myself together. Had to tell him to keep talking even though I was bawling.

He said he would take a sample of her lymph node and also put her on a drip to rehydrate her. He told me to ring the surgery at 2pm to check up on when I could take her home. Well - he rang me at 11am - I was sure she had died - I felt horrible and I was in Coles doing the shopping and couldn't think straight. He said that while under anaesthetic she had some difficulty breathing so decided to x-ray her chest before going on with the op. The x-rays showed that her trachea has a noticeable kink in it (apparently it is meant to be straight) and there is some shadowing indicating what could be a mass BUT it wasn't conclusive enough to stop him from doing the biopsy. He said if there was a definite mass there he would not have continued.

Anyway - she came through the operation fine (for a 13 year old!) and was happy to see me. Her jowls are so swollen and now the inside of her mouth has blood bruising. She looks so sad and almost like a bassett hound with their big droopy mouths. We have to await the results of the biopsy. They should come back tomorrow afternoon or Saturday. The prognosis is not good but the surgeon did say that he had not had a dog present with these particular symptoms in the past. Normally all of the lymph nodes would be involved and in Kiah it is just the ones in her neck. He has also not seen such bruising before?

Please keep her in your thoughts everyone. She deserves it. She is the kindest, most devoted dog you would ever meet.


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I'm absolutely sure Kiah is everything you've described and more. There is both some hopes and worries in the news so far, so please, try not to be too upset until you find something more definite. I too, cry nearly every time I have to leave my girl at the vets for any reason. Her major leg ops were the worst and I cried constantly. We all love our furry ones, and I'm sure Kiah, even though she's not feeling well, is very grateful for all the love and care she is being shown. She sounds like a really brave girl, and I'm sure that she will be a fighter, no matter what the verdict!!

Please keep us updated, we will all be waiting anxiously...

Best wishes and all fingers, toes, paws, legs etc will be crossed for a good outcome. Lots of love and healing hugs to Kiah (and you too!)

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:) I know how you feel. My Golden oldie left late last year and I still miss her heaps.

Just a thought did she by any chance have her yearly shots just befoare this happened.

One of my dogs Godzy has his injection a week later a monstrous lump and it kept on growing, I was preparing for the worse case senario the biosphy showed nothing just while blood cells in his body. After a few weeks things settled though it took months for the lump to dissapear.

Any worries just post here. It can help so much.

Thinking of you both


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Hi again,

Just got the official diagnosis - the results of her biopsy have just been rung through to me.

It is, as feared, Lymphoma Sarcoma. Medium Grade apparently. The vet really gave the four options available...

1. Chemotherapy

2. Euthanasia

3. Prednisolone (I know that isn't spelt right!!)

4. No treatment

He suggested that Chemo was not the right option for her due to her age. My husband and I had already discussed this option and had come to the same conclusion.

He also said that Euthanasia could be an option but I said if suitable, we wanted to go with the cortisone.

He said if we went with the no treatment option - that she would more than likely not be with us in 3 weeks time. With cortisone we could have her for 6 weeks to 6 months. Sounds good to me. You see I am already getting used to the idea that she is sick. When I first started this thread - right up to last night - I was in shock - now I feel more realistic and grateful for any quality time we can spend with her.

She can't start the cortisone just yet as she has had the biopsy and he said it is best to wait - as the cortisone can delay healing. So, if she stays as well as she is today (wanted to come in the car with me to pick up the kids from school and has eaten a little) then we will wait to start the treatment on the 14th when her stitches come out. However, if she goes downhill again - will start them sooner.

Again...I really want to thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and wishes - it really has helped me over the last few days. Who could have known that a site for purebreds would support myself and my gorgeous GSD/Kelpie (so they told us all of those years ago at the RSPCA) - I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I hope you don't mind if I hang around for a while - might be needing you all for a shoulder to cry on....

Thanks again

Kate and Kiah

Edited by k8star
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I am so sorry to hear about your lovely old girl, but i would like to add my 2cents if possible - lymphoma or lymphosarcoma (the 2 names are interchangeable) is one of the most responsive cancers to chemotherapy and even if your dog is 13, as long as her bloods came back as normal and her chest rads were clear of mets then i would consider chemo as an option.

i am an oncology veterinary nurse and can tell you that there are many protocols out there, including very simple ones that could put her into remission with a good quality of live for many, many months. CHEMO IS NOT THE SAME IN DOGS AS IT IS IN HUMANS. the goal of chemo in pets is for quality of life and extension only, cure is pretty much a bonus, but the extra time of seeing your dog happy and healthy can make all the difference in the world to you before it is time to say goodbye.

if your dog only has her submandibular lymphnodes up then she is probably a stage 2 which is not bad at all in the scheme of lymphoma (there are 5 stages) and very likely to acheive a remission. her age, as long as her staging is positive, is not an issue in regards to treating cancer - we've treated 20yr old animals with success!

my last bit of advice is to check out vetoncologyconsults.com (these are the oncologists i work for) there is a lot of accurate info there. also ask your vet about a COP protocol - he should know what the means. if you decide to do the absolute minimum, even pred alone can help for 2-4 months, but if you do start to think of chemo as an option, hold off on the pred - even tho it is included in many lymphoma protocols, if it is given before chemo then you add in chemo agents it can actually disable the modality of the chemo drugs.

please feel free to pm or email me if you have any other questions - i am more than happy to help!

best of luck :)

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3. Prednisolone (I know that isn't spelt right!!)

He also said that Euthanasia could be an option but I said if suitable, we wanted to go with the cortisone.

He said if we went with the no treatment option - that she would more than likely not be with us in 3 weeks time. With cortisone we could have her for 6 weeks to 6 months. Sounds good to me. You see I am already getting used to the idea that she is sick. When I first started this thread - right up to last night - I was in shock - now I feel more realistic and grateful for any quality time we can spend with her.

She can't start the cortisone just yet as she has had the biopsy and he said it is best to wait - as the cortisone can delay healing. So, if she stays as well as she is today (wanted to come in the car with me to pick up the kids from school and has eaten a little) then we will wait to start the treatment on the 14th when her stitches come out. However, if she goes downhill again - will start them sooner.

Again...I really want to thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and wishes - it really has helped me over the last few days. Who could have known that a site for purebreds would support myself and my gorgeous GSD/Kelpie (so they told us all of those years ago at the RSPCA) - I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I hope you don't mind if I hang around for a while - might be needing you all for a shoulder to cry on....

Thanks again

Kate and Kiah

So sorry to hear about your girl.. she has such a happy smile...

Predisilone is a steroid and it can be prescribed by a human doctor also....

I'm currently on this for my asthma ($10 for 25 tablets)... Look at how much the vet will charge you for the same drug as you might be able to get is cheeper on a prescription if your Dr is kind enough to help.....

A friend of mine was talking to their Dr about their dog and said that it was sick and that the vet prescribed a certain drug for her ..... $45 later from the vet for this drug...

The Dr was kind enough to give them a prescription for the same medicine as it was also used for humans and they only paid $8......

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Thanx for that information cavnrott... But i didn't post any names, places etc etc for this to get back to anyone in particular so i dont see that there is any harm done in posting here no one even knows who or where this person is and neither do I.... I'm not saying it is the right or ethical or unethical thing to do but i was just telling them that this is also a human drug... You never know they might even know someone that gets it prescribed and doesn't need the leftover tablets... I always get 25 tablets and only ever use 7 and then need a new script the next time as they have usually gone out of date.... So i always have alot sitting around with no use..... Sorry if i have offended you with posting this story....

Sorry for the spelling....

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